Richard Hill Forex Net Trap

Anyone used 'london forex open' strat on here? If so how's it doing?

It seems a similar concept to net trap i.e. trend continuation from asian session into london market open. Appears to have a analysis that runs a bit deeper and plugs into MT4.
My latest results.

Mon 29th Mar +56 pips (broke the rules a little)
Tue 30th Mar +38 pips
Wed 31st Mar – No trade
Thu 1st Apr - No trade
Fri 2nd Apr +4 pips
(Total +98 pips for the week)

Mon 5th Apr – Holiday – No trade
Tue 6th Apr -30 Pips
Wed 7th – No trade
Thu 8th +50 pips
Fri 9th – No trade
(Total +20 pips for the week)

Mon 12th Apr – No trade
Tue 13th Apr – No trade for me (couldn’t get near a PC)
Wed 14th -30 pips
Thu 15th -30 pips
Fri 16th +50
(Total -10 pips for the week)

Bit of a bad week, two no trades and two losers. :-(


Mon 12th Apr – No trade
Tue 13th Apr – No trade for me (couldn’t get near a PC)
Wed 14th -30 pips
Thu 15th -30 pips
Fri 16th +50
(Total -10 pips for the week)

Bit of a bad week, two no trades and two losers. :-(


Tues was a no trade anyway (did not reach level)

Bad weeks are inevitable - overall average is whats important, and mine is running at about +68 per week. If my bank grows slowly and surely at that rate, I'll be happy, considering the effort it takes.

I'm keeping to 2%/trade, which means I'm edging up from the 50p min/pip, albeit only a little bit. One vital thing I've learned is the money management aspect.
Does anyone use Capital Spread ? Actually easier and better than IG for my half idle brain in the early morning. Capital use 2 pips spread and 5 digit price. The chart is supplied by the same provider. As far as I know if I use capital spread, Nettrap in Feb was not negative.

I use Capital Spreads as well.
Annoying thing is the +/- 7 pips away from the current price before you can place a limit order! Is IG any better for this?


Hi Toshi,

The tenkei system was good, although i didn't use it myself after having tested it. which does not mean that somebody else will not like it, or make it work. I won't pass a judgement on it and say it was crap.


Hi Toshi,

I was also looking at the Tenkei system, but couldn't tell from the bumff what time of day it is used!
Reason I'm asking is I'm looking for another 'system' to try in the evenings.
Can you enlighten me?


Hi Toshi,

I was also looking at the Tenkei system, but couldn't tell from the bumff what time of day it is used!
Reason I'm asking is I'm looking for another 'system' to try in the evenings.
Can you enlighten me?



Although I don't want to buy another system, I would like some ideas of what I could trade in the evenings. DOW? and how would i go about doing it
RT : Tenkei is morning FTSE system. I am looking at Winning Dow Signals evening Forex signals, seem to be OK but it's quite late ... generally about 22.15. Costs £25 per month. The other one I am going to try is 10 minute trader from Agora again. (At this point I suppose I get slagged off by people who haven't tried it.) another £247 but it does have MB guarantee. Basically it's a fixed odds system setup in the evening. Means having an account with BETONMARKETS.COM I am interested because it is totally different from everything else that I do.
Hi Fuzzywun,

Let me know how it goes on 10 minute trader. I'm just curious more than anything.
I just want to be pointed to some indice trading systems that I can learn from and modify to suit myself.
Like that forex-strategies-revealed site. I've got what looks like a really useful system from there that i've modified slightly and so far (the paper traded) results look pretty good (possibly too good), i'll probably crash and burn when i go live with it though.
But if there was a site like the strategies revealed but for indices that would be awesome.
Re 10 minute Trader.. There are some good comments about this system on you do have to register but it is free..
for the record I do not have any affiliation to the website, just came across it on a google search..
To all the "Forex Net Trap" posters, thanks for your helpful comments, will invest in this as a morning strategy, only means getting up 10 mins earlier for me, so not too much sleep lost.
Here's a current thread on this site for 10 minute trader - - is this the same 10 minute system you are talking about (I think there are a couple with 10 minute in the title)? I was reviewing it yesterday.

I'd be interested in any other points of view on this too. I'm looking to start trying some trading at this time so wanted to know what this system was about as a starting point.
Hi Fuzzywun,

Like that forex-strategies-revealed site. I've got what looks like a really useful system from there that i've modified slightly and so far (the paper traded) results look pretty good (possibly too good)

midnight trade 20 pip's, straddle system?
I would say black swan is very informed and I take in his threads carefully
On another note I don't want to encourage ileagal activity but vuze downloading site is full of e-books and info on trading!!
I am reading one on psycology of traders at the moment and it is about how these trading systems work why we buy them and how to move forward into trading 🙂
Take a look at books not just on trading but also how to handle being a trader it really helps👍
thanks guys for the time and effort with the thread, I have just read it through this evening having got an email about this system today. Hope to join the system soon, your discussions are just the reflections from real users I needed to help me get a veiw about this system, before buying it with hard earned cash I could be spending on the kids.

I agree totaly with 10apenny on this NEVER USE MONEY YOU CANT AFFORD TO LOSE!!!!
Likin the blogg eddy I read it but got no google account to follow it😕
If I have to remember one more internet password I will go nuts😡
Keep up the good work! 👍

No worries friend, just email me with your contact and i will send you the fresh content every time i add it.
Hello, fellow Net trap traders

Has anybody got their weekly results for at least 3 months? I am trying to calculate the average positive strike rate over at least 3 months or more (the longer the better) if anybody has them.

Either post them on here or if you prefer, PM them to me..

I would be very grateful if somebody can help me on this matter

Many Thanks

My latest results.

Mon 29th Mar +56 pips (broke the rules a little)
Tue 30th Mar +38 pips
Wed 31st Mar – No trade
Thu 1st Apr - No trade
Fri 2nd Apr +4 pips
(Total +98 pips for the week)

Mon 5th Apr – Holiday – No trade
Tue 6th Apr -30 Pips
Wed 7th – No trade
Thu 8th +50 pips
Fri 9th – No trade
(Total +20 pips for the week)

Mon 12th Apr – No trade
Tue 13th Apr – No trade for me (couldn’t get near a PC)
Wed 14th -30 pips
Thu 15th -30 pips
Fri 16th +50
(Total -10 pips for the week)

Mon 19th Apr -30 Pips

