schooloftrade & James Wave

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why r my posts being screened for 2 days b4 they appear?

sorry about that, one was deleted in error, the other caught in the system, i have no idea why your posts are snagging up for moderation 😕

we do our best to clear the queue as fast as possible.
Actually it's going really well. I'm still in a bit of shock, this is actually the first time a service has worked for me.
fantastic4, for the benefit of all, perhaps you would be willing to share your experiences with all the other services you have subscribed to in the past which have not worked for you?

Actually it's going really well. I'm still in a bit of shock, this is actually the first time a service has worked for me.
fantastic4, with cmesignalroom do they only give you email with when to buy/sell, or do they train you on how to use their system?

Thanks in advanced
I haven't read the whole tread. But, if you want to know if someone is trading live in NT, then you just have to look at the color of the DOM/ATM. Live accounts have a white background, while sim accts are gray. Let me know if I've got that wrong.
How is CME signal working out? still in it? They have no phone number and the guarantee icon doesn't go any where when u click on it w. t .heck!

I checked out CME Signal's site after reading Fantastic4's encouraging post. Were you able to decipher their results spreadsheet? I was not. I saw a grid of numbers without labels, column and row headings. It doesn't take much effort to prepare a great excel spreadsheet these days, or an informative website for that matter. Perhaps theirs should be a warning. It seems that we badly want these paid sites to be legit... and we look past, or forgive, so many signals that tell us to beware (like S.O.T.'s selective display of their trade management window discussed here earlier, etc). I hope I am wrong and if so please share any thoughts.
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I agree with you Dougallen, if they do have a good system, atleast make an effort on the webpage + content. I too gave up on the Excel file.
I get what your saying, but then again, look at how good school of trades web site is, and how crappy their service is. Look at Zacks. Unbelievable webiste, I spent over a thousand dollars for one of their newsletters. They didn't bother to inform me they were down over 20% until I had already signed up.
thanks for posting all this as i was going to purchase the advance s.o.t membership...unless jj shows some proof of his trading im staying away
This is from SOT ... wonder if this is true?


Members are never entitled to a refund, even if they have never accessed our course materials.

20-Tick, 90-Day Money-Back Performance Guarantee: guarantees that our method will achieve 20-ticks for every day the market is open.

This guarantee applies to all the futures markets we trade, all account sizes, and for every member of the, no minimum trading experience required.

We stand behind our trading results so you can trade confidently along with us each day in our live trade room.

If our trading methods do not achieve 20-ticks for every trading day during this 90-day period, simply contact our support team for a full membership refund.
This “money back” guarantee junk came along recently from SOT, I guess they are finding it harder and harder to trick people into joining these days with all the negative information on the internet forums and you tube spreading the word. Another member contacted me recently who was trying to use the “money back guarantee” to get a refund and was hitting a barrage of excuses from SOT, surprise, surprise!

The follow up from JJ on his so called “money back guarantee” goes like this:

“As you can see, this is not a profit guarantee, but a performance guarantee. We guarantee that our methods will always be showing you at least 20 ticks of profit potential. It will be up to the individual trader to take advantage of that 20 ticks each day. We simply cannot guarantee that YOU will specifically earn 20 ticks because we have no way of making sure you are truly using the method.”

This is from SOT ... wonder if this is true?


Members are never entitled to a refund, even if they have never accessed our course materials.

20-Tick, 90-Day Money-Back Performance Guarantee: guarantees that our method will achieve 20-ticks for every day the market is open.

This guarantee applies to all the futures markets we trade, all account sizes, and for every member of the, no minimum trading experience required.

We stand behind our trading results so you can trade confidently along with us each day in our live trade room.

If our trading methods do not achieve 20-ticks for every trading day during this 90-day period, simply contact our support team for a full membership refund.
Is it just me? But I noticed that SOT youtube vids are back online. The only difference is that the videos are cut just before he starts explaining the daily trades he made. You have to click another link to reach another site which will show you the full 30+ mins video. I guess Youtube agrees with LloydH, so now JJ can't post his 'live' trades and 'results'.
I have looked at the school of trade and asked for proof of their results. They would not produce proof. I looked again at their buy or sell entries and have decide they are over selling success rates.

Dear newt24, thanks, I have loaded my personal review of & to Viddler now, the video can be veiwed by following this link,

best regards

Maybe LloydH, should put a video up on and tell them he is scamming people!!

He also created a new site called

I think this thread title should mention, make sure when ANY one types in schooloftrade they also get the new site!
Is it just me? But I noticed that SOT youtube vids are back online. The only difference is that the videos are cut just before he starts explaining the daily trades he made. You have to click another link to reach another site which will show you the full 30+ mins video. I guess Youtube agrees with LloydH, so now JJ can't post his 'live' trades and 'results'.

I'm interested in this, why can't one show one's trades? I do it all the time in my videos.

I watched Llyod's video. Not sure why it has to be a video instead of typed out in text. If I understand correctly this method scalps crude oil. I'm interested to know why there is 4+ ticks slippage? I've rarely noticed more than one tick with crude in my own trading. I'm also curious what kind of targets were used. And were the entries using limit, stop or market orders?? I'd like to know more.
cunparis, I used a video to offer the readership the evidence demonstrated during the trade review section, it is not possible to provide this evidence using words because they would just be taken as my opinion. Using video footage of the actual trade room and JJ's trade I offer the evidence.

Slippage of 4 ticks is not presented as the problem, my video talks of the trade entry price I was able to achieve using a live account vs. the entry price JJ reported for his trades(made using SIM mode). 4 ticks was JJs first target and it was a common scenario that he would achieve an entry price 4 or more ticks better than his members trying to mirror his trades using a live account (very convienient for his SIM based numbers).

You can trade any type of order you like, overall it wont make too much difference, your live trades will lose money alot more often than JJs SIM equivilents. In the end the overall result is that you lose money and JJs fabricated trading results paint a pretty picture of huge profits.

I hope this offers you some answers.

I'm interested in this, why can't one show one's trades? I do it all the time in my videos.

I watched Llyod's video. Not sure why it has to be a video instead of typed out in text. If I understand correctly this method scalps crude oil. I'm interested to know why there is 4+ ticks slippage? I've rarely noticed more than one tick with crude in my own trading. I'm also curious what kind of targets were used. And were the entries using limit, stop or market orders?? I'd like to know more.
You can trade any type of order you like, overall it wont make too much difference, your live trades will lose money alot more often than JJs SIM equivilents. In the end the overall result is that you lose money and JJs fabricated trading results paint a pretty picture of huge profits.

I hope this offers you some answers.

What was his stop on the setup? And did he move his stop to breakeven after it hit is first target at 4 ticks?

I think everyone should require an actual account statement or two before signing up for anything. As it is now, no one provides such information. So the traders who join chat rooms just accept it and join the room. But if everyone would insist on an account statement then these guys would have to provide them. I guess they could try photoshopping one but it would make it harder for them at least.

Did James show his DOM? That would also end all the confusion. Any trader who runs a trading room and refuses to show his DOM is most likely not trading. Again, people need to be serious about getting proof. There are so many crooks in trading. I've only been in two rooms. The first the guy wouldn't show his DOM and once he accidently sent a screen capture of his entire desktop instead of his execution log and all his DOMs were on sim. Oops! The other room I joined the trader showed his DOM and he made money so there was no doubt about it. I'll never join a room that doesn't show his DOM.

I'm glad you're sharing your story and I hope people interested in School of Trade will find your story and save themselves some money. And I hope everyone will become more demanding.
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