Scalping - Info Needed


Hi, I am a new user and I would like to ask you guys some info concerning scalping:

- is it legal?
- what is the max timeframe between opening and closing a transcation which is considered scalping?
- What is the max amount of pt. between opening and closing a transcation which is considered scalping?
- Any scalping strategy appliable on the Indexes (use spread betting as platform)
- Any additional feedback you think is useful

Thanks a lot!
1. yes, although SB firms and Forex bucketshops dont like it
2. there is no standard definition. in prop circles, if you're trying to take a tick or two with size on each trade, thats generally considered scalping.
3. again, no standard definition. see above.
4. buy the bid, sell the ask. doesnt work well in SB
5. sim trade till you're profitable for several months
In addition to what Arb told you, you need a few things before you can start to scalp.

1. Access to the orderbook. If you are taking prices off of someone else, it is very hard to scalp because the market has to move by significantly more than the spread you are facing. If you have access to the orderbook, you can buy the bid, sell the offer.

2. Low comissions. There are a lot of traders out there who are scalping exchange traded assets. A lot of them will have very low comissions (the charge for executing a trade) and as such they will have a huge advantage over you. Comms are generally decided by the volume you are doing, as a newb you will be doing low volume and facing high comms. Most people facing low comms will be trading at a prop-shop, arcade, IB or similar, where collectively they can get deep discounts.

3. Great systems and equipment. Great connection is needed. Probably more than one screen. Charting software etc.

You should think about learning to work with longer time frames before you learn to scalp. And don't try it unless you either have the three things above or at least know exactly how you are at a disadvantage because you don't have them.

Good luck
scalping is a great method to gain money and insure profit but some brokers allow it in certain types of account such as non dealing desk account and other brokers allow it in all types of account,the timeframe differs from one broker to another,some brokers make it in a very short time such as 2 min,others make it 3 or 5 min,also the number of pips varies according to the broker that you deal with some of them make it 5 pips,others make it 10 pips and so on...

so i advise you to chose the appropraite broker that fix you needs....