Review of Strategic Tips on Milking the Major Currency Pairs

In yesterdays market there were some clear indications that it will

remain down for few hours and give bounce back but not too much.


Quite right,sam...If you noticed on the chart, you could see the 1-2-3 bottom below and the

head and shoulders pattern above...They are both reversal chart patterns,telling us price

has a high probability of reversing direction from its prevailing trend..The 50 pip stop

loss was at the left shoulder, and before we know it, 200 more pips, after 3rd target, was


Friends this market says that always travel in a running train.

Means trade the movements in the market you will definitely make profits. But with patience

don't hurry.

Patience is a virtue,especially in the markets,right, jeff?


Dear @AiRiCk;

What is cool? 🙂

am I missing something? :-?

1)It's not an EA
2)It's not even a System.
3)It does not show or teach some strategies.
4)Long chat conversations does not mean anything for us.
5)He is reviewing his own business. lol!! 😀

Free Advertisement! ~X(

I been with these skills, crystal spills, hot bills, in Brazils..about African Black

Dreams..makes it hard to figure me..some traders be tickle Fidel Castro..undercover

Dannie Brasco..sound like MACDs, the prayer get a grip on the whip..playerhaters

getaway or my pen would spray..scribble off till I empty..dont tempt me..only to say I thank

thee..its all about the benjies..

@ Wise?TX

1- Would you give control of your live account to an EA? Would you board a flight across the

Atlantic with just robots to navigate and NO human pilots?


2- Google 'chart pattern recognition and price projection strategy' and see whether it is a


us, to a considerable extent, where price is going and how far it might get there..
If it is not a system, how come you see these charts showing more profits than losses for

months now? Is it possible to make consistent profits WITHOUT, not just a strategy but a

SOUND STRATEGY? Or did I go and meet brokers and tell them ''hey, buddies, please fix some

green dotted entry lines and red dotted stop loss lines for the benefit of our bronco billy


3- I think you need some glasses,Man...or maybe just remove the negativity and focus on this

thread with clarity of mind..1-2-3 bottoms,Head and Shoulder patterns, 60% BUY/SELL


shown and demonstrated here...Man, you need to stop popping too much Valium pills, wake up

and smell the roses.

4- Transcripts of live forex trading conversations are archived on forexgreenland, as a

source of practical lessons to students that are ready and willing to learn. Last time I

checked, I guess it was a free world. Meaning is relative, according to individual

perception and value, my friend.

5- Trading is a business and should be treated as such..Ever read the Parable Of the Talents

in the Bible? Please do.. Though this thread is about REVIEWS OF STRATEGIC TIPS,no one is

under any obligation to give live forex alerts as PREVIEWS. It is just to demonstrate the

Astonishingly, I bought John Crane's book some years ago and gained much from it..I didnt go

around thinking why he was promoting his business through his website or why should he be

offering his commodities services to traders..What I'm concerned with is''VALUE''..and the

results are clear to see..Dont be like that man in winter, next to his stove,telling it to

give him some heat...The stove said '''Wood''...The man insisted on getting heat first

before piling woods.Who's deceiving who? As you breathe in, you also breathe out..thats how

life is..

Warren Buffett, one of the smartest and most successful businessmen of our time, was

recently asked what he thought was the best investment anyone could make in these so called

difficult times.

His answer was fast and simple ...

"The most important investment you can make is in yourself."

That could very well be the best advice Mr. Buffett has ever offered. If ever there was a

time to take control of your future, it's now.

Like you said,maybe you are really missing something,tx..something spongy and mushy..If your

IQ gets below 50, SELL.. just kidding

hey wow hw much time does it took to writ??
whatever i read some how n was good keep going......

