Salty Gibbon For Sale

I'm sorry Jill, he does'nt have a clue about finer things

JillyB said:
Oh well that's it then. Sorry not for me.... I don't mind the fleas, lice or even crabs (?!), but if he's not house-trained, that's it.

After all I need SOMEONE to bring me a chilled glass of wine while I'm trading.

Sorry Salty......I'm sure you would have loved Guernsey.
I told you Salty - glue is for sticking things - not for sniffing. You never see...u going blind as well..

Salty Gibbon said:
My avatar shows a picture of a gibbon.

Are you blind or just plain stupid ?
He does this often.............very moody chap...........goes off with a huff......oh by the way his barbados address is a PO Box on main street , Ilkley moor
U go on "OBSERVING"..."HERE"........try being a bit more original....even the Gibbon has a sense of humour with planet earth......

chump said:
"u going blind as well.."..I don't think that's glue ;)

Salty , remember not just brutal but canny with don't take a black box payment..make sure she gives you all her system rules before you drop em... ;)
U are original my friend. Adam indeed. I found your ID in the Big Draw.

U been to Ilkley, Adam?......Doubt it ...Keep to UR Garden.............Edenville Gardens.....and stop whining......

chump said:
stop peeking at my's akin to burgling your way through my smalls draw

and if I was any more original my name would be Adam !

anyway it's past opening are you not due to be serving on down at the Moor ? ... we know you need the job so don't be too late ;) on a maisonette in down town Ilkey don't come cheap see what you have done .. you've got me being nasty ..sort her out quickly Salty before her hormones run amok ..then we'll all get a bit of peace
PS.. Adam The Chu(i) hiding the gibbon........or playing with him in the garden of eden.
Come back to mummy.........all is forgiven......i won't make you drink the can eat the bananas.....all 20 of them.........salty .....come home

Salty Gibbon said:
Yorkshire lasses don't have hormones mate.

They aint real.
Do Yorkie women need as much surgery as those others of the species who hail from Essex ?
Official Announcement

I'm taking Salty Gibbon off the For Sale List.
He's Ok.

Chu(i)mp - go find somebody else to play with. Try the Lost & Lost department. Or the Observing deck at Here.

Salty Gibbon said:
Yorkshire lasses don't have hormones mate.

They aint real.

An ex-Yorkshire lass, would disagree with you on that Salty. One thing is for sure though, you don't want to mess with us - we're quite feisty creatures! :cheesy:
chump said:
born just down the road from Ikley ...Menston ..the bit nobody wants anybody to know about...wink wink..they should never have let me out ;)

hop and a skip from High Royds to Scalebor Park huh Chump ;)

Mon - Fri at Scalebor & w/ends at tother one?? :cheesy:
yes, i like to think of it has a twin centre style holiday..mind you with the medication it's hard to remember whether I'm at the 'beachside' resort ..or the 'mountain' retreat ;)

it's an insider joke ..sandy luv ...switch on and motor back up to Buks post ..if you're still on dipped headlights forget it and put your space in for a service ;)
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Chump or is it Chimp

Use the blow torch mate. make sure you stick ur finger in it. And forget the Norfolk lassie.


PS. I've gpt a spare cage for u chump or is it chimp

...move over Anna Karina another literary masterpiece has zoomed over the horizon
Talk sense mate... not nonsense.......or is tht chimp talk.......should have known....ur london zoo free ride ticket can be picked up at the entrance....ur friends are all expecting u

chump said:
yes, i like to think of it has a twin centre style holiday..mind you with the medication it's hard to remember whether I'm at the 'beachside' resort ..or the 'mountain' retreat ;)