
It depends where it occurs...

In my experience, on the ES....

If the market is in an uptrend and you see this occur, you might see the start of a pullback but chances are the market will just steam on ahead.

If the market is in a downtrend and you see this occur in a pullback up, this will generally stop the pullback.

Yea, as anything in our business, it requires practice to start seeing regular patterns on the DOM, price or any other indicator of the market's action.

I simplified my approach to reading the price alone, because I am probably too slow to react on DOM changes. 🙂

Works for me, though.
Like I say, you make some good posts. Your problem is that almost everything you do seems to be skewed by your need to promote your business.

I originally wrote "This thread is a good reminder of why you need to be very careful when asking advice on forums."

That is simply the case. People are asking your advice on scalping. You are such a successful scalper you need to sell software for 250 bucks.

You have your ow agenda, which is fine. But it is madness for people not to consider that when evaluating your posts.

As for your "first contributory post" nonsense, almost all my posts have been on a thread about another vendor, gently trying to persuade him to answer a few questions.

This is very simple. You post some reasonable stuff. But you are a vendor, and you are here to promote your business. Your agenda clearly influences what you post.

People also need to consider whether they want to take advice on scalping from someone who sells software for a few hundred dollars a go.

Thanks Leopard.

I use charts and I also use a Cumulative Delta. I am not down on charts, I am down on a lot of the nonsense that has been spawned from trying to mathematically analyse charts. I hold the belief that very few markets can be traded by the DOM alone. My belief is that the more intra-day swings a market puts in, the less you can rely on just a DOM with a volume profile.

Now - in terms of the DOM:

- you are not trading against computers, they are not your competition. For example, it is clear that liquidity providers have algorithms to ensure that they don't go offside too much. These people are not really your competition most of the time.

- The fakery is there, it is real but the sort of 'flash fakery' where spoof orders would appear for less than a second - well, that's dead now. 9 months ago, sure, you'd see those crazy bids/offers come up for a fraction of a second, blink and think you'd seen a ghost. I presume they were predatory algos. They don't appear any more. Not on the ES, anyway. The fakery you see on the DOM is there specifically to get PEOPLE to go offside and as such, it is not coming & going at dazzling speed. It's there for minutes, not micro-seconds.

- Order flow does a lot more than get you in late vs early - but I think you underrate the value of a good fill. With a good fill you can turn a bad trade into a break-even trade. Not all the time and not in all markets but it can be done.

- The fact is that most of the 'signals' off the DOM/Tape are just the drying up of order flow. It is not rocket science. The 'setups' which allow you to spot someone building a position are relatively rare in comparison to the 2 obvious reversal signals which are...

1 - Someone steps up and absorbs the market orders - sometimes with an iceberg, sometimes with a big old order
2 - Market orders just drastically reduce in one direction.

- Order flow stops you from going offside when there is immediate buying/selling pressure that cannot be seen on the charts.

The fact is that large players know how people analyze charts. As such, they can exploit that and make a market look weak to entice sellers in. This is how they build long positions. This can best be seen on the DOM. It can also be seen on footprint charts and can be seen to a lesser extent on Cumulative delta (CD) but that has it's issues in that respect.

Now - in terms of your side-swipe about me promoting my business, it's a nice try. You have made your first contributory post to this forum after a bunch of "that's crap that is". I see reversion to mean is the order of the day. Feel free to take my posts point by point and point out the stuff that's 'simply wrong' if you like. It is a discussion forum, so why not discuss? On the other hand, baseless accusations and "dat's wrong dat is" is without substance and to be honest, anyone can do it, it takes no special skills, does it?
The Toastman and myself have gone head to head on couple of isuues but one thing you cannot accuse him of, is promoting his software here.
He has his ideas which he vigorously defends, but he does not promote his business here.

It is obvious in almost everything he does. To be fair, he does it in a slightly more subtle way than your average vendor. I'd imagine he's a considerable cut above the average vendor (although obviously that's not saying a lot).
It is obvious in almost everything he does. To be fair, he does it in a slightly more subtle way than your average vendor. I'd imagine he's a considerable cut above the average vendor (although obviously that's not saying a lot).

Thank you :smart:

Although - as you say - it's barely a compliment...

Still, it's always nice to know your efforts are not unnoticed...
Like I say, you make some good posts. Your problem is that almost everything you do seems to be skewed by your need to promote your business.

I originally wrote "This thread is a good reminder of why you need to be very careful when asking advice on forums."

That is simply the case. People are asking your advice on scalping. You are such a successful scalper you need to sell software for 250 bucks.

You have your ow agenda, which is fine. But it is madness for people not to consider that when evaluating your posts.

As for your "first contributory post" nonsense, almost all my posts have been on a thread about another vendor, gently trying to persuade him to answer a few questions.