Hi sagar, thanks for your mail.. it actually takes around 2 hours to draw and write the

charts while trading is on..for me, the thrill and challenge of multitasking helps in my

trading environment which brings a fulfilling sense of being. Posting live trades in front

of a global audience, where the mainstream perception tends to be ''a trader is as good as

his last trade'', is all good..for true traders makes you feel and do good. We should all

strive to seek balance in all things we do.


so for friday, we could see a mini 123 bottom formation on GBPUSD15 min a buy stop

@ 1.5090...1st target @ 1.5165..2nd target @ 15244..3rd target @ @ 1.5015
so for friday, we could see a mini 123 bottom formation on GBPUSD15 min a buy stop

@ 1.5090...1st target @ 1.5165..2nd target @15244..3rd target @ @ 1.5015

Today being Friday and last day of trading for the week it can be a

mixed day for forex market. This i have been observing in the last few months that Friday

has been some times mixed and some times a black day for forex traders.

Yes,though this time, our 75 pips on our 1st target would have offsetted any ''Black

Friday'' losses..


Helloo folks, We thank God for bringing us into a brand new week...Most would call it the

Christmas Week so I'm wishing all a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year ahead.
As we approach Monday, we could see 3 crosses on the GBPUSD 15m chart, the first candle

upturned. That was a region of indecision that paused price advance to the upside.To be or

Not To Be?
MACD is giving us positive divergence to price, which is more or less, a green light.
We put a buy stop @ 1.4960..1st target @ 1.4999..2nd target @ 1.5049..3rd target @ 1.5125...


hi Stallion,pls tell me wht is trailing stop basically n hw n when to use

it .and i noticed dat u mostly hav trade in Gbp/usd.... dnt u hav trades in eur/usd

Helloo fasi, you could check out the userguide on any mt4 platform..Here's an excerpt:

''Stop Loss is intended for reducing of losses where the symbol price moves in an

unprofitable direction. If the position becomes profitable, Stop Loss can be manually

shifted to a break-even level. To automate this process, Trailing Stop was created. This

tool is especially useful when price changes strongly in the same direction or when it is

impossible to watch the market continuously for some reason.

Trailing Stop is always attached to an open position and works in client terminal, not at

the server like Stop Loss, for example. To set the trailing stop, one has to execute the

open position context menu command of the same name in the "Terminal" window. Then one has

to select the desirable value of distance between the Stop Loss level and the current price

in the list opened. Only one trailing stop can be set for each open position.

After the above actions have been performed, at incoming of new quotes, the terminal checks

whether the open position is profitable. As soon as profit in points becomes equal to or

higher than the specified level, command to place the Stop Loss order will be given

automatically. The order level is set at the specified distance from the current price.

Further, if price changes in the more profitable direction, trailing stop will make the Stop

Loss level follow the price automatically, but if profitability of the position falls, the

order will not be modified anymore. Thus, the profit of the trade position is fixed

automatically. After each automatic Stop Loss order modification, a record will be made in

the terminal journal.''

Trailing stop is also used when your 1st target is hit and price is still going your way, up

or down..It enables you to take the maximum outreach in price movement before any major

retracement/correction. Depending on the daily range and volatility of the currency pair

that you are trading, a 15 to 35 pip trailing stop would be in order.
EURUSD has a 2 pip spread..GBPUSD has a 3 pip spread and GBPJPY has like 7 to 9 pip

spread...cable is like euro on steroids, which is more stable than pound-yen. That is where

we look for balance, the median..
Due to popular demand, a la fasi, we put a buy stop on EURUSD @ 13945..1st target @

14015...2nd target @ 14085...3rd target @ 14155...50 pip sl for both..

Yea, I know, most seasoned traders might say the general trend is down..why buy? well, in

trading, you can make money both by going with the trend, and going against the prevailing

trend..if you know what you are doing. Top football strikers learn score goals with both

feet, even under only time will tell if it would find the buried


The Great Depression 2

Good stuff, useful info!

I think what a newbie like me has to do is get together all the relevant fx indicators and

all systems that I can get my hands on. Study them in depth to filter out the very good

from the o.k ones, get some experience under my belt by using them then trade live after.

As of yet I dont know of or understand any systems and rely heavily on forums such as this

one to get hints and tips as to where we're heading, or other than that put my index finger

in my mouth , hold it high above my head and take a punt!!!

