Rookie Question Bid/Ask price


Junior member
Is there always someone wanting to BID (buy) a stock and always someone wanting to Ask (sell) a stock? If there were NO BIDS then what happens to the Bid/Ask prices?

I guess people have a stop limit but just wondered what would happen. Thats all
Is there always someone wanting to BID (buy) a stock and always someone wanting to Ask (sell) a stock? If there were NO BIDS then what happens to the Bid/Ask prices?

I guess people have a stop limit but just wondered what would happen. Thats all

Not necessarily, though I don't actually know what would happen, just if you wanted out of a long , you'd have to wait for a bid- though someone is going to bid as low as they can so yer ****ed in that case, same if you're short.
Is there always someone wanting to BID (buy) a stock and always someone wanting to Ask (sell) a stock? If there were NO BIDS then what happens to the Bid/Ask prices?

I guess people have a stop limit but just wondered what would happen. Thats all

Hi Prainluda....

This is a zero sum game, so for you to take a position (or exit from one) it has to be a counter party somewhere else.. this can be even your own broker if it uses Dealing Desk....
In case there is not a counter party, the trade wouldn't trigger...

Haven't you ever heard about anyone that placed a big trade (big lots, shares, contracts.....) and it was not fully triggered, remaining some of the stakes without triggering??? that happens exactly due to this... there is no enough counter party for the total of the "stake" at that time, in that price....

Hope it helps
Is there always someone wanting to BID (buy) a stock and always someone wanting to Ask (sell) a stock? If there were NO BIDS then what happens to the Bid/Ask prices?

I guess people have a stop limit but just wondered what would happen. Thats all

If there are no bids there will be no bid prices displayed (quoted), obviously. Most exchanges (if its exchange traded) employ market makers to provide liquidity so its rare to have gaps b/t bid / offer price, unless its just before major news releases eg NFPs day (for treasuries/equities/fx et al mkts).