This is very simple. You post some reasonable stuff. But you are a vendor, and you are here to promote your business. Your agenda clearly influences what you post.

People also need to consider whether they want to take advice on scalping from someone who sells software for a few hundred dollars a go.


250 bucks? Look sonny Jim. it's 350 and not a penny less.

Fact is - the stuff I sell is not $5000 - by my reckoning I have priced it at fair value. I sell software when I sleep. The sale of software has no impact on my trading operation. I sell a platform a bit like Ninja & Tradestation do.

Now - I am sure if YOU had a platform like I do - you'd not sell it bcoz you have principles. OK - if you say so.

Anyway, I post here for my own entertainment. If I was posting to bring in business, I would not be such an a$$hole. Still, I can see how you think my a$$holiness is a ploy.

Best thing to do - tackle me on what I say here. It's easy to say "Pete is here shilling and not really debating" - but look at the thread. I've put forward real trading info - you haven't.

So why not put some meat on the bone yerself?

Feel free, at any time, to blow me out of the water with your own trading knowledge.

I for one, would LOVE to hear from someone more skilled than myself...
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Hey DionysusToast, I can't say I had time to read your earlier posts as I was busy tonight, but I have a question maybe you might have some input on.

I don't know if you watch the DAX at all but I notice some funny things on the book relating to some pretty obvious fake bids and offers that seem to be put in by 1 person. It only happens at certain times and seems to come out of the blue, mess with the market for like 10-15 mins then dissapear again only to maybe come back an hour later.

I am real tired and about to go to bed, but maybe I can make some sense here...I watched tonight somebody add a massive bid, spread over two or three maybe 100-200 contracts just below the market when the avg depth is about 20-30. If the market trades down they are immediately pulled and replaced a few ticks lower. If the market moves away then they are pulled and placed a few ticks higher, but always kept under the market and never traded. At one point there was a massive bid placed below the market AND a massive offer placed above, the tape just ping ponged back and forth between these levels for at least 2 minutes tonight. Then I watched the big bid trail under the market all the way up to a swing high where it was pulled and then acted as a ceiling and the market stopped in its tracks, turned around and dropped 15-20pts to test the lows. Do you think this is just someone moving the market as they see fit or is something else going on?

Incidentally, if anyone doesn't think the tape is necessary have a look at the swing high today at 9:09AM CST in march crude at 105.35. There was an offer on the book for ~250 just sitting there at 33. I was watching it for like 5 minutes and as we traded up to it the market started to tighten up and look a bit top-ish. Well, we traded right through that 250 and stopped 2 ticks above it, hovered for a few seconds and then traded down $0.50 in the next 15mins
To be fair to DT an outright license for ninja is $995 or $1495 for multi broker.
NinjaTrader stock, futures and forex charting software and online trading platform. Purchase. Own.
I'd say as the software is basically a tape and dom plugin for ninja its priced about right.

If he was a landlord with rentals or had some other unrelated business no one would say anything.
Having more than one income stream makes perfect sense to me.
Apart from maybe being a bit my way or the highway when it comes to scalping compared to any other method
(no offence 😉 ) I don't have any problem with whats posted.
He clearly knows what he is talking about and I haven't seen any misinformation posted.

BTW, noticed the sig, you really hate automation dontcha :cheesy: 😉
Not for every one, each to his own 🙂
To be fair to DT an outright license for ninja is $995 or $1495 for multi broker.
NinjaTrader stock, futures and forex charting software and online trading platform. Purchase. Own.
I'd say as the software is basically a tape and dom plugin for ninja its priced about right.

If he was a landlord with rentals or had some other unrelated business no one would say anything.
Having more than one income stream makes perfect sense to me.
Apart from maybe being a bit my way or the highway when it comes to scalping compared to any other method
(no offence 😉 ) I don't have any problem with whats posted.
He clearly knows what he is talking about and I haven't seen any misinformation posted.

BTW, noticed the sig, you really hate automation dontcha :cheesy: 😉
Not for every one, each to his own 🙂

The one thing that's clear is he's not able to make any money doing what he does.

I don't care one way or the other, I was asked so I told. I've said more than once that some of his posts are good. It's just a shame that his need to promote his business skews what he writes. If it didn't, I suspect his posts would be even better.

His agenda is clear though, as is his proficiency. People should bear this in mind when listening to his advice.

It's not a complicated or controversial point.
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250 bucks? Look sonny Jim. it's 350 and not a penny less.

Fact is - the stuff I sell is not $5000 - by my reckoning I have priced it at fair value. I sell software when I sleep. The sale of software has no impact on my trading operation. I sell a platform a bit like Ninja & Tradestation do.

Now - I am sure if YOU had a platform like I do - you'd not sell it bcoz you have principles. OK - if you say so.

