See it now

To be a Giant. This has forever been our passion, this
desire to be a Giant. Not to stand on one's shoulders
or to have one for a friend, though these may be
fortunate things.

But to be one.
Decisionmaking behind volume:

Risk driven
Participants, with old positions, can protect or liquidate these positions for protection against adverse moves.

Opportunity driven
Participants might consider opening new positions in the direction of an anticipated move.
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Q.) When is the best time, to buy or sell anything, on any timeframe, on any trend?

A.) When you are thinking and trading correctly.
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Free For All

Relationship Between Trading volume, returns and vola:​
The research paper should be of further interest to those with an interest in trading in the stock market.​


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enterprise risk managment

Enterprise risk management is a process, effected by an entity’s board of directors,
management and other personnel, applied in strategy setting and across the
enterprise, designed to identify potential events that may affect the entity, and manage
risk to be within its risk appetite, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the
achievement of entity objectives.


  • COSO_ERM_ExecutiveSummary.pdf
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