Scanning the UK FTSE


Junior member
Hi All
2 Questions

1. What is the best software for scanning the UK FTSE 100?
2. Must it be done with EOD data only or can it be done with RT data? (to save me getting 2 feeds)

Sharescope Gold is what you need, I suspect. When I was doing such things, it worked a treat.
Metastock has a very versatile scanner.....allows one to scan using one's programmed settings....the results can be stored in a folder and then can be opended as a chart.....
One i tried when i was trading stocks was ramp software from It was eod pattern search and support resistance levels.
Hi All
2 Questions

1. What is the best software for scanning the UK FTSE 100?
2. Must it be done with EOD data only or can it be done with RT data? (to save me getting 2 feeds)


Jeff, perhaps should be clear in the type of scans you want to perform: are they of a technical, or fundamental analysis nature?
Personally I use Metastock as I use Relative Strenght as my main strategy, and Jose Silva, a trader, wrote a program for Metastock which does just that; visit for more details on this.
For fundamental analysis I use any of the following:
Free stock prices, quotes, stock charts, market news and streaming real-time stock quotes.
MoneyAM - Free Share Prices, Stock Quotes, Charts, News, Level2
Award Winning Stock Market Investment Research - Digital Look
The last one is free, and very good; of course, none of them can be compared with Sharescope: Investment software - ShareScope - award winning trading software for more details.
There are more programs in the market, but I think these are the most popular.

I'm using Optimal Trader to scan for stocks, (but mostly for mutual funds)

I'm scanning with neural network prediction combined with various trend detection filters and volatility-change-detection.

the only drawback is that you have to add symbols manually(that is 100 symbols for the ftse100), but after that it's great!

Thanks to everyone who replied. I am day trading on a spread betting platform. So my requirement is to look for stocks that are in the right part of their trading cycle for me to take advantage. My current software is a home made effort that I made with Microsoft Access 2007. I record the OHLC every night via a free yahoo datafeed, and then scan the FTSE 350 for stocks that have have 4-5 consecutive downs followed by a current day mild up. BUt this is crude and there must be something better than my limited intelligence can dream up.
Thanks to everyone who replied. I am day trading on a spread betting platform. So my requirement is to look for stocks that are in the right part of their trading cycle for me to take advantage. My current software is a home made effort that I made with Microsoft Access 2007. I record the OHLC every night via a free yahoo datafeed, and then scan the FTSE 350 for stocks that have have 4-5 consecutive downs followed by a current day mild up. BUt this is crude and there must be something better than my limited intelligence can dream up.

StockScanPro | stock scan screening | screener stock scanner - Home

might be of use 30 day free trial
... My current software is a home made effort that I made with Microsoft Access 2007. I record the OHLC every night via a free yahoo datafeed, and then scan the FTSE 350 for stocks ...

Jeff, apologies for going a bit off topic, but... I'm trying to do what you're currently doing.. building a self updating database in excel (or Access) Do you know of any free resources on how to create an Access database that automatically updates at the end of the night? and maybe how to hook that up to an excel sheet.. PM or update this thread if you have any advice.