Sandy J - is he that brilliant?

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Just as an aside I have attended other courses, not I might add by the usual suspects (VS & DW), and whilst not a complete waste of time they didn't teach me how to enter or exit a trade and can be best described as glorified TA courses. The reason for telling you this is to illustrate I have had other courses from which to draw a comparison for usefulness of teaching methods.

That in itself is a valuable piece of information.

Thank you for responding to my question.

I have another for you!

What software/datafeed do you need to operate Sany's trading strategy and at what cost.

I am interested in the course but not if it will cost a lot to operate.


thanks. I can certainly see the reason behind it - I've seen a lot of flame wars (even been in one despite trying hard to avoid it...) and I'm sure you are right - it's really a case of A B and C wound you up but poor D (Bramble) got the flak as well.... I think Bramble was actually largely on your side and probably deserved to retain their cojones, it might be nice to tell Bramble that?
Apart from that I agree with your 0130 post - it sounds to me like you got a decent course, and there IS a bit more cynicism around than there need be, you can overdo things in that department. Whilst I know there's a lot of rubbish about we need not assume that everyone is peddling dross, and an automatic anti stance is perhaps something we should all guard against... it's well meant generally, but not always appropriate.
Thanks for the measured response - 'auto flame' would have seen me lose a leg and that didn't happen!

Unless you want to daytrade a Datafeed is not required for Sandy's method, as your trades are set up from EOD prices.

A basic charting package showing bars and EOD prices would be all you need as Sandy's method does not use any Indicators.

The Charting package is your own personal choice as it is dependant upon what you want to do with it. For example if you would just want to look at the bar patterns and the EOD data you could use the free charting packages at Big Charts / Medved Quote Tracker. But if you wanted to use any eg ''drawing tools' or put on fib levels automatically then you would need to pay for a basic charting package.

I was already subscribing to a charting package when I went on Sandy's course but he did have a list of charting packages for information that he had sourced as being good value packages.

Dave JB,

I agree 100% with your comment that there is a lot of rubbish about but that we should not assume that everyone is peddling dross and an automatic anti stance is perhaps something we should all guard against. The problem being that sometimes you just have to go with your gut feeling. I actually telephoned Sandy J before I committed any money to his course and spent a good 1/2 hour on the phone to him. I think I must have decided during the conversation that he was coming across as genuine particularly as he tried to put me off coming on the paid course at first and suggested that I attend his freebie course first to see if his methods would suit me. I didn't do this as I live some considerable distance from London and decided to just go for the paid course but my choice entirely. Everybody else on my course had been on the Freebie first so had presumably been sufficiently interested to pay for the full course.

But it is a problem trying to see the wood for the trees when reading through advertisements for products / courses which are cleverly put together to seduce you !

Finally, Myself and Bramble have cleared things up I hope through the PM's.

Jay Kay 😛
Great <g>
Didn't mean to nag... I'm convinced, and I suspect others are too. A misunderstanding, at heart, it;s nice to encounter genuine types isn't it?

Its very simple really..Try a few trades of Sandy's then give us an opinion. Its all very well to oom and aah about what you learnt but until you use the info to profit from, you can't really say how good/bad it is.
We can all gush over trading strategies and how interesting and informative they may be, but interesting and informative doesn't make you a successful trader necessarily. Thats why I said the proof of the pudding's in the actual trading. Is the strategy real life friendly or hyperthetical like most ?
I don't follow anyones trades 'blindly' The IK webmaster is a really decent bloke and I have profited well from his trades. I understand some of the methodology and its quite startling how he does it.
CJ is someone else who is man enough to post his trades and risk looking silly, but that is a valuable contribution.
Its only my place to give an personal opinion and not leak trades to others. If you like my opinion thats fine, if not thats fine too.

I did the Manning course, back in the last century ( I think) . At first I though it was a Gift from Heaven..... later, I though it was a load of ****. Finally, a couple of years later, I clearly saw the highlights and wisdom of a couple of his preachings. The rest was and still is ****. Unfortunately, I don't know if I could have picked up those Gems anywhere else for free, or if someone on a BB may have passed them on. Would I have taken any notice? Probably not.
The point is, those who are relatively new will not realise the value of any particular piece of information until some time later, if ever. That being the case, it's a wonder any of us make any progress.....
I think that the biggest problem is that one person's gems are another person's lumps of coal.

