Hi from a newbie

Hi everyone

Hope your having a lvely day and making loads of money, and for those who arnt i hope you make loads aswell.

Now Where is to shares its simple buy low sell high

I know the basics still alot to learn, What i would like to know is Whats a good compnay to use for buying or selling shares,

Shares are a share in a company right?

Now if i wanted to buy shares in oil or gas or gold itself and not the company can shares be bought as such and whats the best peice of software or company to use for such shares

What are comodoties?

can someone please run few things by me

Such as common words as

Commodoties = explanation
shares = explanation
and so on

Would be greatly appreciated

The Crouching Tiger
Google would probably have helped - if you just searched for a few terms.

If you have so little knowledge why do you think trading/investing in the stock market is for you?

But to add something constructive: which country are you in? I can suggest a broker - but it may be of absolutely no use to you if you're not in the UK.
😆 Lamb to the slaughter.

Ok, you've probably heard how everyone's in oil and gold. This means it's too late unless you understand shorting. And if you have to ask...

Hope I don't come across as being rude there. Just trying to warn you that it's dangerous.
dear Crouching Tiger,
if you can't find a suitable broker, I'd be happy for us to both put some funds into escrow, and I'll take the other side of your trades ...