Scary Socialists Out To Get Us

The "Government" or corporation which are both one and the same , have many functions, the primary one being to transfer wealth from the public to the treasury.
(perception is reality)🙂

In this current climate and the prevailing climate for the last 10 years or so I'd agree.
But when govt's are reducing the tax burden then not so much. (It does happen but
Its been a while since it did..)

I think taking tax from the people is a top priority for most govts nowadays. The financial crisis is a gift to them to grab more control. Its not the reason for the agenda its something they can take advantage of.
I also think the Lab party's policy of criminalising ever more petty activities (300 new crimes on the books) has a twofold aim, first to bring in more revenue in fines, secondly, the more people are criminalised they are then unable to leave to work abroad so easily except for in the EU, (US, CA and Oz don't want criminal convictions on application forms) so it keeps tax receipts within the EU. Its a long term plan.
Am I paranoid about this>? I don,t know, but there;s a low tax non EU place that still has a degree of capitalist leaning and four seasons rather than tropical heat..its Switzerland and it might be useful just in case 😏
IMHO, G20 will probably not do much. There was a lot of heat and light last time and nothing happened.


Your prob right, it takes enormous effort to get any real changes made. 20 people with big egos and agendas meeting for one day barely have time for tea n biscuits.
What worries me is just the prevailing climate is becoming very anti markets.
Anyway, of course the far biggest real and immediate risk to my trading will always be much closer to home... its ME!!! 🙂
I apologize totally for going off topic guys..... sorry 🙂
The topic that should have been discussed is how politics would have affected the markets...sorry guys....

I just wanted to get my point across that I hope no-one thinks that the conservative coming into government would change anything....
BTW I am a Liberal democrat supporter, agreed Nick Cleg is a twat but he is the best thing we have currently got on offer at the moment...and I don't think that, that vince cable speaks a lot of bull****, either ... So if they are given the chance I would love too see them come into government.

Once again sorry guys...
Ask not what the government has done for you, ask what you have done for the government.........
Richard (ack. JFK)
I apologize totally for going off topic guys..... sorry 🙂
The topic that should have been discussed is how politics would have affected the markets...sorry guys....

I just wanted to get my point across that I hope no-one thinks that the conservative coming into government would change anything....
BTW I am a Liberal democrat supporter, agreed Nick Cleg is a twat but he is the best thing we have currently got on offer at the moment...and I don't think that, that vince cable speaks a lot of bull****, either ... So if they are given the chance I would love too see them come into government.

Once again sorry guys...

Cheers mate,
your views are needed -hang around.
In the cold light of day, I really do worry that this trading business that is very free to enter right now could become far more limited.
or that the markets will be affected by G20 or similar meetings.
I also realise USA is already making inroads to trading freedom with its $25K min requirments for trading accounts, and the uptick rule for shorting.
I know shorting was seen as unpatriotic in the US but making traders lives difficult is not a free market response to it.
Also even in the last two days attacks on the city from people who should know better (Turner and Myners, and even the head of Goldmans) worry me.
The tide is turning against making money from money, and possibly against making money / wealth creation per se. There's a very negative sentiment and a suspicion towards success out there at the moment. Its very unhealthy.
The other thing is the pure hipocracy of these people...they've made their fortunes in the City while the rules were flexible and free and now they want to inhibit others.
Its another marxist as I say not as I do.
Also The telegraph runs a story today that the EU/ Brussels are legislating to create 3 regulators for financial services that will effectively take control of the sounds far fetched, but if its true I don't see that there's the fight in our governmment (this or the next one) to put a stop to it....even though Boris is doing his bit to fight for the hedge funds.
Your prob right, it takes enormous effort to get any real changes made. 20 people with big egos and agendas meeting for one day barely have time for tea n biscuits.
[Don't forget the photo opps!]
What worries me is just the prevailing climate is becoming very anti markets.
Anyway, of course the far biggest real and immediate risk to my trading will always be much closer to home... its ME!!! 🙂


Well when I'm not trading, I take off my capitalist clothes, throw on a pair of open-toed sandals and revert to my Guardian-reading, slightly lefty, slightly greeny self, so I'm probably in a minority here... 🙂

But in all seriousness, I don't even think this is even a left-right thing. The true libertarian democratic socialist ideal as I see it (I like to think of it as socialism with a small "s"), is about egalitarianism - giving equal opportunities to all, and trying to balance out some of the extremes of wealth and especially poverty. It's not about state-control of everything and taxing everyone and everything to the hilt, over-regulation or ever-oppressive, freedom-inhibiting laws. "From each according to his ability; to each according to his need". What's wrong with that? Humans live in communities and it's right that we all pay something towards the basic necessities of building a community. The more we earn, the more we should pay. That seems fair, although it doesn't have to mean an exponential curve ending at 99p in the pound. The other side of this is of course that we should have a say in what this tax gets spent on, and not just a meaningless vote every 4 or 5 years.

I nowadays question an awful lot of things that our taxes get spent on, and I think many people all over the political spectrum do. There shouldn't be any sacred cows (defence and the NHS spring to mind) that just seem to keep growing and growing. As for bank bailouts...
(It slightly worries me that if I were an American, I think I'd be more inclined to vote for Ron Paul or Peter Schiff than, say, Hilary Clinton. Voting for Republicans? Shurely, shome mishtake?).

