S&P Market Order FIll time


I've been trading the S&P via CQG, direct to the CME, on their demo platform

I've been scalping for ticks using the market order buttons (not limit orders as too slow in the queue) - I was just wondering in the live market, can you still expect a quick fill via the market order buttons ?? Or is the demo platform quicker, because you're not actually physically placing the order ??

Any help would be very much appretiated, before I risk my own capital !!!
It is my understanding that many providers actually have slower demo accounts than "real time" accounts as they devote computing resources to their real account holders as opposed to demo users.

Something which you may struggle to replicate with market orders when demo trading is the degree of market slippage you may experience if entering orders "at market" in a real account. Often slipage on real accounts can be 1-2ticks or more (which tyically doesnt happen on demo counts I may suggest) and if "scalping for ticks" this could be significant for you.
Market orders are instant. Dunno how cqg works but slippage depends on where you click and depth. With the ES you have no problems.
max slippage will be .25 on the ES unless your moving big size. 9/10 your talkking an instant fill though