Series 56 Exam Preparation

T3 Live

T3 Live is currently offering a Series 56 test preparation course for aspiring professional traders. Since the Series 56 exam is a relatively new CBSX test, companies have hastily marketed a myriad incomplete “study guides” to meet demand. At T3 Live we have taken a far more thorough approach in creating a comprehensive study guide for the Series 56. Instead of just putting together a study manual, we have created a dynamic video course, taught by a professional trader and General Securities Principal who has experience teaching the Graduate Management Admission Test at a prestigious national professional training company.

T3 Live's Series 56 Study Guide Advantages:
·Taught by a real professional trader and general securities principal (Series 56 and 24), who thoroughly explains the preparation material for the Series 56 exam.
·All topics from the class are covered in a clear and concise manner.
·An emphasis is placed on cutting through the jargon, enabling the student to understand the complex regulatory concepts covered on the test.
·A live Question and Answer session with real traders addresses common points of confusion.
·A full-length practice exam with detailed answers and explanations helps students cement their understanding of the relevant material.

The Proprietary Traders Qualification Examination covers over one million words worth of regulations. Why take the chance that you may waste time focusing on the wrong material? Order the T3 Live Series 56 Study Course today and get instant access now!

Series 56 Online Course