Cant be good😕

Lol,fxlion, at least thats a strategy...but seriously though, we shouldnt depend on just

chance or others to make money in trading...The beauty of the CHART PATTERN RECOGNITION AND

PRICE PROJECTION STRATEGY is that you dont need to cram your screens with all sorts of

indicators because entries and exits are taken DIRECTLY FROM THE CHARTS.


I have seen most of the charts and read about the news for today. I

have come to the conclusion that the market for today can be down. But some we can see some

stability also. Am i right friend.

Yes, you are right, mon ami...Price on the GBPUSD made a high of 14991, which was 8 pips

less than our 1st target of placing your stop loss at entry point after +20 pips

ahead, you would have been stopped out at a profitable breakeven of 31 pips or less..Not too



Stallion, I am having a hard time following your past calls. Where exactly can I find them.

I have a time difference and I'm trying to make proper adjustements prior to trading. You

start calls around 1am my time. Please let me know where on the website I can find an

archive. Also, from reading your posts you suggest to take half profit at 20 pips, then move

other half to break even s/l, if 1st target hit then sell half and so on. Is this correct

and holds true for all your calls? Thank you for the help. I should be up and running on new

year, I see big market swings coming our way.

Thanks for your mail,pips...I thank God for the positive mental attitude displayed in your

comments about the New Year..If we can make profits during the most volatile 3 months in

trading (October to December), then there's good reason to expect better things to come in

the nearest future.
I assume London Session starts 1am your time, depending on where you are in the US. The

archives can be found here:

Review Of Strategic Tips On Forex Signals In Forex Forum

It would be better to take off half profits when +20 pips, rather than waiting for 1st

target to hit..Time and tide, along with price,waits for no man..
Robert Kiyosaki, of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series,talked about the stock market burst some

ears ago, along with its effects on baby boomers and their Social Security program. Even

though he gave out some suggestions on how to avoid that pitfall by personal development and

education, most people then castigated him as a fraud who just wants to sell his books and

seminars. From what is going on in the global economy and the US, it appears he has been


ABC News: Will We Be Forced to Work Until Death?

Late last year, on one of the popular Nigerian forums, I predicted the Nigerian Stock

index(NSE) have reached its top and suggested readers should cover their positions and

unload their stocks. But as at then, the bulls were in control, stock newsletter and article

writers were fueling the bubble frenzy and screaming ''BUY''..
The young admin of the forum, maybe out of ignorance and emotional bias, reacted by banning

all forex traders off his site. But that didnt stop the stock market bubble to burst and

uneducated investors losing substantial amount on their equity. Those that took the time,

money and energy to understand and educate themselves on market behaviour saved themselves

from the bearish drop and even made profits from the decline.
In essence, as investors,we should strive to invest in ourselves.No one knows it all. Most

people made money in the Great Depression of the 1930's..We can too..

Hi Stal,

First of all thanks for pointing me to forexpeacearmy as it is a very good source of forex

information. I have been going through the broker reviews and feel like it has stopped me

from taking a wrong decision. I have managed to shortlist a few which I beleive are honest

as per the reviews.

Your comments or experiences on any of these would be very helpful, especially if u could

point one or two which I can go live with.
1.MB trading
4.Alpari Uk

Any help and insight would be highly appreciated..


Helloo there...
Well, it would be unseemly if I publicly endorse any of the brokers due to conflict of

interests.So am throwing it out in the open...Anyone that has comments or experiences with

any of these is free to post it here. Thanks once again.

so for wednesday, we put a buy stop pn GBPUSD @ 1.4735...1st target @ @ 1.4715...

also a sell stop @ 1.4700..1st target @ 1.4671...2nd target @ 1.4665..50 pips sl
so for wednesday, we put a buy stop pn GBPUSD @ 1.4735...1st target @ @ 1.4715...

also a sell stop @ 1.4700..1st target @ 1.4671...2nd target @ 1.4665..50 pips sl


Season's Greetings to everyone,
If you check out our chart above, you could see price moving dynamically from left to

right..we first followed it with our buy stop that yielded 30 pips, and the sell stop that

yielded 35 pips..
The present buy stop @ 14705, 1st target @ 14730, 2nd target @ 14745, sl @ 40 pips away, is

anticipated to yield 40 pips or so..more like chess.

