seed capital


Junior member
Hi all, just looking for advice/suggestions on how to go about getting seed capital to start trading a minimum account size of around $150,000 in order to trade a portfolio of 18 futures markets.

i plan to offer managed accounts so capital stays with investors always and only power of attorney to trade the account is given to myself the manager.

ive got a system which has finally been automated and back-tested results are good and have forward tested since Feb 2011 and trust it enough to start actually trading with real money but unfortunately i only have enough for around 2 or 3 out of the 18.

anyone know seeders or cap intro people i can network with. im open to revenue sharing/introducing fee agreements.

to summarise:

100% automated
trading 18 futures markets
on 24hrs all week
multi time frame
Sharpe ratio 2.54 up to march 2011

please view attached screendump of performance based on $100k minimum account size (for 18 market portfolio)

2002 3.47
2003 0.31
2004 2.47
2005 3.87
2006 2.48
2007 7.76
2008 12.82
2009 11.71
2010 12.50
2011 6.32


  • T2W Performance.JPG
    T2W Performance.JPG
    222.4 KB · Views: 342
You've only forward tested it since February this year and you want investors?

Do you have the necessary credentials to handle client funds?
This is a joke! No-one is going to invest money in you with only 3 months of results. And am I reading that spreadsheet correctly – up to 60% drawdown is possible? And I bet these are backtested results too – have you any ACTUAL results or is this all based on a spreadsheet?

And as bramble said – you will need to be registered with your country’s financial authority to be able to trade client funds otherwise you are breaking the law.
Hi all, just looking for advice/suggestions on how to go about getting seed capital to start trading a minimum account size of around $150,000 in order to trade a portfolio of 18 futures markets.

i plan to offer managed accounts so capital stays with investors always and only power of attorney to trade the account is given to myself the manager.

ive got a system which has finally been automated and back-tested results are good and have forward tested since Feb 2011 and trust it enough to start actually trading with real money but unfortunately i only have enough for around 2 or 3 out of the 18.

anyone know seeders or cap intro people i can network with. im open to revenue sharing/introducing fee agreements.

to summarise:

100% automated
trading 18 futures markets
on 24hrs all week
multi time frame
Sharpe ratio 2.54 up to march 2011

please view attached screendump of performance based on $100k minimum account size (for 18 market portfolio)

2002 3.47
2003 0.31
2004 2.47
2005 3.87
2006 2.48
2007 7.76
2008 12.82
2009 11.71
2010 12.50
2011 6.32

I have to say the quality of these jokers has definitely gone downhill. Someone with a vendors badge which states 'Trading arcade or prop trading company' is asking how to get funds for trading? Maybe ask an arcade or prop trading company I'd say.

No doubt this was all a clever ruse and in a week or twos time he was going to tell us he came across this great company who backed him and he just had to pay them a training fee up front.
Hi, thanks for replies.

all i can say is, this isnt a joke and i was half expecting this sort of reaction. this system has been developed by someone whose been trading since the 80's and who has finally automated it.

the results prior to Feb 2011 are all hypothetical backtested results generated by Tradestations platform.

returns include commissions but exclude slippage which is why i attached an excel sheet showing the different slippage scenarios showing that even after even 50% slippage which hasnt occurred even during worst market conditions the system still makes money and hasnt had a losing year over 10 years. the average slippage is typically up to 20% max isnt an issue i just provided the scenarios to quickly show and save yourselves time calculating.

we are in the process of setting up offshore but in the EU and will be offering both segregated managed accounts and fund vehicles.

i have much more marketing material including stats,ratios, backtested monthly returns etc and also auditable statements from Interactive Brokers from Feb 2011.
out$id€r;1565828 said:
Hi, thanks for replies.

all i can say is, this isnt a joke and i was half expecting this sort of reaction. this system has been developed by someone whose been trading since the 80's and who has finally automated it.

the results prior to Feb 2011 are all hypothetical backtested results generated by Tradestations platform.

returns include commissions but exclude slippage which is why i attached an excel sheet showing the different slippage scenarios showing that even after even 50% slippage which hasnt occurred even during worst market conditions the system still makes money and hasnt had a losing year over 10 years. the average slippage is typically up to 20% max isnt an issue i just provided the scenarios to quickly show and save yourselves time calculating.

we are in the process of setting up offshore but in the EU and will be offering both segregated managed accounts and fund vehicles.

i have much more marketing material including stats,ratios, backtested monthly returns etc and also auditable statements from Interactive Brokers from Feb 2011.