Anyway, I post here for my own entertainment. If I was posting to bring in business, I would not be such an a$$hole. Still, I can see how you think my a$$holiness is a ploy.

Best thing to do - tackle me on what I say here. It's easy to say "Pete is here shilling and not really debating" - but look at the thread. I've put forward real trading info - you haven't.

So why not put some meat on the bone yerself?

Feel free, at any time, to blow me out of the water with your own trading knowledge.

I for one, would LOVE to hear from someone more skilled than myself...

There's some stuff on your website for sale at 250, I think.

How on earth is it fair value? If it's as useful as you claim it's way under-priced. But actually the pricing strategy is clear. It is priced at the "What the hell, it's only a few hundred bucks, I'll give a shot, I can't lose too much" level.

No I would not sell a platform, and that decision has nothing to do with principles.

Maybe you're trying to not be an asshole, and this is the best you can do despite your best efforts. Who can say? But your agenda in being on the site is clear, at least to anyone with the wit to discern the obvious.

I really have no interest in getting into a p1ssing contest, so I guess you'll just have to blow yourself.

And you hear from someone more skilled than yourself all the time, as I'm sure you're aware.

You're no Mr Spreadbetting, as I believe I've already acknowledged. It is just a shame that you are compelled to look after your business interests as you are, because it has a marked effect on your posts and leads you to say silly things.
Mr Leopard - you can do one of three things here at this juncture:

1 - Continue with baseless attacks where you come out with negative comments about me without any explanation.
2 - Point out the reasons you think I don't make money trading/the things you disagree with in my posts.
3 - Put forward your own thoughts on how things work.

I won't hold my breath for 2 & 3.

Anyone can do what you are doing right now, it takes zero intelligence and zero trading skill to do it.

You are a bit like this guy:

Monty Python-The Argument Sketch - YouTube

Take the floor, sir. Put some meat on the bone.
I think the Leopard might be snorting down his countries major export product.
He seems a bit hyperactive, all over the threads everywhere.
I think it's obvious why Dionysus' posts can be construed as promoting his business. He often talks about how people need to learn about the tape for success, and forget most of TA and charts, and his product is directly related to tape reading. So the promotion is not direct, but the connection with his comments is. The dismissal of other methods only makes it clearer. There's no rocket science here.

There was an interesting post in this thread stating that the tape was necessary, and gave an example of one particular possible turn in crude that was 'noticed' on the tape. Well I hope the poster doesn't really mean 'necessary' because although I'm happy to believe it can be helpful and may improve your bottom line, I can guarantee you that it is not necessary, at least in most markets I've traded.

Dionysus I believe I read that you wouldn't trade on DOM alone (I don't know if you were talking about all markets or just some). Given that, would it be reasonable to conclude from that statement, that the edge provided from DOM alone, is near enough nil, or at least not enough to overcome commissions? And that it really only becomes beneficial to your edge when attached to some context from the charts? I'm aware that in a system that relies on several things, it can be very hard to determine exactly how important each part is, as they could be complementary, but would you guess that the DOM is providing more to your edge, or the chart reading context. From your many of your posts it comes across that you consider the tape reading the most important, but if I am correct that you wouldn't trade DOM alone, then perhaps it's the other way around.
I think it's obvious why Dionysus' posts can be construed as promoting his business. He often talks about how people need to learn about the tape for success, and forget most of TA and charts, and his product is directly related to tape reading. So the promotion is not direct, but the connection with his comments is. The dismissal of other methods only makes it clearer. There's no rocket science here.

Fair points and well stated.

I hear you. Thing is I am passionate about this, this is how I trade. I believe 100% in what I do with total conviction. I believe enough to put my own money on the line on a daily basis. If I didn't believe in it, I'd still be constantly searching for something better, I'd not be confident when trading and ultimately I would fail.

This is why there is a lot of butting heads on these forums. We have to believe with total conviction otherwise we'd not be able to put these beliefs into practise.

There was an interesting post in this thread stating that the tape was necessary, and gave an example of one particular possible turn in crude that was 'noticed' on the tape. Well I hope the poster doesn't really mean 'necessary' because although I'm happy to believe it can be helpful and may improve your bottom line, I can guarantee you that it is not necessary, at least in most markets I've traded.

Dionysus I believe I read that you wouldn't trade on DOM alone (I don't know if you were talking about all markets or just some). Given that, would it be reasonable to conclude from that statement, that the edge provided from DOM alone, is near enough nil, or at least not enough to overcome commissions? And that it really only becomes beneficial to your edge when attached to some context from the charts? I'm aware that in a system that relies on several things, it can be very hard to determine exactly how important each part is, as they could be complementary, but would you guess that the DOM is providing more to your edge, or the chart reading context. From your many of your posts it comes across that you consider the tape reading the most important, but if I am correct that you wouldn't trade DOM alone, then perhaps it's the other way around.

