Richard Joyson aka Mr Charts

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poor pathetic little people

I accidently tripped over Richard Joyson aka Mr Charts on a thread titled, what happens when you try to time the markets found on Educational Resources.

I've seen it a million times before and this thread is no different.

Within the blink of an eye lid the discussion turns into a massive dick swinging contest.

But what does Mr Charts do?

Apparently he sells advice on timing the markets to poor pathetic little people who haven’t the imagination to get the information on Amazon or from the internet for FREE!

But how much does our friendly market timer Mr Chart charge?

According to one such former client on the web site the 1-2-1 private lesson you get

No actual live trading involved.
Lots of pattern recognition.
No buy or sell recommendations.

And all for the give away price of £1100, and oh, I nearly forgot to mention that according to Mr Charts web page the lesson will last “several solid hours”

Don’t know about you but I feel much better knowing that!

I showed our Nan the thread and she said...he couldn’t time an egg, let alone the markets.

From my previous post.

So what is a Poor Pathetic Little Person, what do they look like and how to spot one?

And are you sure your not one?

Here's a check list...

You constantly look for Trading Tips in...

Magazines, Newspapers, TV, CNN, Bloomberg, Talking Heads, Bulletin Boards, Financial Bloggers, Friends, Work Colleges, Neighbors, the Neighbors Dog, the Bloke down the Pub, Horoscopes, Ouija Boards.

If that's you, then every time you look in the mirror, congratulations, you've just spotted one!

As my Mother is fond of saying, society is full of people like that, but you wouldn't want to be one!
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Promulgating well worn quotations of "wisdom" is convincing if you don't know otherwise from personal experience. FWIW, many years ago I was a dentist in general practice and worked hard to learn and gain the experience of how to be profitable trading the markets. After a few years I sold up in the year 2000 and have traded ever since, consistently profitably (no, I am not profitable on every single trade - no-one can be).
As a consequence I KNOW that trading the way I do is consistently profitable so the opinions of academics and any one else saying timing is useless are inapplicable - to use a polite word.
The years trading part time before 2000 and all the sixteen years since are not some statistical fluke, so I can smile at those quotes, which in fact belong to a different type of market activity.
Like a lot of things in life, method, method, method plus a good dollop of acquired experience resulting in a little bit of decent judgment equal success.

I love self proclaimed Guru's. Their so, um, predictable!

It seems they all sing from the same hymn book, boring.

Big on boast, but thin on substance.

Take our friendly Guru above, very quick to proclaim long term profitability.

But then again and to quote the legendary Mandy Rice-Davies, "WELL. HE WOULD, WOULDN'T HE"

But when it comes to PROOF, well, where is it.

I'm looking, looking here, looking there, still can't see it.
I love self proclaimed Guru's. Their so, um, predictable!

It seems they all sing from the same hymn book, boring.

Big on boast, but thin on substance.

Take our friendly Guru above, very quick to proclaim long term profitability.

But then again and to quote the legendary Mandy Rice-Davies, "WELL. HE WOULD, WOULDN'T HE"

But when it comes to PROOF, well, where is it.

I'm looking, looking here, looking there, still can't see it.

I know nothing about MrC's trading other than what has been posted on here over the years. I do know him as a good fellow whose cyber-company I have enjoyed over those years.

So far as proof is concerned you might like to reflect on the fact that he has been a member here since 2001, he's been coaching since 2002 and his Making Money thread has been running since 2008.

He has had one or two critics (like yourself) along the way but there has never been an outpouring on here (Making Money thread in particular) from those he has coached complaining that what he has taught them is a load of crap and that he's a phoney.
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I know nothing about MrC's trading other than what has been posted on here over the years. I do know him as a good fellow whose cyber-company I have enjoyed over those years.

So far as proof is concerned you might like to reflect on the fact that he has been a member here since 2001, he's been coaching since 2002 and his Making Money thread has been running since 2008.

He has had one or two critics (like yourself) along the way but there has never been an outpouring on here (money Making thread in particular) from those he has coached complaining that what he has taught them is a load of crap and that he's a phoney.
How can someone say a mentor sells a load of crap if he doesht have a clue why the markets behave like they do.
We had many gurus like mr charts over the years in greece.I remember a man who didht know how a chart looks like, who found the bottom in 2009 and he had 500 followers in 6 months.
All he kept saying was that the index will go up and every post had 30 likes.
He could become easily a mentor if he knew what a chart is but he didht 😆😆.

