S&P 500 cash weekly competition for 2016 with PRIZES!

You guys need a DeLorean.
I see there's a 1981 one for sale only £29995 !
Back to the future week looks like this.

11 Bears including both the moving averages, and one solitary bull again (guess who).

Dinos has joined us :clap: we have waited far too long for him to honour us (y) Although he is the biggest Bear in the village at 2013.8

Range is a huge 91 points although without Dinos it is 45 which is low for us as a collective.

Full spreadsheet.


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we may be ending the oil manipulations to drive markets up.
Expect technologies to become the new 'oil'. Bring markets down with bad earnings this quarter and next then after summer surprises with above average earnings results.

OK here's this weeks top 3!

I have checked and I'm not using last weeks numbers by mistake, so many the same.

The winner is us as a collective. Average takes gold.
Silver goes to Pat494, (being less than one point off and getting silver hurts).
And Bronze goes to pingpong1965!

Well done chaps a very tight range for the winners. :clap:

Shall I just keep everyone's numbers the same for next week? :LOL:


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