........ As for the live forward test, I am in the process of receiving some money from friends and family in order to do just that!
I would not recommend trading with money you cannot afford to loose!
- Each to his own I guess.
........ As for the live forward test, I am in the process of receiving some money from friends and family in order to do just that!
OK so you do have a demo account statement from MT4 but you wont post it. I think that says you either dont have a system or it is not profitable. As for 'giving away too much of the strategy' give us all a break, we've heard much better excuses than that before. You could blank out trade dates and time and nobody would have a clue what your strategy was.
I dont think youll sell your system on T2W, not based on this thread anyhow.
i recommend you using this broker www.fxopen.com
select micro account, and use leverage 1:500
with deposit $250, you would have $25000 micro units to trade live.
minimum lot size = 0.10 (thats 1 cents per pips)
to check legitimacy of broker, go here broker license
To be honest, I don't really care what your thoughts are on the strength of this system. My original question was "how" one would go about getting in touch with investment firms/banks etc in order to possibly sell the strategy to them. If you don't have any advice on the topic, then kindly chill out, relax, and go post elsewhere.
The thing is what are you selling them? A concept? That's all, what they really want to see is a proven and aduited track record and even then they will want to pull it to pieces.
I sat in with a guy who was trying to pitch a system to hedge funds etc. While they were interested in initial backtested results they really wanted to know how the system ticked, what did the system do in certain situations e.g Black Wednesday and they really wanted to see a real track record, depending on frequency of trading and strategy this varied between 6 months to three years, which of course is where it all starts getting a bit tricky. No live real account track record then no foot in door.
In short it's hard to do
Why not ring them direct? Take a shotgun approach, nothing ventured nothing gained
My friend did that wih his book, I think he got 23 rejections from publishers/agents before he got taken up , he is now about to publish his 3rd book , has a contract for another two more......................
Good Luck
Yes, I am selling a concept/strategy. I see what you are saying about the track record and it makes perfect sense. I shall work on getting that off the ground. As for ringing them direct, I am all for that. I am not really sure how or where to go about looking for a database of forex hedge funds. If you know anything about this, would you mind sharing?
Thanks for your info!
To be honest, I don't really care what your thoughts are on the strength of this system. My original question was "how" one would go about getting in touch with investment firms/banks etc in order to possibly sell the strategy to them. If you don't have any advice on the topic, then kindly chill out, relax, and go post elsewhere.
From my understanding, most IB's & Fund managers do not trade like retail traders do. Most dismiss mere charting as rubbish. In any event, even if your system makes money on micro lots chances are that it is insufficiently scalable to arouse any interest.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
Lol, this is far beyond charting rubbish...In response to scaling, I have tried the system out on 500, 10k, and 50k initial account balances. I intend to use much bigger account balances next week to investigate further however. No worries, bubble not burst 🙂