Richard Hill Forex Net Trap

14528 for me
14530.4 -2 =14528.4 rounded down to 14528 yes or no?

No, I beleive you are looking at the chart on the "Mid" price setting? Top left tab with IG Index. You need to always look at the "Bid" price setting.

Unfortunately once you have set chart up and saved it, it "always" reverts to "mid" price when you launch it, and you have to manually change it to "bid" each morning.

Has anyone ever asked IG Index if we can set the cahrt to our personal preference like 'BID PRICE' ?
Its such a pain to remember to change the chart every morning from MID to BID....surely there must be a pay to set it how we want it...
Did anyone get stopped out? I just closed for -20 pips, but it went up to 14592 at 7.30, so should have stopped out well before that?
I held out for a 1 pip profit.

I did the same, shoulda, woulda coulda, held out for a bit more a few mins later..but as it was past 8.30 thought better of it. (well done SA Trader!)

As of June 1st, that will be 3 months, and I'm going to £1 pip, and I'm gonna sell an endowment thats performing dreadfully anyway, and go a bit more. The beauty of it is, the endowment can sit in my account saving me mortgage intrest, but be called on to fund the NetTrap as needed - big thanks to Mark for reminding me on this!
Hi all, I am new here but have been following this thread for some time. Thanks to all those who post their results. I bought the system last week and have traded the last 3 days.

So far -30 pips wednesday, but have made a note to beware of a cresting MA, although by the rules that was a buy.

Thursday +50 pips which is great, but if I read the rules correctly is wasn't a trade, at best a marginal call. I am in at only 10p and learning so thought why not. Great result, but conflicting signals.

Friday +8 pips although didn't get out at 8:30 as it looked to be going down. | could have got 30 pips, but didn't sell until I saw the first bit of green. So once again not really following the rules correctly, but up 28 pips in 3 days.

I need to force myself to follow the rules I think, as likely to lose out by not doing so, however happy so far.
-20 here, manual exit

Yep trade triggered manual stop 8.30 for -20.9 pips. 🙁

May MTD +36.9 pips (10 days trading)


p.s Had I not set a wrong limit of 40 rather than 50 on thursday (idiot) I would be on +46.9 for 10 days.
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Hello to All.
I have read these posts from the start and this morning I ordered this 'system'.
I have decided (I hope to my better judgment) that this is not a scam and that these are all genuine and sincere posts. I aint got a clue what the 'product' is or, more importantly, how to implement it. The Ad says that it is easy...we will see.
I have had a little luck 'on the horses' but as I am due to retire soon, I thought I would try to learn this so I can hopefully supplement my pension.
A few questions,if I may.
Does it have a shelf life.
I have a bank of between £500- £1000. Is this enough.
Though I am 'unlearned' I am still quite a bright cookie. Will it take long to master.
Thank you and Good Luck

The 'product' is a manual for trading the Foreign exchange market, indirectly by spread betting, specifically on the movement of the £ against the US$, a currency pair sometimes nicknamed (confusingly) 'cable'.

Dunno about shelf life - if it consistently starts losing money then maybe, but that hasn't happened yet.
Say your bank is £1000. You limit your stake per trade (bet) to only 2% of your bank, so this for you would be £20. As the max loss limit is set to 30 pips (points) your max stake per pip would be 66p per pip (£20/30).
The profit target per trade is 50 pips. So on a losing day the max loss is £20, on a day when target is hit, your winnings are £33. Of course, you can be anywhere in between -30 and +50 on any day. It's longer term averages that are important, and my own bank is about 15% up after 3 months.

IG index let you start off with a 10p per pip minimum stake for 2 weeks, then 20p for 2 weeks, and then the minimum is 50p thereafter.
It is very simple to learn, takes about 20 mins to read the manual, but go through it twice to make sure
The only downside, you have to set this around 6.25-6.30 in the morning! 😴
Good luck!

ps, no this is not a hoax thread, you can look back at the posts on any day, and check what is being said against the results on IG for the last month or so.

I've been lurking for a while now to see how the Net Trap performs and I'm still not sure it delivers the numbers as advertised in his emails.

Today's email mentioned:

"Some bad news...
I'm going to have to close the doors to new students of my Forex Net Trap System at midnight on Monday 31st May.
Why? Well, I want to make sure I can continue to provide personal email support...
You see, it just wouldn’t be the same if I had to set up a call centre somewhere. v So, I have to limit the number of people learning how to do this... "​

Is this just a sales pressure technique or should I take the risk and go for it?

I'm a total newbie, so please go easy on me 🙂

Many Thanks,

The initial sales spiel did say that only 250 copies would be sold.

Not that 250 net trappers trying for 50 pips at stupid 'oclock in the morning are going to affect any market of course, but I have seen some slippage on entry prices recently (by which I mean you set a level at which to open the order, and the order it opens at is actually a few points off this amount)

It makes me wonder, that if 250 people are all using IG index, and 250 orders go through at the same time/same level, how fast can IG's software process those orders at the same time, especially if the market is moving quickly?