Unfortunately for him some day ftse started falling and he kept saying that it will go up,after 6 months everybody knew what i knew all along,that he had no idea what he was talking about.
So what you say means nothing at all.
How can someone say a mentor sells a load of crap if he doesht have a clue why the markets behave like they do.
We had many gurus like mr charts over the years in greece.I remember a man who didht know how a chart looks like, who found the bottom in 2009 and he had 500 followers in 6 months.
All he kept saying was that the index will go up and every post had 30 likes.
He could become easily a mentor if he knew what a chart is but he didht 😆😆.

Unfortunately for him some day ftse started falling and he kept saying that it will go up,after 6 months everybody knew what i knew all along,that he had no idea what he was talking about.
So what you say means nothing at all.

And your contribution has been what, exactly?
I wouldnt subscribe to any of his products i advise against that . IMHO .
. . .So what you say means nothing at all.
Hi nero1,
Although your English is excellent, I think I'm right in saying it's not your first language. As a consequence of this, I can only assume you've misunderstood the point barjon was making, as your comments are a non sequitur - i.e. they do not appear to have anything to do with what barjon wrote.

The same can be said regarding your comments about Mr. Charts. He's never presented himself as a guru or posted in a way that suggests he is one - or believes himself to be one. Also, to the best of my knowledge, he's never called market tops or bottoms either - as that has no relevance to his trading methodology. To conclude, barjon's post is relevant, accurate and meaningful and I concur with everything he said in it.

On the subject of vendors in general, may I remind those of you who have a natural and understandable mistrust of all vendors of trading related products and services that T2W has a very rigorous policy on this matter and we do not tolerate any vendor who abuses our Community Constitution or our hospitality. By the same token, we recognise that some vendors enrich the community immeasurably by making excellent posts and helping fellow members in their trading endeavours. Here is an extract from our policy statement on vendors:

The ‘good guy’ vendors

Many people would have you believe that all vendors are crooks, which is clearly nonsense. However, this market is certainly one of the worst I have ever experienced for its ability to attract scammers and fraudsters of the worst kind.

Despite this, within the vendor group there are people who run proper firms, from the one man band through to the major broker and I’ll not tolerate these people being hounded off our forums as long as they stick to the rules.

There is plenty of evidence both here and on our colleague forums (BMT,FF,Elite etc) of vendor members posting useful and informative content and being treated with respect when doing so.

Mr. Charts is an example of a vendor who falls squarely into this category - dbphoenix is another. If anyone feels that they - or any other vendor - is in breach of the Community Constitution, then all they need do is to report the member concerned to our Moderators using the red flag 'Report Post' feature - and they will take appropriate action.
Hi nero1,
Although your English is excellent, I think I'm right in saying it's not your first language. As a consequence of this, I can only assume you've misunderstood the point barjon was making, as your comments are a non sequitur - i.e. they do not appear to have anything to do with what barjon wrote.

The same can be said regarding your comments about Mr. Charts. He's never presented himself as a guru or posted in a way that suggests he is one - or believes himself to be one. Also, to the best of my knowledge, he's never called market tops or bottoms either - as that has no relevance to his trading methodology. To conclude, barjon's post is relevant, accurate and meaningful and I concur with everything he said in it.

On the subject of vendors in general, may I remind those of you who have a natural and understandable mistrust of all vendors of trading related products and services that T2W has a very rigorous policy on this matter and we do not tolerate any vendor who abuses our Community Constitution or our hospitality. By the same token, we recognise that some vendors enrich the community immeasurably by making excellent posts and helping fellow members in their trading endeavours. Here is an extract from our policy statement on vendors:

The ‘good guy’ vendors

Many people would have you believe that all vendors are crooks, which is clearly nonsense. However, this market is certainly one of the worst I have ever experienced for its ability to attract scammers and fraudsters of the worst kind.

Despite this, within the vendor group there are people who run proper firms, from the one man band through to the major broker and I’ll not tolerate these people being hounded off our forums as long as they stick to the rules.

There is plenty of evidence both here and on our colleague forums (BMT,FF,Elite etc) of vendor members posting useful and informative content and being treated with respect when doing so.

Mr. Charts is an example of a vendor who falls squarely into this category - dbphoenix is another. If anyone feels that they - or any other vendor - is in breach of the Community Constitution, then all they need do is to report the member concerned to our Moderators using the red flag 'Report Post' feature - and they will take appropriate action.
Well,if someone want to pay 1000sterlines to see a few patterns,and for someone to tell him that he should do some tape reading,then he is free to give the money,who am i to say otherwise ...
Jeeez tar, talk about a dog with a bone!

