Scalping strategy management?

Creech said:
Interesting stuff and appreciate everyones input. But does anyone still have any ideas as to what chart time-frames to use?

I used 10 and 60 min charts just to see the direction of the mkt and levels, apart from that its all price, volume and queue position. Also have correlated products side by side, eg: 10Years with the Bund, etc.... Its bloody stressful though.
tech_trader said:
Totally depends on your strategy. I trade a scalping strategy that actually works on pretty much any time frame and any commodity. I can even put it on a daily chart and use it as a position trading strategy. The best time frame is where I as a trader am most comfortable.... and where I make the most money. 😉

tech trader .... if you are not at tic level, you are not scalping.
If scalping, what kind of stop loss, profit target and overall Risk:Reward is preferable for say the emini S&P? I mean surely you want something better than a 1:1 risk reward? And also if stops are tight (as I'd imagine they would be for scalping) you going to have a lot of losses.
If scalping, what kind of stop loss, profit target and overall Risk:Reward is preferable for say the emini S&P? I mean surely you want something better than a 1:1 risk reward? And also if stops are tight (as I'd imagine they would be for scalping) you going to have a lot of losses.

From my experience... even if you are scalping ...letting the winners run with a trailing stop is the key to increase profitability. its probability game...high probability setups with contineous trade management
If i am not being a jack ass... people who scalp ticks (including me right now) like to see quick results, have accounts that are very capital sensitive, and cant be patient to stay in a winning trade. Its like i focus on the wrong part ... staying positive every trade.
I know, then i dont do it ...?

charts i use 5min, 89tick, 55tick on google. - usually renge bond stock- very sensitive to whole numbers. I trade 100 or 200 stocks ata a time. with the volatile spread. half of the position is closed in 50 cent and then either close the rest at a $ or trail if i have agut feeling or expect abreak in that direction.

lost enuf earlier to be able to say it aint easy. but you have to know your style and then pick the fights. I am still learning.