Scalping book for Xmas!


Well-known member
New to scalping, has grasped my interest of late since I met up with a hedge fund that scalps all day and night, producing one of the best returns on capital I've seen in many years in finance.

Any recommendations for a book that covers scalping deeply and completely?

I don't know about books, but there are a few decent free pdf's around that are very helpful. The first one below is good for ES trading. Watch what happens at each of the time points that are described and you will be able to develop your own techniques. The 2nd one is for forex. Use these as a guide, not a gospel.

From my own experience scalping on ES and forex is completely different. I have had to use different techniques on each market (ES is much faster). In any case just keep it very simple. A 10 SMA, quick trigger finger, some experience, and iron-clad discipline will eventually get you profitable. Scalping is a very discretionary world so if you are used to mostly mechanical trading it will be an experience!

Scalping isn't for everyone but if you already have trading experience you will find it very rewarding.



I am already successful over the longest of timeframes (average trade life in days/weeks)

Perhaps I'm using the wrong phrase here - what I mean is trading the orderbook over very short time periods, based on momentum.

This I have certainly seen to be profitable.
well neither of the pdf's above mention the orderbook, hence my need to clarify old chum
I've never read any decent printed literature about scalping based off of order flow. I think you're better off looking on the web as compared to books.