For readers of this thread, I want to say a big thank you for everything...

To show my gratitude, I am giving out 2 e-Books titled

1 The Art Of Creativity
2 Fibonacci Trading - How To Master The Time and Price Advantage

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year, my friends..and may the New Year 2009 bring hope,

joy,health,love,and success to all.
ala tuan, tau ler last2 mesti ada nak jual ebook ngan online

tutor nanti ni.....tul tak masta forestgreen 😀 🙂)

p.s if u dint it, welcome to CG(suppose to be) 100% Malaysia 🙂)

Boonga boonga,what? reminds me of Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom...hey king of diamonds,

thanks for your hospitality..really appreciate it..howz kuala lumpur? The Russians said I

should google their language, the Japanese, the Indians,the Italians,Germans,even the

Peruvians tried to do me in but no online translation a frigging UN linguistic

convention met..would be grateful if you could teach me a lil Malay, for the ones I know is
virtually down to Singapore next year for some traders' conference

but dont know whether the language barrier can get me past the airport...thanks once again,

king of diamonds

The present buy stop @ 14705, 1st target @ 14730, 2nd target @ 14745, sl @ 40 pips away, is

anticipated to yield 40 pips or so..more like chess.

Helloo there,folks,
Price made a BULLISH GAP on the start of the Asian session, and before we knew it, more than

40 pips was emancipated from our buy entry of 14705..


Even the 60% BUy WINDOW was negated as price on the GBPUSD dropped more than 200 pips

afterwards from the TRIANGLE PATTERN shown above.

Well, what can I say?

Hi guys

I think its just too riskiy trading full stop at the moment, spreads are wide, trend is non

existent, and volume is extremely low.

I think its best staying out until at least a week into new year when everyones back from

holidaying and markets have settled down some what!

But thats just what I am thinking!

Well, fxlion, maybe a lil positive mental attitude thinking might be in order?
Last edited:
I think its best staying out until at least a week into new year when everyones back from

holidaying and markets have settled down some what!

No, he's right and the extent to which you waste people's time in an attempt to promote your web site is unforgiveable. People who know nothing about trading should not take advice from those who know just a little.
Hello guys,

I wanna say great job my strategy is very much like yours

But actually i don't watch the trades i just put the safe buy/sell STOP orders and targeting

10 pips .

I put my buy stop for up-trend when i get the confirmation of the 1,2,3 pattern at fibo

level 0.0 and only take 10 pips profit

the opposite for the sell but it's the same and i always lay those pips no loss

But after reading all your posts i might consider sitting in front of the screen and make

bigger profits .

My profits are big because i increase the lot size when my analysis gives higher probability

and i lay $200+ a day using it .

best of luck and again great job

but why aren't you drawing your fibo levels on the charts or you don't want it to look

complicated ? :blink:

Helloo moneyadd, thanks for reading all my posts...trying to make the time to read them are great support and resistance levels that can be used in trading

to ascertain price movement..but even with the knowledge of 'fibo'' levels, many traders

still make losses..prefer the 60% windows which are more simpler and accurate in my personal

opinion..remember KISS? Keep it simple, its about applying the right tools for the

right markets...not all size fits all in trading..
If you check out our chart below,we used the TRIANGLE PATTERN, more specifically, the

SYMMETRICAL TRIANGLE PATTERN. but why is it called a triangle? Because it looks like

one..Triangles usually form part way through a strongly trending move and represents a

congestive phase in the marketplace. These patterns are important because they are typically

followed by sharp increases or declines in price. An established triangle pattern is a

valuable signal prior to a relatively predictable price change.


