Never bet against the math.


Junior member
if you trade of course you heard about the HFT " High frequency trading systems " without going into details i tell you that it's the computers doing the trade .
these systems generates huge number of trades in the minute , so why do i tell you about it , simply because it works on a mathematical basis , computers which don't have emotions VS you , and you use your emotions .

if you want to succeed at the game of trading you have to get out of your circle of emotions , as all of the pro traders tell , some can get out some can not , and the rest don't know how to do it , and i'am talking to those who want to trade without emotions but don't know how .

i tell you simply not to trade against the math , what is the math of trading you can learn it with details in AL Brooks collection , but simply don't bet against the computers , you have to own your style of trading that allow you to get in in the direction of the institutions which use the HFT systems , if you are smart at doing this you will trade successfully .
the mathematics of trading as brooks said is to get a positive equation before getting in the trade , this equation includes the amount of risk related to the reward ratio and the probability of success , to get this equation you have to be able to read the price action very well , in order to define the probabilities in front of you on the screen , and then you can define the risk .

by saying don't bet against the math i tell you not to get without knowing what's happening in the market , you may go long in the time of getting short by the institution here you don't know the math , so you bet in this case against the HFT which work on a mathematical basis as i mentioned earlier , so you bet against the math , the only way to prevent this is to be smart at reading the price action so you know what's going on right now in the market and with this you will be smart when to get in and out without betting against the institutions .

here also you must read the al brooks collection it's very good and will teach you how to read the chart from another perspective , you will learn to read the chart with the mindset of the pro trader , and you will learn to define the probability of success to do the positive equation that needed to trade smarter .
never let these computers steal your money , i tell you one more time they don't have emotions , you have emotions so you will blow up your account if you bet against them , you are weaker than them , you feel and they don't so the battle is unfair .

last , the trading is done on a mathematical basis too , but you can earn money without giving any attention to this fact , but this if you are strong enough to control you natural tendency of knowing the secret of the universe , we tend to ask about the source of everything , and how anything logically started , and in trading you shouldn't ask alot instead of keeping it simple , but if you want to know study it , never assume anything if you didn't study it well , i like studying so i spend most of my day reading about the markets , if you like it it's great if you don't just KEEP IT SIMPLE please and trade with what you have from knowledge , and i promise you will make money .