So why dont you post the results from the 80s until now?
This isn't an attractive proposition. Your honesty will hurt you.

If ‘he’ has been trading since the 80’s and you’re still looking for funds, well…
Hi, thanks for replies.

all i can say is, this isnt a joke and i was half expecting this sort of reaction. this system has been developed by someone whose been trading since the 80's and who has finally automated it.

the results prior to Feb 2011 are all hypothetical backtested results generated by Tradestations platform.

returns include commissions but exclude slippage which is why i attached an excel sheet showing the different slippage scenarios showing that even after even 50% slippage which hasnt occurred even during worst market conditions the system still makes money and hasnt had a losing year over 10 years. the average slippage is typically up to 20% max isnt an issue i just provided the scenarios to quickly show and save yourselves time calculating.

we are in the process of setting up offshore but in the EU and will be offering both segregated managed accounts and fund vehicles.

i have much more marketing material including stats,ratios, backtested monthly returns etc and also auditable statements from Interactive Brokers from Feb 2011.

I see your vendors badge has magically disappeared.
i did just edit my profile to fill it in correctly which i didnt do when registering a few days ago as i was being lazy.

You accidentally gave yourself a vendors badge saying you were from an arcade or prop house? How does that happen?
he was a broker in the 80's not a trader during that period.

from around 2003 up until recently he has been a discretionary technical trader trading his own money part time (not in front of the screen 24hrs).

thanks to migrating from a slightly restrictive platform to one which allows someone with little or no programming knowledge to automate their ideas he now has a new and improved version of his discretionary method.

this system is not the same as his earlier discretionary method so should be regarded as a different system in its own right and has evolved a lot even over the course of a year.
he was a broker in the 80's not a trader during that period.

from around 2003 up until recently he has been a discretionary technical trader trading his own money part time (not in front of the screen 24hrs).

thanks to migrating from a slightly restrictive platform to one which allows someone with little or no programming knowledge to automate their ideas he now has a new and improved version of his discretionary method.

this system is not the same as his earlier discretionary method so should be regarded as a different system in its own right and has evolved a lot even over the course of a year.
Hi all, just looking for advice/suggestions on how to go about getting seed capital to start trading a minimum account size of around $150,000 in order to trade a portfolio of 18 futures markets.
As my final input to this thread I'm going to suggest you examine the more traditional avenues of raising capital for your venture.

t2w is not one of them.

To be frank, if you're 'in' the business you wouldn't be asking on here anyway. You'd know who to talk to and they'd know you.

Good luck.
he was a broker in the 80's not a trader during that period.

from around 2003 up until recently he has been a discretionary technical trader trading his own money part time (not in front of the screen 24hrs).

thanks to migrating from a slightly restrictive platform to one which allows someone with little or no programming knowledge to automate their ideas he now has a new and improved version of his discretionary method.

this system is not the same as his earlier discretionary method so should be regarded as a different system in its own right and has evolved a lot even over the course of a year.

So he hasn't been trading it since the 80s, he's been trading it since 2003, or has he just been trading it for a year? Why does it keep evolving if it works?

What country do we send the money to? Cyprus by any chance?

The thing is that there have been quite a few people like you who have promised all sorts of great returns without ever being able to deliver. Without exception every one of them has ended in tears, Wasp, Jacko, the FX guy down in Sussex to name but a few, in every case 'investors' lost their money. Why should your grand scheme be any different, you've already backtracked on most of your claims.
As my final input to this thread I'm going to suggest you examine the more traditional avenues of raising capital for your venture.

t2w is not one of them.

To be frank, if you're 'in' the business you wouldn't be asking on here anyway. You'd know who to talk to and they'd know you.

Good luck.

you're right. im just trying all avenues as a lot of people we're networking with are being too slow about due diligence and are probably just curious competition posing as investors wasting our time.

at the end of the day everyone needs start up capital and we all need the initial capital for margins to trade thats our main problem. once we have a few months actual trading track record trading other peoples money raising funds wont be a problem its just every single person we talk to always wants to watch us for a few months (missing huge months like april and mays returns). its just getting a bit frustrating sitting here watching the system make money on the simulated account and is now YTD 161k up silver being a big contributor.
This is a joke! No-one is going to invest money in you with only 3 months of results

Historically speaking the evidence to date would indicate that this is not the case as people have been seen signing up to systems and to those giving advice where there was no history at all and still attracting subscriptions in large numbers.
