Scammer made £1.5m

Middle-class boy set up 'robot' program to give financial advice to investors and pocketed £1.5m | Mail Online

I'm amazed at the amount this boy made with his scam.
1.5m is a lot of £30 per month payments...was some of the profits
from front running?
If he can make this much serious scammers must be way off the scale.

It seems he was also involved in a pump and dump scam, he was buying the shares he was pumping and seems to have made money that way as well as with subscriptions. I doubt it was all his own work, somebody else was probably in on it though they haven't been caught as yet.
We see the penny stock pump and dumps here all the time. If I knew i could make 1.5 million I'd be tempted to try it myself. 😈

Wow, im almost jealous!

If he can do that at age 16, surely in a few years he could be quite successful in legitimate business in future.

A former classmate said: ‘He was a bit of a nerd who always wanted to be cool. He said to me: “I don’t know anything about stocks and shares, but they don’t know that. Those shares could go up and I could make them billions – but probably not. It could go either way. They could make a fortune or they could lose one”.’

Although he does seem rather cold for a 16 year old!
When I see things like this I smile. There are enough moronic gimps to part with their money for a "system" that is going to make them "Rich". How stupid can people be. Its like a bird in the mini skirt selling a weekend Fibonnacci seminar. Knockdown price of £3370