Yesterday, we made more than 200 pips from our symmetrical triangle which was part of our

live practical trading.

1.4651-0.0194=1.4457(target point)

Symmetrical triangles,which are lines connecting peaks and troughs tend to converge at the

apex which is at the centre of the pattern.When price breaks outside of the pattern, there

is a high probability that the price will trend in the direction of the breakout.Once price

hit our target for more than 200 pips, it now retraced upwards,. Our buy stop @ 14507 caught

the bullish correction for 75 pips..


Price then retraced downward again to our previous short target of 14457, hitting it twice..


Before we knew it, price knocked 3 times and slipped downwards where our sell stop was on

hand to take the move...''come to papa''..


So moneyadd, hope you now understand...actually, my clients dont really want to know the

process or method in which trading takes place...all they are concerned with is whether we

make money at the end of the month,recession or not..thats the primary objective..making


Can any one here tell why do clients trading this market online face

problems. I have been trading online with AVAFX and facing problems like not receiving

proper mails from them on time, downloading problem, customer support is not responding etc.

I have also heard from other persons trading this market online facing the same problems.

After threatening the customer support people they are now responding on time.

But still i have not come to know why online clients face such problems.

sorry about that, jeff...try and look for a better and more honest broker...Even if you got

the best strategy in the world, the choice of brokers is pertinent for the realization of

your trading goals.

[11:53:40 30/12/08] Stalion : no need to be confused....we put a buy stop on gbpusd @

14550...1st target @ 14575..2nd target @ 14615..3rd target @ 14655

[11:53:44 30/12/08] Stalion : sl 50 pip away
Dear All,

Just a novice question. I keep hearing/reading the word 'intervene' by apex banks to control their currencies. When BoJ says it would intervene to maintain a strong USD, will there be any impact on EURUSD pair to maintain the correlation?

Helloo needinfo,central bank intervention is the buying and selling of currency, foreign or domestic, by central banks in order to influence market conditions or exchange rate movement for fiscal or monetary policy purposes.

Why should the Bank of Japan intervene for a strong dollar? Because it is to their best interests. Japan, as we all know, is an export driven economy and if the Japanese yen is stronger than the dollar, it hurt their exports and consequently their economy. Why import 15000 dollar cars from Japan when you can get it cheaper right there in America? Why import expensive electronics, computers,due to a strong yen, when you can get it cheaper from America itself, or even China or India?

But wait..Japan is also a savings oriented economy, in which, majority of the US international papers or debt are held by it...So the Japanese are not thrilled to watch the value of their investments in the US bond,Treasuries and Capital markets go down the drain as the US dollar weakens..

The USDJPY monthly chart below shows the decline of the currency pair..


Compared to EURUSD(eurodollar), which is on an uptrend,a strong dollar would have a weakening impact on the euro, popularly known in international financial circles, as the ''antidollar''.. Even Trichet, the President of the EU Central Bank(ECB) might likely welcome the gesture of the Japanese with open arms, because a strong dollar would weaken the euro and save them the unsavoury task of slashing interest rates in the nearest future..You could do more research if it affects your personal finance or business objectives, need

info..Did I hear someone say ''Don ichiban''?


[11:53:40 30/12/08] Stalion : no need to be confused....we put a buy stop on gbpusd @

14550...1st target @ 14575..2nd target @ 14615..3rd target @ 14655

[11:53:44 30/12/08] Stalion : sl 50 pip away

Let me whisk you away to the forex charts on the DISSECTION OF A TRADE GONE WRONG. Remember the loss was also important though the LESSONS LEARNT from the loss are MORE IMPORTANT.
Now we are going into the reasons why we took a buy stop at that point..
A 123 bottom formation was observed prior to the alert given out, along with an inverted head and shoulder pattern forming at the bottom...Both are reversal pattern telling us that price is about to reverse from its downtrend to an uptrend.

MACD also made a positive convergence to price which was a buy signal..For the our fib fans out there, a la moneyadd, price made a turnaround on the 30% window, instead of the 60% sell window..which is not that unusual given the strong trend downward in price..

