royal petroleum corp

With all respect - and I really hope you'll get your money back - you're just not listening to the things he's been saying for a year now. You keep on asking about nonexistent bid and ask prices, the reputation of the Frankfurt exchange that you're confusing with your OTC "exchange", while the answers are all there...
It`s not easy giving up on your hard earned cash sobriquet. I blew near enough 5k on these dam shares.
I admire anley in not giving up and his determination in pursuing getting his money back.
Keep it up anley.
It`s not easy giving up on your hard earned cash sobriquet. I blew near enough 5k on these dam shares.
I admire anley in not giving up and his determination in pursuing getting his money back.
Keep it up anley.

I never lost any money, I don't buy 'hot' shares from people that cold call me, nor from people that I haven't fully researched and above all are not registered by the FSA and located in the UK.

My reason for continuing to post on this thread and every thread related to Boiler Room scammers is to try and help people NOT to make the same mistakes again, to try and STOP people from investing with these thieves (hopefully they'll use Google and find this and other threads) and also to tell people that there's a 99% chance that their money has been lost.

Not nice to continue to say that message I admit but better to realise it, close the book on this Chapter and move on, otherwise 1,2 or even 3 years later people are still thinking about the loss and wondering if there's a way to get it back, sadly there's not uinless you play the scammers at their own game, ie try and convince them that you'll put up A LOT MORE money (just got paid £500k for selling the field (with planning permission) at the bottom of your garden to a developer and are looking for a home for the cash) if they can take the present shares off their hands. The reason the present shares have to be sold is because your accountant has re-organised your finances and all old accounts need to be closed and transferred into new ones, some offshore etc.

Not easy to do but some have done it in the past.
oyal Petroleum Corp(PINKSHEETS: RYLP) (GR: GR) announced today that the company's new transfer agent of record is:

92 Lakeshore Road East Suite 220
Mississauga, ON L5G 4S2
Telephone: 905-891-1515
Fax: 905-891
kindly explain this
thanks anley your help is invaluble i do value that there is someone out there to answer my questions i am off course very in experienced in these matters and i am smarting at loseing 2 grand you are correct and i should just let it go but as i have said all along i am an optimist and i think also that the company does trade and does produce accounts so you never know!!!!!!!! by the way sobriquet if you have any answers that may help us or you can explain any thing that the wonderful anley has not then feel free as you sound like you are most knowlegeable
and i am sure from my postings on this site that most traders like to impart knowledge rather than to critisise the newbie after all we are only trying to invest for our kids futures
Does anybody knows who is the new transfer agent of Wildwood Management Corp? GSET (Global Sentry Equity Transfer) has informed me that they are not the transfer agent anymore?
Received a magazine from RP today (emerging growth ventures)
Basically bigging up RP, anyone else get it?
Received a magazine from RP today (emerging growth ventures)
Basically bigging up RP, anyone else get it?

It won't be an 'article' rather an 'advertorial' paid for by whoever is behind RP, or even the scum boiler room operators themselves.

As for 'transfer agents' I wouldn't trust any of them, chances are they'll be a front for the scammers who sold the shares in the first place.
yes i got it to looks good doesnt it but do you trust it !!!!!!!!!! 10 million to 300 million in 6 years ???????
yes i got it to looks good doesnt it but do you trust it !!!!!!!!!! 10 million to 300 million in 6 years ???????

These scammers will say anything to steal money.

didn't read the article myself but where does the $10million come from, because that's not what the company is worth ight now. I'd put it being worth $50k, if not nothing.
You have to be prepared to dig deeper than the house magazine to find the fundamentals of a company-

ie. JKX Oil & Gas

EPS 2004 6.74; 2005 14.15; 2006 20.85; 2007 30.42; 2008 Forecast 45.52.

Dividend 2004 0.55; 2007 4.4

I'm not saying that this is a share to buy. I picked it at random from Sharescope, (which costs about 15 quid per month, after 75 entrance fee)) and there is much more research to be done before a decision can be made, yet. Political uncertainty being a major consideration.

It is to show what to start looking for when buying into a company.

If Royal has not been paying a dividend over four years, why buy it when there are others to be had, which are listed on the major exchanges?

But if everything else is in order and it appears to be then you're maybe gonna be alrite in the long run. Royal Petroleum seem a good company that'll more than likely be around next year so you should hopefully see your returns then.

the quote is
projected revenues for the company are $10 by 2010 based on 1000 cubic feet of gas and 100 barrels of oil a day with a goal to reach $300 million by 2015
i know this sounds far fetched by so do my companies projections

the markets are full of pessimism at this time

maybe i am the only optimist!!!!!!!

i would still like to see a balance sheet wouldnt you
What Is Petroleum

What is royal petroleum?..i don't know...but some facts and uses of Petroleum are:Use of petroleum distillate to power diesel engines has been more economical than biodiesel. Decreasing petroleum supplies and increasing demand for fuel has stimulated renewed interest in biodiesel and commercial production of the product began in the United States in the late 1990’s.

Hydrogen burns in a vehicle much the same way that petroleum does. This makes it a good imitation even though it is not at all the same thing. :innocent:
Hydrogen burns in a vehicle much the same way that petroleum does. This makes it a good imitation even though it is not at all the same thing. :innocent:

You bung a load of hydrogen in your car mate, see how far you get. Actually you would probably go quite a long way, in several different directions.

No, the company was only ever a shell offered for sale by a load of scammers. Any money paid to the 'broker's' will have been stolen as that is their business, to steal money, not to help their clients by stock in 'promising companies' who are no dount about 'to list on the Nasdaq within 6 months' and of course at a 'subtantial profit to the price you're paying today Sir'.

Stay away from people that cold you about ANY investments. But if you have any doubts make a post here, we'll help you out for free.