So you have to know yourself well and truly before you go on any trading courses. And that's really hard to do - there's no questionnaires to fill in, no psychometric tests, just gut feel and experience.

The gems that ChartMan got from Manning are probably not the gems I got!

I've also done the Farley course too - and the only thing which to me was worth the £1k cost of the course was a little throw-away line about Elliotts. To me it was music to my ears, and priceless information. And it just all clicked.

But you have to sort and sift through an awful lot of chaff before you find the nuggets of pure gold.

So once you really really know who you are, how you're emotionally able to cope with trading and drawdowns, that's the time to consider whether you should seek outside help for your trading.

Yes I fully agree with you that trading strategies / reading books / attending courses etc do not necessarily make you a good trader but neither does opinions from other people on BB's who may or may not be successful traders themselves. My question to you was what makes you any more qualified than myself to comment as to whether Sandy's methods produce successful trades? Obviously I will know myself whether the trades are successful or not as it will be my money on the table. Then I can either say the course worked for me or it did not work for me and that is what I will report back on in time.

I was being rather faceitious suggesting you blindly follow trades. Apology.I did not trade any of IK's trades myself but the thread was very interesting and it was only when the 'money' thing reared it's ugly head that other posters practically rumbled his system so anybody trading his trades early on would have just been following his recommendations without the knowhow. Again 'cj12's trades' is a very entertaining thread but once again he does not say what his sytem is just what his trades are and yes good for him as he shows his losses aswell but I would want to know his methodology before I put any money on the line.

I don't want to end this negatively so all in all yes it is good for people to voice their opinions but I will be able to tell everybody myself whether the Course has been of any use or not because I will be either richer :cheesy: or poorer 🙁 lol
too many cooks?

Zenda said:
Call me a cynic (with 4 points warning) but the last 3 reviews of this mans course Nearly 100% five Stars (WOW) - (is it the Free one or the pay one!) have been downright outstanding and all from brand new members to the site! what a coincidence- The last one dwijen is highly qualified as a newcomer (see pic) - ?? Sharky I know your at the Christmas Party today but you really must not allow this blatent abuse of this very good website. Can other members comment!!
Re Sandy and his course .......... the only way anyone will find out if it's for them is to DO it! All I can say is his methods are so simple yet accurate a 10 year old could make money !
Seems to me the only people talking him down are those who "modify" his methods or must have been asleep for the entire day (or lie about going to the course in the first place!)
Sandy is one of the most honest yet down to earth people I have ever met, and the difference between him and some of the people on this site who talk him down are that he is a successful trader ........... says it all really.
Have you actually used the methods taught to make money on a consistent basis ? The reason I ask is that you must be the tenth person whose first ever post is saying how great this guy is which is a unique series of events unequalled on the T2W boards.

Previous people who have done this course promised that they would post their trades to let us know how they were doing and guess what ? We are still waiting to here from any of them.

The reason people are cynical is because there has been no follow up evidence of the claims made by any of the numerous people posting on here constantly telling us how great this all is.

If you, or anyone else for that matter, can provide more evidence of actual trades taken (in real time) then I will be the first to be converted and will also be full of praise.

Paul, I haven't been on Sandy's course and accept without personal verification he is a wonderful guy, a great trader and an all round good egg. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other whether he is or not...

But I seem to remember someone who had been on his course mentioned that Sandy encourages attendees to post on t2w.

It does him no favours to do this as seasoned traders' natural cynicism will always take the unworkable until proven otherwise' position.

If any ex-Sandy course attendees read this and want to genuinely support Sandy's methods - let Sandy know doing it this way isn't working to his advantage - quite the opposite.

And as Paul says, for all those who have been using it for a while - and still are - let us know how you're doing. That would be the real test. Someone with more than 1 post under their belt confirming consistently good results.
Someone with more than 1 post under their belt confirming consistently good results.

I'm not too bothered about the number of posts, more the length of time the disciples have been members.
OK. I was thinking I should have made it "...more than 1 post AND more than 1 successful trade".