So it was more of a matter of TIMING, rather than STRATEGY. We might be right in taking a trade based on what our strategy is telling us, but if the timing is off bat,we take the loss...In this instance, we lost 50 pips yesterday..the market is always right..quite an humbling experience, isnt it?


So for today, wednesday, price finally came around and rocketed past our 3 targets like a valkyrie..technical analysiswise, our strategy was sound but the timing was off...price then compensated us with more than 105 pips..$105 minilot,$1050 standard lot on GBPUSD.


HAPPY NEW YEAR FOLKS and we give thanks to God for seeing us through a bumpy 2008..WELCOME

Can someone please tell me why this pair should reverse its down

trend any time soon?


Hi radatats, I can see your chart was taken from the GBPUSD daily..The cable have been

staring at its bottomless pit like a deer in front of headlights for months now. Like the

picture suggests, GBPUSD has to break that upper resistance trendline before a reversal can

be said to take place.. And by price closing above the No 2 level of the 123 bottom( where

your 2nd purple arrow was), an uptrend can be said to confirmed in the midterm.MACD positive

divergence to price can also be seen on your chart which foretells a probable bullish run.
But remember, technical analysiswise,the trend is still down and traders are looking to sell

at any good upward correction level. I see no changes..''Buy the dips, Sell the

rallies''..ratatatata..thats just the way it is..

Hello Mystic, I am enjoying your threads and trying hard to understand

it all. I am a realitively new to forex trading and your way of trading fits the style of

trading I would like to master. So again Thank You and keep up the good work.

Since I am a reader of your treads, can you please send me a copy of the e-books listed

below. I would very much appreciate it.

1 The Art Of Creativity
2 Fibonacci Trading - How To Master The Time and Price Advantage

Tsk tsk tsk tsk...ur enjoying my threads and still trying hard to understand it all? Nice

paradox, jehunter...believe me, ur not all alone...such is
If one of your New Year resolutions is to invest in yourself positively and creatively, I'll

be glad to help in that respect, mon ami..Please pm your email address so I can send it to


So for today, Friday the 2nd of January 2009, we are looking at GBPUSD 15 minute chart where

TA wise, price is supposed to make a turnaround to the downside..while fundamentally, price

is supposed to go up due to the lower expectations of the US ISM reports coming out 4pm

Nigerian time.. so in less than 10mins from now, news is coming out...To Be Or Not To Be? TA

we put a sell stop on GBPUSD @ 14515..1ST TARGET @ 14490..2ND TARGET @ 14465..14415...
Also a BUY stop @ 14535..1st target @ 14575..2nd target @ 14515..3rd target @ 14655..50 pip

Thank You. I am definately interested in investing in myself

positively and creatively for the new year. I would like nothing better than to get off to

a good start for the new year. See my pm mail address below to send me the 1 The Art Of

Creativity & 2 Fibonacci Trading - How To Master The Time and Price Advantage.

PM email address

[email protected]

🙂Thank you again.

cool....please check your email box in some few hours,jehunter..And a tip..maybe you could consider WRITING your goals out for the year 2009..10 to 15 goals are okay..might be daily, weekly or monthly..just write it out and go through them regularly so as to keep focused,okay..Brian Tracy taught that strategy.


apa menatang dia ni merepek ni.....

shuo.. if i yarn wafi for you,you go ja..abi no be to gazu the kuza naim be the

am whether you go understand wetin me yarn

What the name of this system? Is it really good like I see on this


Yes it is,Strategist...The name is the CHART PATTERN RECOGNITION AND PRICE PROJECTION STRATEGY. I dont mean to brag, but its one of the best techniques any dedicated trader could use to be profitable in the markets..I get invited to speak on international traders conferences on this least,thats shows how good it is. Though it is not 100% perfect neither is it the ''Holy Grail'',you can be rest assured that your trading performance would get the required EDGE to beat the markets,especially in the long term.

