Scrolling problem


Legendary member
I have a new computer running on Windows 8.

My problem is scrolling, particularly where there are attachments, but not always.
The problem threads seem to be very large ones, as well but, maybe, that is coincidental.

Today I was trying to look back on F's thread and the same occurred on all of the pages and they did not seem to have attachments.

Other threads do not seem to give this problem.

A poster suggested Control plus scroll on mouse but that does not solve the problem, either.

Any ideas, please?
I have a new computer running on Windows 8.

My problem is scrolling, particularly where there are attachments, but not always.
The problem threads seem to be very large ones, as well but, maybe, that is coincidental.

Today I was trying to look back on F's thread and the same occurred on all of the pages and they did not seem to have attachments.

Other threads do not seem to give this problem.

A poster suggested Control plus scroll on mouse but that does not solve the problem, either.

Any ideas, please?

hi split, an ongoing issue this, plenty posted on the subject.

I recall this as a suggestion - when wishing to read very long threads and scroll jumping is evident, just sign out of t2w and read as a guest. I don't know if that simple idea works now, I suggested it a while back so possibly no longer applicable, but give it a try mate.
so if you've signed out and you can now read the thread ok do the following.

a neat on the fly solution to read threads uninterrupted from scroll jumping, and while staying signed in, and this is only if you are using internet explorer proper, is to open t2w up in the ie immersive browser, do not sign in to t2w on that browser, once you've read the thread just close it and you carry on browsing t2w signed in and as you were in the original internet explorer window.
so if you've signed out and you can now read the thread ok do the following.

a neat on the fly solution to read threads uninterrupted from scroll jumping, and while staying signed in, and this is only if you are using internet explorer proper, is to open t2w up in the ie immersive browser, do not sign in to t2w on that browser, once you've read the thread just close it and you carry on browsing t2w signed in and as you were in the original internet explorer window.

Yes, mate, that works well. That "immersive browser" smells a bit complicated, to me--let's see how I go with what you've told me, already 😀 and thanks a lot.

If I don't get back to you on the subject, no news is good news! 👍
Using chrome on a mac, I'm pretty far removed from the usability issues for IE on Windows, but if someone can explain what 'scroll jumping' means, perhaps I can figure out a workaround. Does it affect all version of IE, or just IE 10?
Using chrome on a mac, I'm pretty far removed from the usability issues for IE on Windows, but if someone can explain what 'scroll jumping' means, perhaps I can figure out a workaround. Does it affect all version of IE, or just IE 10?

I think that Don and others can explain better than I so I'll give them time to come on. However, it's a bind. Perhaps Chrome might be better for me, although I do not have a Mac. I have not tried that, yet.
Using chrome on a mac, I'm pretty far removed from the usability issues for IE on Windows, but if someone can explain what 'scroll jumping' means, perhaps I can figure out a workaround. Does it affect all version of IE, or just IE 10?

on very long threads there is a page number you get to and you cannot read the whole page, the page will stick and a post will appear to jump or bounce as you try to scroll down to read the following post. I don't recall the page number of how far into a thread you have to be for this to occur, sorry. it's either the side advert or a picture uploaded within the post causing the issue. for a reason that seems strange signing out of t2w appears to cure the issue.

*it's not just long threads that jump, the main board area will jump if I try to scroll to the very bottom.

using ie11 both full and app version
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Yes, I'm on Chrome, now. So far, no problems. Thanks!

What the problem entails is that when the reader wants to see the latest post of the thread he can't get past any chart attachments that may be on that page. The only way to do that is to sign off, as Don suggested,and read as a guest. The problem, then, is that, because you are a guest, you cannot post an answer.

Anyway, Chrome appears to be the solution, although it's early days, yet.
I use Chrome on Windows and get similar issues with the side advert.

1. Screen refresh comes up ok with the page but then the advert pops up and re-shifts my screen from where it was up or down.

So I suspect it may have something to do with the adverts :idea:

2. Screen resolution/size effects it too. I can see the charts and advert and page if I view it on a big 22" screen but if chart very big then have to adjust screen size to 90/70% etc to see it all.

3. I notice Dentist's charts are embedded into the blog as if using the IMG tag as opposed to being attached. I can get round visibility by launching chart on another browser tab.

Small annoyance but usually can very quickly work around them using;

- new tab and clicks or
- CTRL+MouseWheel_scroll to adjust screen display size
I use Chrome on Windows and get similar issues with the side advert.

1. Screen refresh comes up ok with the page but then the advert pops up and re-shifts my screen from where it was up or down.

So I suspect it may have something to do with the adverts :idea:

2. Screen resolution/size effects it too. I can see the charts and advert and page if I view it on a big 22" screen but if chart very big then have to adjust screen size to 90/70% etc to see it all.

3. I notice Dentist's charts are embedded into the blog as if using the IMG tag as opposed to being attached. I can get round visibility by launching chart on another browser tab.

Small annoyance but usually can very quickly work around them using;

- new tab and clicks or
- CTRL+MouseWheel_scroll to adjust screen display size

You could be right that the problem may lie with the ads because, as I scroll down, looking at the posts, the ad stays visible, on the right, and wobbles as I scroll.
Thanks for the feedback, should be easy to test then. I'll make a note of it now and get one of the devs to take a look next week.