You clearly believe that mistakenly attaching the wrong chart to a post - just once - is a heinous act of outrageous duplicity - albeit unintentional. It's an offense so great that T2W must exercise a zero tolerance policy towards perpetrators and anyone found guilty of it deserves to be hung, drawn and quartered. Given your strength of feeling, evidenced by your propensity to draw attention to it at every opportunity since it occurred almost 4 years ago, I'll make special representation to Sharky on your behalf requesting that the Community Constitution is amended accordingly.
Jeeez tar, talk about a dog with a bone!

You clearly believe that mistakenly attaching the wrong chart to a post - just once - is a heinous act of outrageous duplicity - albeit unintentional. It's an offense so great that T2W must exercise a zero tolerance policy towards perpetrators and anyone found guilty of it deserves to be hung, drawn and quartered. Given your strength of feeling, evidenced by your propensity to draw attention to it at every opportunity since it occurred almost 4 years ago, I'll make special representation to Sharky on your behalf requesting that the Community Constitution is amended accordingly.

Didnt know that there's a statute of limitations ...
we need tar timsk, he's in the only country where there's no insider trading laws
he also magically knows where the dax is going consistantly
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we need tar timsk . . .
Agreed joseph, we do indeed need tar. He's a long standing and valued member of the T2W community who has made - and I hope will continue to make in the future - many interesting and insightful posts about trading.
we need tar timsk...
he also magically knows where the dax is going consistantly

Definitely – I need somebody to tell me where the price is going👍

I can only guess short moves and have no idea what happens in the long run
eeny, meeny, miny, mo.

Do I see a conflict?

I particulary liked the Article by James Di Viraillo, titled, "What Happens When You Try To Time The Market"'

What I liked most about James's post is that it is based on Rational Scientific Research.

And It's strong research, backed up by many other independent scientific research papers.

But then we meet Mr Charts, another regular contributor and vendor.

Now, here's the rub...

We have two Article's that are diametrically opposed to each other.

I'm confused, who do I believe?

Eeny, meeny, miny, mo.

Yes, that's cleared up a lot of confusion.

I think I will go with James who backs up his Article with scientific evidence.

BUT NOT the guy who makes outlandish claims and not a shred of evidence to prove he's not some cheap hustler.
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Do I see a conflict?

I particulary liked the Article by James Di Viraillo, titled, "What Happens When You Try To Time The Market"'

I think James is a staff member and contributes on a regular basis.

What I liked most about James's post is that it is based on Rational Scientific Research.

And It's strong research, backed up by many other independent scientific research papers.

But then we meet Mr Charts, another regular contributor and apparently a staff member.

Now, here's the rub...

We have two staff members that are diametrically opposed to each other.

I'm confused, who do I believe?

Eeny, meeny, miny, mo.

Yes, that's cleared up a lot of confusion.

I think I will go with James who backs up his posts with scientific evidence.

BUT NOT the guy who makes outlandish claims and not a shred of evidence to prove he's not some cheap hustler.

Well, I guess Sherlock Holmes won't have to worry about any competition from you 😆 They are no more staff members than you are.

I guess you didn't bother reflecting on the comments I made in my earlier reply to you. Pretty typical of people like you, rush to judgement without bothering to listen.
Well, I guess Sherlock Holmes won't have to worry about any competition from you 😆 They are no more staff members than you are.

I guess you didn't bother reflecting on the comments I made in my earlier reply to you. Pretty typical of people like you, rush to judgement without bothering to listen.
We dont need to rush in anything.Good traders are not afraid to do live trading,those who dont do it ,it means that they are afraid of losing their(only) income,we dont have to be genius to know that.
That is not only for mr charts but for all wannabe teachers who are in the web and just seek for suckers.
Now for the others who believe everything they are served in forums,thats their problem.99.99 % of mentors dont make an income from markets and thats a fact.
Mentors are either people who have income from real estate and other business and they are pretending to be traders, or bad traders who need an easy income.
First you see live trades for six months at least and then you talk about someone.
I actually dont believe what i am reading in this site,someone who has not made a single live trade in his 12 years in a forum,has people supporting him as a good mentor 🙄.
Dejavou,just like the greek forums where we had the guru elioticians with their mambo jumbo predictions and their followers.
And I'm sure Richard appreciates all the free advertising. This is after all the second-most-viewed thread over the past seven days. Why not go on for another dozen -- or two or three or six -- posts?
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