
Not bad, not bad at all for a start, but hey, you seriously need to work harder on your entries, exits and consistency.

Take me.

Yesterday, I bought the Spoos at 1274, and covered at 1290.

Today, I sold them at 1290, and covered at 1270.

Same old, same old, day after day, nail the tops, hit the lows.

Now, mind, being off a couple off points won't cut it, see ?

You need to catch the exact turning points, OK ?

Just a question of experience and doing the same things over and over and over till you can do em sleep walking.

Boring, yup, but you gotta do what you gotta do to pay them bills, right ?

But I'm a nice kinda fella, so I can trade your money for you, just send over all you can mortgage / sell and we'll talk.

Pic says more than a thousand words so I#ll happily oblige:

This is what I do, just catch the bottoms and tops, and ride it all the way to the next bottom and top.

EasyPeasy like 1-2-3.





Arrows / shadowy areas are where my new system based on an amazing new pattern I discovered 2 years ago catches the exact turning points.

PS, get out the biggest credit you can too when sending me money to trade, Ok ?

Pic says more than a thousand words so I#ll happily oblige:

This is what I do, just catch the bottoms and tops, and ride it all the way to the next bottom and top.

EasyPeasy like 1-2-3.





Arrows / shadowy areas are where my new system based on an amazing new pattern I discovered 2 years ago catches the exact turning points.

PS, get out the biggest credit you can too when sending me money to trade, Ok ?


I can confirm that; he is, excatly what he says he is. Top bottoms expert. Two months ago I sold everything and send all the money to him. Never looked back...Never.....
Ops.. Sorry I've got to go. They say library closing in 5 minutes. 😉

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I have taken a look at your entries and exits and think they are great.

I am an expurt in the markets and started 2 weeks ago. I have been trading VERY succesfully over the last 2 weeks. I wood be willing to give you some money to trade for me. Just give me your PO Box number and I'll send you the cheque.

I have been trading the Neekeye and the foot100 and am expurt in currencies like kable and British pound/scottish pound as well as gold, oil, wheat, silver and copper, also treasury bonds and interest rates.

I have studied the markets well over the last week and know pretty much all there is to know so dont try and pull the wool over my eyes.

I have been achieving gains of only 500% per week and feel that you could point out where I'm going wrong.

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Searchlight, very glad to hear you are a satisfied client doing the mouth to mouth propaganda bit which earns you an instant kickback you will be happy to learn.


Lee, 500% / week is indeed sadly lacking and won't get you far, we really need to work on improving your performance.

Here is how to get you pointed in the right direction:

First you need the right workplace:


Then, you need to understand how trading works, how picking tops and bottoms is stuff any old kindergarten child could easily achieve once the simple beauty of the following theorem hits you like a comet got the dinosaurs:


All that remains is that the theorem needs to be applied to charts including all of these indicators:


And you're set, on your way to great fame and fortune.









Do-It-Yourself - problem is method is very time intensive as it does take me around 5 minutes / day -, or just relax and let me handle all the work by sending me your all, however you decide your main worry from now on will be how to spend it.

Hey, BSD! How come you've got pictures of my two green-houses, and the 2 gardeners i employ to tend them?
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Paul, I saw them when yours were on Architectural Digest and had my architecht copy them because I liked them so much.

I managed to convince your two lovely gardeners to work for me instead when I visited you, ahem, your house, ahem, well anyway, last time I was in the area, and while you were on a trip.

Paul, I saw them when yours were on Architectural Digest and had my architecht copy them because I liked them so much.

I managed to convince your two lovely gardeners to work for me instead when I visited you, ahem, your house, ahem, well anyway, last time I was in the area, and while you were on a trip.


I'll have to have a word with my wife and sister-in law, they may end up getting the chop(per).🙂
Oh dear, what did I do, must learn to keep my trap shut at the proper times :-0

But then I'm all for tolerance in these matters anyway.

Oh dear, what did I do, must learn to keep my trap shut at the proper times :-0

But then I'm all for tolerance in these matters anyway.


It's ok BSD, it's an open relationship. The wife sends her compliments....she's used to blokes arriving/comming with big choppers, that's her business. Cheers mate!😉😀
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Haha, lovely stuff Paul 😀😀😀

Cheers to you (and her🙂) too, that's it from me for today



I think the keep it simple rule is where I may be going wrong. I tend to keep it so simple I dont actually do anything. I dont use any indicators as they're all rubbish and the news is just properganda. I dont buy into support and resistance and all this crap about supply and demand. My graphs consist of only white blank pages and I just seem to get in and out at the right times.

Oh, and I dont use stops as these will only lose you money. I only want to work 3 minutes a day on setups then down the pub.
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Hi Lee, that's plan B, and works just as well, must admit.

But plan A, the one I posted, impresses clients more, so that why I roll that out usually.


Have a nice evening guys and girls
