I’m UK based. I am considering spread betting, purely for tax purpose and trading ease (trading from a platform directly rather than brokers web browser.
One think I need to go passed, is ensuring that I am comfortable with various aspects of the SB broker that I choose, mainly ease of use, costs (being last on the list if all else is good) and platform ergonomics, but also honesty and etiquette. And this is where I stumble... Looking at reviews, it would appear that a lot or SB brokers lack transparency and honesty: platform going down, re-quotes, people having problem withdrawing funds, slippage...
I find it hard enough fighting the market, but if I have to fight the broker as well, I wonder how worth this whole business is. I currently swing trade mostly, but also day/scalp occasionally. I am not overly interested in the leverage side of SB. I am more on the cautious/conservative side and I don’t feel the need to put my hard earn cash "+" on the table to make big wins so perhaps SB is not for me. But as I said, costs seem to be less (Stamp Duty is a killer- CGT is a pain). 🙁
What are your thoughts?
Cheers. 🙂
I’m UK based. I am considering spread betting, purely for tax purpose and trading ease (trading from a platform directly rather than brokers web browser.
One think I need to go passed, is ensuring that I am comfortable with various aspects of the SB broker that I choose, mainly ease of use, costs (being last on the list if all else is good) and platform ergonomics, but also honesty and etiquette. And this is where I stumble... Looking at reviews, it would appear that a lot or SB brokers lack transparency and honesty: platform going down, re-quotes, people having problem withdrawing funds, slippage...
I find it hard enough fighting the market, but if I have to fight the broker as well, I wonder how worth this whole business is. I currently swing trade mostly, but also day/scalp occasionally. I am not overly interested in the leverage side of SB. I am more on the cautious/conservative side and I don’t feel the need to put my hard earn cash "+" on the table to make big wins so perhaps SB is not for me. But as I said, costs seem to be less (Stamp Duty is a killer- CGT is a pain). 🙁
What are your thoughts?
Cheers. 🙂