Safe investments ??


Established member
since interest rates have gone to 1% it hardly seems worth saving anymore.

so wheres the best place to make your money work these days ? shares very risky and I'd likely blow the lot trading.

surely there must be some decent safe investments out there ?
depends on how safe your house is I guess !

maybe Fixed rate bonds is the best idea just now....
land prices are dropping faster than house prices.

Any investment carries risk. If you are looking for a long term investment and don't mind a short-term drawdown then I would trickle your money into a FTSE tracker. It will do well enough when the market (eventually) recovers. Could be a long way off though.
Diversify a bit, i.e. a bit of gold, a bit of equities with a few bonds here and there. Personally, my money is on guns, gold and inflation-linked bonds.
Many people are over-invested in 'fixed' assets for the long term - the bulk of my own personal worth is tied up in a pension and the house, so short-term exposure, especially on the short side, is a way that more ought to consider during tough times. The gain from assets to be held long, rather than shorted, can only be realised after a significant time has already lapsed, and depends on potential buyers having free cash and no better deals to invest in on that day - it would be a shame to invest in vintage Bordeaux and find the market does not recover over the next few years. But shorting vulnerable instruments in troubled times has been a huge winner for many.
Oil for sure will not stay at 40 $ , for long term i belive oil is good , buy it without margin ( pay 100 % of the contract )