RJL international


Hi there,
just wondered if any one has been approached by this company to buy or sell shares such as f10 oil & gas? Apparently operating out of U.S. , a guy called Michael Belvedere contacted me in Australia - and asked me if I would sell some shares I didn't even own?
It reminded of a time earlier in the year when a similar sounding ( same? ) Englishman from another group called 'The Fujiwara group' contacted me several times in cold calling fashion, and did the hard sell on certain similar 'sure thing' deals. F10 oil & Gas was touted as part of a 'certain' hostile takeover, and would reap huge gains. Since then, I discover that this was a boiler roon op out of Asia such as Laos, and I am certain he sounds to be out of the U.S. also ( Barcelona?) perhaps re-routing phone through internet? . Now, I find from a Google search of all things another forum thread from I.C investments that have similar stories but these guys really got ripped off! Plus, found a legal case of U.S exchange commission taking directors of F10 oil & Gas to court for fraud, also Fujiwara group also called Sukumo.
There is a Sukumo Investors Association now for these ripped off customers to fight such boiler room ops aking for 100 pounds joing fee....(bogus?)
There is also a report from New Zealand securities and exchange commission listing recently " RJL International ltd" and warning investors as having lack of info on Web site and its illegal for overseas companies to tout for business if not registered with them...www.rjlib.com am expecting a call on Monday, as I have signed an agreement to sell the shares for 10.50, but there is a dubious 10% fee attached ' a liquidation fee?" which I am sure he will want wired up front to " release' the shares from the U.S. securites commision before I can receive payment...
AS others have been approached in such follow up scams too...
should be a real hoot.... I will let our Australia bodies know about the scam....
Any info would be appreciated?
zentrader said:
contacted me in Australia - and asked me if I would sell some shares I didn't even own?

zentrader said:
I have signed an agreement to sell the shares for 10.50

This is, no doubt, a silly question. But if you knew you didn't own them, then why sign an agreement to sell them?

Isn't this just a scheme to get you to open a SHORT position in the stock? In other words you are selling a stock you don't own, so then you must buy the same amount of stock from someone else in order to have a zero position. And no doubt if that were the case then the buy price would be a lot lot more than the price you sold at.

Is that a reasonable view of the situation, or am I barking?

rjlib.com is not a registered URL, so do you have the correct link?

If you look up using google search of RJL international ,
you will see a link to the above web site with plenty of folks out there being ripped off...
He called me today, and predictably asked me to go to the web site, log on my private no. to view a'contract' that is a Garauntee his client will pay for my shares i am registered as owning with U.S. securities....plus in this document is the account number where i need to send the 10% liquidation fee to release the shares( that's the sting !)
BEFORE i get that back plus the money owed...he claims by wednesday, then on friday a courier will arrive with the document to sign over shares....
I called the Australian body ASIC for advice, they want it in writing but you can find their company name on a list of dubious companies at the New Zealand Securities and exchange web site too....
I have been stringing him along, i will never send him a sent of course....
The 'document' i originally signed is bogus, it claims i own shares and that i am on U.S. register but that's impossible as i never paid for them... look up f10 oil & gas....?
I did not give Authority at all to sell short these shares, it is just a ploy to legitamize my sending him money to an escree account before he drops off the planet....
Some of the people on that IC message board are so stupid, especially the guy who's already been taken for $200k with the scammers telling him if he 'invests' another $100k he'll get a cheque back for $800K.

Some people are so stupid when it comes to money you wonder how they made any in the first place.

The only thing I hope is that they get my telephone number because I want to string them along.
According to a report I read, the police reckon that around 1% of people who receive the faxes/emails from the Nigerian scammers actually send them money! Seems it is so successful that now the eastern European lot are jumping on the bandwagon.

So on the basis of one person in a hundred sending money to a complete stranger because they received a circular email, it's not surprising that there are so many muppets out there.