Rogue UK BROKERS (For box / autotraders)


Active member
Hi Guys,

As some of you may know who use bots, a lot of the brokers out there once they detect your auto trading will try and shaft you over. I was wondering if we could get a name and shame thread going on here.

I've tried to do a bit of research but as someone with little forex (I'm a stock trader) experience I'm really dubious about running my bot on a live forex account only to have some gready broker nick all my hard earned. That's not to say my bot sucks, just that I'm concerned about it getting shafted in the real world by humans at the brokerage.

It was written for MT4 so any MT4 brokers that should be named and shamed please do so. Also if anybody can recommend an honest MT4 broker please do so.
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Hi Guys,

As some of you may know who use bots, a lot of the brokers out there once they detect your auto trading will try and shaft you over. I was wondering if we could get a name and shame thread going on here.

I've tried to do a bit of research but as someone with little forex (I'm a stock trader) experience I'm really dubious about running my bot on a live forex account only to have some gready broker nick all my hard earned.

My bot was written for MT4 so any MT4 brokers that should be named and shamed please do it. Also if anybody can recommend an honest MT4 broker please do so.

Try anything like that and they will delete your thread. In any case are some worse than others, are any of them not going to shaft you?
I'm not aware of anyone who will close your account just for using a bot to trade. If you're scalping, some apparently will, but that's irrespective of whether your trading through a black box or clicking yourself.