Seminars on the maths of trading

Has anyone come across courses, possibly aimed at professionals, on the mathematics of trading? I have been reading Ralph Vince's books and they contain a wealth of information that seems fundamental to anyone serious about trading, but some of it is difficult for non-mathematicians. (If you are interested I would recommend you start with his book Portfolio Management Formulas published by Wiley.)

He looks at issues like mathematical expectation, optimising the size of your trades for the highest rate of growth and how to allocate your available funds efficiently when you have several different investment types in your portfolio. He looks at risk from various different points of view and covers the arguments for and against reinvesting profits.

My background is as a mathematical modeller and trainer and I am considering putting together a course that covers this ground, plus more basic material, but I don't want to do so if there are already good courses on this stuff. Does anyone know of any?

Thanks for your help.
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