Dunno about the length of time as members though. The ones that have been registered for years and make their first post makes the hairs on the back of my neck's not healthy.
X-Factor : Crooners and Groaners

I can’t be arsed to work it out, but at a glance I’d say that “Sandy” Jadeja has probably got more posts to his name than the rest of the trainers put together! He’ll almost certainly have got more stars than the rest of them combined, if that’s the way you want to look at it?

If not, then it’s probably time that someone opened a book on when these “ratings” might converge – and I’m sitting here thinking that this might be a good idea for a late Xmas competition? Then again, may be it’s time for some - of the - other candidates to throw their hats into the ring?

It’s so nice to end on a seasonal note – pantomine or circus, take your pick – don’t you think? 😆




PS: You may well ask what that bitch Zenda – and now a dog – was thinking of when “she” started this thread in the first place? If this confuses you at all, then I suggest that you (gentle reader) should be worried?! 😈
Mayfly said:
PS: You may well ask what that bitch Zenda – and now a dog – was thinking of when “she” started this thread in the first place? If this confuses you at all, then I suggest that you (gentle reader) should be worried?! 😈
I don' think there can be many who are unaware of Zenda's motives for starting the thread.

However, that doesn't detract from the positive intent of those members with no vested interest in the vendor side of the trading industry, such as myself, who would genuinely appreciate confirmation of a 'tangible' kind from past course attendees.

Trendie has posted support for the system, though not if I've read correctly, a current user of it.

It would be useful to have other seasoned traders' opinions.

If there are none on these boards, that may in itself be an indication.

Alternatively, perhaps someone could filter these comments back to Sandy (if he is not already an active member of t2w) and he (Sandy) could take a similar approach to that of Stu Whisson (sp?) on offering a freebie course or two to senior t2w members for evaluation purposes.

That, IMVHO is a balls-on thing to do and would certainly add valuable additional input to this issue.

Just a thought.
TheBramble said:
Alternatively, perhaps someone could filter these comments back to Sandy (if he is not already an active member of t2w) and he (Sandy) could take a similar approach to that of Stu Whisson (sp?) on offering a freebie course or two to senior t2w members for evaluation purposes.

That, IMVHO is a balls-on thing to do and would certainly add valuable additional input to this issue.

Just a thought.


I doubt that would convince the more vehement detractors who seem to regard any training as a con. Funny how in any other walk of life good training is always regarded as an essential precursor to the activity.

Mind you "good" is the essential word. Any course with the stated aim of understanding how to trade using technical analysis (or some such) is likely to be helpful, whereas one that claims the holy grail - make a sure fire £500 a day or some such - is likely only to be helpful to the degree that it explains the basics of ta and trading.

If I really had the holy grail I'd market it by charging a nominal course fee and taking a percentage of the students profits up to, say, £10,000. Wonder why they don't do that 😆

good trading

Call me a cynic (with 4 points warning) but the last 3 reviews of this mans course Nearly 100% five Stars (WOW) - (is it the Free one or the pay one!) have been downright outstanding and all from brand new members to the site! what a coincidence- The last one dwijen is highly qualified as a newcomer (see pic) - ?? Sharky I know your at the Christmas Party today but you really must not allow this blatent abuse of this very good website. Can other members comment!!

Well met up with this guy over the weekend at te Money show
Did not think much of him - the guy is arrogant, a big EGO, and he thinks he is god
andthe rest are morons

You want my comment - show me one training guru whocan trade and show their system " LIVE" - ANSWER - NONE
Sandy J is just a good speaker
ask why he teaches his system - A. it is his passion
so Sandy - if yo are good show us trading live
I heard SJ speak at the world money show on Saturday morning.

I came away with the impression that he has good ideas of simple trading methods which he explained clearly and concisely. It is up to us whether we wish to undertake further research into his or anyone's ideas.

It would be better if these traders would trade live so that we can see that they walk the talk.

I was told that John Carter made unsuccessful trades last Friday evening at the show. Admittedly, it can't be easy to trade being surrounded by every tom, dick and harriet and his own fan club too and probably being asked a million and one questions all at the same time.
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I saw him at the IX or whatever it was at the excel. Didn't know who he was at first, but I spoke to him at his stand, or tried to.

A lovely chap though.😆
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