Quote from TradeViper:

forexgreen, very smart to show only 71% positive trade rate, not an outrageous number

like 90%, but not too low. Now if the statement was audited and certified by an

internationally known firm, I think it might just matter. By the way, where are Mandel and



Tradeviper,your venom is simply out of this world, you know..seems you really took the time to go through my performance report over the last 3 months of turbulent trading. Actually, I didnt even know it was up to 71%, so you must be a good statistician. You can manipulate the figures but you cant manipulate the graph of the detailed report.Check the graph below the figures again and see if they match.Even if alien extra terrestians fly down with their UFO to audit the report, there would still be doubting I'm not bothered.
Look at Madoff..Are you trying to tell me that 'internationally known firms' didnt audited his reports over a decade before +$50 billion was ripped off? some say Steven Spielberg, who
was one of the 'casualities', might get sued by Madoff for the rights of the pending
Hollywood blockbuster film chronicling the scandal.
I believe in honesty and ethics in my chosen path..Trading is a vocation where many are
called but few are chosen.I've paid my dues and am still paying my dues in this
industry,tradeviper..easy on the hiss,plzzz
By the way, Who are Mandel and Reaver? Sounds like Beavith n Butthead?

[09:30:38 05/01/09] Stalion : helloo fellas

[09:31:09 05/01/09] Stalion : no news worthy item for Monday so we stick to our friday's

short call

[09:34:59 05/01/09] Learning_pips : hi stal

[09:38:18 05/01/09] Learning_pips : its quite funny though in carolyn's book there is a

mention of a gartley pattern which is a complete opp of the 1-2-3 pattern

[09:40:45 05/01/09] Stalion : hmmmm....havent had time to read it myself

[09:42:19 05/01/09] Learning_pips : its chapter 8, two step pattern..she identifies the

1-2-3 pattern/gartley pattern as a continuation pattern..quite interesting..

[09:42:46 05/01/09] blue : hi

[09:42:55 05/01/09] Stalion : gartley pattern on fibonnacci?

[09:43:05 05/01/09] Learning_pips : just goes to show how many ways patterns can be

interpreted by different people

[09:43:16 05/01/09] Stalion : helloo there blue

[09:43:46 05/01/09] Learning_pips : basically fibs have to applied on the pattern to

identify a cluster

[09:45:03 05/01/09] Learning_pips : "The two-step trade setup is a zigzag pattern that

corrects a prior trend"

[09:45:09 05/01/09] Stalion : range/consolidation pattern? can u identify it on a chart?

[09:45:44 05/01/09] blue : Stalion im new here

[09:46:04 05/01/09] Learning_pips : basically the pattern is exactly the same as a 1-2-3

pattern but she says that its a continuation pattern

[09:46:10 05/01/09] Stalion : cool....howz trading, blue?

[09:46:26 05/01/09] blue : Stalion not so gud

[09:47:18 05/01/09] Stalion : meaning d downtrend would continue? can you give us an example

on a live chart?

[09:47:24 05/01/09] Learning_pips : so according to her once we have points 1 and 2, we can

apply fibs to identify a cluster where 3 would be and the price after it reaches 3 would

continue its decline if we take 1-2-3 as a bottom

[09:47:55 05/01/09] Stalion : how do you mean, blue?

[09:48:35 05/01/09] blue : Stalion im bearing a lot of loss for past few months

[09:48:36 05/01/09] Learning_pips : well there are numerous examples n the book, i am trying

to establish it in the live charts..will keep u posted..any insights on today

[09:50:41 05/01/09] blue : Stalionim so tense now a days

[09:50:49 05/01/09] Stalion : whatabout strategy?

[09:51:48 05/01/09] blue : Stalion actually i was just trading by my own mind and short

trade with the stop but mostly i faced my stop hit

[09:52:48 05/01/09] Stalion : as in, what is ur strategy in which you've been using all

those while?

[09:53:21 05/01/09] blue : Stalion actually i just watch chart with 1 hourly candle and its


[09:59:07 05/01/09] Stalion : hey, dats not a strategy ,blue...just a hourly candle and

spread? did you take any training before going live?