I dont think the government since 1997 has been socialist by any stretch of the imagination. Blair, Brown, Mandelson...socialists? I don't think so. I'm not quite sure what the hell they are to be honest, but I don't like much of what they have done or the way they have done things that I otherwise might have approved of.

I think people confuse business with capitalism and I don't think they are the same thing at all. I don't think that socialists of the type that I am talking about have anything against business, and certainly not small businesses (and I think individual traders can be considered as small business people (depending on their size of course). They are, after all, part of the community. We all need them, for goods, services, employment, etc.

Mega-corporations on the other hand are a totally different thing, and when they get too huge, they suffer from all the evils of, e.g. huge government departments, and more besides. Mega-corporations in the finance world are no exception, and perhaps the worst examples. Small may not always be beautiful, but huge, is very often ugly. (I was amazed at the celebrities willing to attach themselves to the advertising campaign of a few years ago of some banking giant (was it Barclays?), basically boasting about how big it was (Robbie Coltrane and Anthony Hopkins are two names I remember). I wonder if they would do that today?
Thanks Mont,
good, post.,.i'd like to have responded more fully but am away from a pc, prob for a few days and typing this digit by digit on a moby is way too much hassle... i gather i missed quite a move on the g/u today too
sorry to poop your party. although agree with all who knows what labours did last summer 🙂 and disagree with strada and felt dizzy reading mike's pink snivel... cant help but mention - you all failed to note the underlying problem.

this is not labours or conservators who are guilty. this is the demos. the actual political force being ridden by politicians. people en mass become socialists. wanting free stuff, open source software, free books movies and music, benefits, working is a disgust etc. the mentality is changing in europe and in states quite evenly. internet gives loads of info in matter of seconds feeding any kind of bull**** (my son is sure that americans never landed on the moon for instance).

as it was rightly noted by strada that lot of people are going to universities, so they have now wider points of view however their brains arent bigger than they were. hence we have loads of mikes who would like gently to take your money and spread it between charities to help drug addicts get drugs, african countries to enrich tribe leaders and islam extremists to buy better weapons because mikes do not care beyond satisfying themselves with emotional masturbation finding purpose of life.

the keyword however is "yours"... basically my point is that no brown or blair but mikes armed with half-knowledge and eu protected and duly elevated impotency to create wealth, supported by lower classes attracted with freebies, "no work required" deal... these are the majority of the west, these made labours to come.

even if cameron wins he will quickly find himself trapped between eu socialists, unorganised cons (as they will be confused because of large difference of what they want and what is currently "socially acceptable"), voters, globalists, anti-globalists, brown-ridden treasury...

i afraid they would try to make compromises but it will blow up. soon

p.s. in manchester they have 4 musical universities. what place did we get on eurovision? we have no local engineers no it professionals. road and bridge engineers are from abroad. it specialists, quants, all brain in the city are 50% foreigners and 80% not native brits in first generation.

p.p.s. china india and russia will take over once we made complete retards of ourselves... i would say in next 20-50 years. they are just patiently waiting while we are playing mighty democrats..
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Well that's a fairly lucid explanation of all the world's ills. Now why couldn't I see it as clearly as that?
(my son is sure that americans never landed on the moon for instance).

They never landed in Europe on D-Day either. It was all a Hollywood fairy story.
Same with this nonsense about Obama. He's just a Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard with a good make-up artist.
Don't believe what you see on the TV and in the papers, and especially on t2w.
I love bonfire night

So, I won't be changing that big party night,
But Boris's description of why the fall of the wall mattered so much
is a good reminder of why we should be very wary of
the current moves towards undemocratic
unelected governments, ministers and presidents in UK and EU.
All this is being implemented and abused by some politicians who were
actually supporters of Sovet communism.
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So, I won't be changing that big party night,
But Boris's description of why the fall of the wall mattered so much
is a good reminder of why we should be very wary of
the current moves towards undemocratic
unelected governments, ministers and presidents in UK and EU.
All this is being implemented and abused by some politicians who were
actually supporters of Sovet communism.

I'm not sure if we should be taking lessons in democracy from someone so much a part of the personality cult as Boris. The personality cult is much beloved of totalitarian power bases of every political hue, and was one of the obvious flaws in the elected major scheme.

Dictatorship is not a monopoly of either right or left. The 20th century is full of examples from both.

Power is power, and those who most seek it become the most ruthless in getting hold of it and holding on to it. Democracy is a highly imperfect system. Those at the top continually seek to tinker with it in order to increase their own power and reduce the power of those who would seek to replace them or get rid of them. This is true in a totalitarian state and what we call democracy; it may just be slightly more subtle in a so-called democracy. The MP's expenses scandal is a tragedy on many levels, but mostly because now the electorate hate all the MPs almost as much as they hate the government if not more, whereas in a true democracy the MPs would be holding the government to account, supported by a large number of the electorate. In their currently weakened state the MPs have no hope of doing that (if they ever had the will to).