I would not trade DOM alone on the ES. I will admit to trading treasuries occasionally and for that I do use the volume profile, which is on the DOM (check out XTrader).

It's all to do with context. The Treasuries are unique in that they are ultra thick and not very volatile. You can get context from the profile.

The ES is very different. It has a tendency to put in major intraday swings on days with 'normal volume'. The position of those swings is pretty important as is the general size of the pullbacks. From this, you get bias and rough-cut estimate of where to enter.

Give that 50% of the edge.

Then the DOM. That tells you if what you expect to happen is actually happening. There's your other 50%.

If you take something like an iceberg order (I probably mentioned this). If you see an iceberg order being executed on the offer in an upward market, you better not go short. It will NOT be the end of the trend 9 out of 10 times. On the other hand, if you are pulling back in an uptrend and you see an iceberg being executed on the bid, well that will stop the pullback.

So - the chart gives you context and the DOM tells you if you can take the trade and where exactly to take it.

A lot of people say "The DOM is useless because of al the fake orders". The thing is -why are people placing those fake orders? For fun or because they benefit from it? Placing spoof orders is a dangerous game. If someone hits you, you MUST honor the trade. People take these risks for a reason. At times, you can see the spoofing and understand why its being done.
You could also say that latency arb HFT's scraping dark pools may end up neutralising the
tape advantage (let alone the DOM) of retail traders.
In reality it wouldn't completely, but the prior warning of a move probably will reduce as HFT latency drops ever lower.

Personally I think the focus on DOM spoofing is waning as more of the R&D effort goes towards latency reduction.
Co-location is just one facet, networking, software and hardware play a big part too.

Thats why I would rather utilise the market characteristics created by HFT trade
to my advantage instead of fighting it. No one can win by taking them on in the speed game thats for sure...
If that is a vision of the future, hats off to anyone who can scalp successfully under those conditions.
I think the HFT vs Order Book debate is an interesting one.

The 'latency war' - if such a thing even exists, in my opinion has one long-term outcome - that the costs of doing business will exceed the profits. The profits will shrink with additional competition and the cost of each microsecond latency advantage will grow exponentially. With stocks, I do think that dark pools make for a somewhat uneven playing field. I think sub-penny pricing would also be a terrible idea.

In terms of futures, we still have a centralised market and with the ES, it's a damn complex one too because of all the related products. It's one that no algo can stand in front of.

Of course, REAL liquidity providers must have algos to keep them balanced. Long may that continue. It's impossible to do it manually. The sort of FAKE liquidity providers/rebate grabbing HFTs that kill markets (like the 400 million a day/5c range we had on C a few years back) would get killed there because of the underlying moves. It got killed on C when they did a split.

I don't think order book strategies such as SOBI are of any use because they are too easy to game. It seems that most people think that this is what someone that uses the DOM is doing. Seeing a 'setup' and trading it. This is a misconception.9 out of 10 times what you see is people stop trading in one direction OR you see someone step up and start absorbing the buying/selling. Add in bias/context and suddenly you have tradeable information.

I'll admit that treasury traders seem to be more biased towards 'setups' - either outright setups one or more of the instruments or spread setups. That is a somewhat different game from reading order flow for say - a crude trader.

Spoofing is still alive and well but outright gameplay is still relatively rare on the ES. Iceberg orders are a good 'tell' and one would presume they'll never disappear because the alternative is to REALLY show your hand.
Latency arb background here:

Source is these guys - it was the co-founders who were amongst the first to
highlight the detrimental aspects (at least to none HFT trade).
Scroll to bottom of page to find various links to other research articles related to HFT.
Themis Trading - Home

Very valid point about the cost of business possibly outweighing the benefits
at some point in the future - including possible transaction taxes to render
the practice null and void.
How realistic would that be with lobbying from powerful vested interests...
At the moment though its very much alive and kicking.

None of that means scalping is impossible now for retailers, thats not what I'm saying.
Left unchecked, what will the state of play be in 5-10 years time...
The effects on floor traders has already been seen.
All I'm saying is conditions are likely to keep changing, so its a case of adapt or die.

BTW in case it appears so, I am not suggesting that the tape and DOM will ever be rendered useless
by HFT. Simply that the way they are used by retailers may have to change in the future.
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This argument of the charts vs the DOM/tape doesn't make any sense...Don't you realize the chart is the DOM after the fact? I have charts up but only to see the levels. In fact, you can see the levels that are significant in the DOM like swing highs and lows before they trade, since they're always stacked with limit orders. Do any big traders trade solely with charts? Yes. Do any big time scalpers trade solely with charts? No. Why would you put yourself at such a massive disadvantage? You are only seeing 1/10th of the info. If you think the DOM is all spoofed and random you haven't spent enough time watching it. Just try scalping any volatile market without the DOM and are gonna get run over.