[09:59:07 05/01/09] Maurizio77 : morning all - happy new year

[09:59:13 05/01/09] blue : hi im from pak

[10:00:13 05/01/09] blue : Stalion unfortunately im not trained and thts why im so tense

[10:11:47 05/01/09] realjimmy : such a good day!!! you guys win??

[10:13:13 05/01/09] Learning_pips : no jimmy..missed it

[10:17:03 05/01/09] Stalion : blue, in trading, you have to be trained for you are going

against professionals that have been in the game for years and know what they are

doing...its like a novice trying to play in the Champions chance of winning if

you are not aware of the rules of d game

[10:29:49 05/01/09] Stalion : also using different free signals from different sources on ur

live account is only asking to get blown out on margin accountability or

committment from both sides..

[10:34:59 05/01/09] Maurizio77 : reckon we'll be seeing a breakout on eur/jpy soon

[10:40:46 05/01/09] Stalion : for euroyen, we put a sell stop @ 127.49...1st target @

127.25..2nd target @ 127.08...50 pip sl

[10:45:37 05/01/09] effendy40 : hi stalion

[10:49:50 05/01/09] blue : Stalion wht wil be its buying stop

[10:51:22 05/01/09] Stalion : well, for now, no buying stop since we are looking for eurjpy

to go down in the short term...dats why the sell stop

[10:54:14 05/01/09] Learning_pips : stal the eurjpy entry is 1-2-3 if i am not worng?

[10:57:27 05/01/09] Stalion : 1st target hit on eurjpy..take half profits and move stop loss

to entry

[10:58:52 05/01/09] Stalion : the 123 pattern has already been fulfilled with the high at


[10:59:23 05/01/09] Stalion : remember different techniques as price moves


[10:59:45 05/01/09] Stalion : 2nd target hit on eurjpy!


[11:00:19 05/01/09] Stalion : 41 pips made in less than 1 hour on a monday morning

[11:00:27 05/01/09] Learning_pips : right..sorry realised that later

[11:02:16 05/01/09] Learning_pips : i just checked, our entry point was at 60% sell window

of the previous swing..nice!

[11:04:55 05/01/09] Stalion : cool...great start to the week...and for the New Year..

[11:11:42 05/01/09] Stalion : dats all for today...tommorrow is another day...41 pips,$41

minilot,$410 standard lot on eurjpy...

Helloo fellow traders, for today Teusday 6th of January,12.45 am, we put a sell stop on GBPUSD @ 1.4635..1st target @ 1.4605..2nd target @ 1.4575..3rd target @ 1.4545...50 pips stop loss..take half profits when +20 pips ahead then shift stop loss to entry point.
Seeing the charts market looks to be mixed once again. whats your take on it,jeff?

Quote from Reaver:


If bull**** was a bra, you'd be top heavy. S******* piece of s***.

Nice of you to drop in,Reefer..I mean,Beaver..didnt know tradeviper was calling his

bullyboys over to this thread..maybe you could do us a good turn by trying to write just one

verse without a curse..your comment makes an xrated movie sound like a sunday school picnic

Avishek Roy (Harry Ainlay Senior High) wrote:
hi im a new trader, and i read ur stuff...great job! i was wondering if i could get in on

this chat that you guys do...and what time do u trade? i was told the london open was a good

time to start

Thanks for your mail,Avishek..nice to hear you guys are enjoying my thread on

Facebook..London Session is usually the time we trade daily..The chat is subscription based

where active and serious traders earn and learn at the same time..


how do i get ur chart pattern
I saw ur posts so i am interested in the chart how do i get it. Secondly

i am new to forex but God in his infinite mercy directed me here and i know this may be the

miracle i need.

Hi Kento,we give All glory to God Almighty for everything as we are just His instruments.
But I'm not sure I understand what you meant by getting 'chart pattern', since these charts

posted are based on daily trades during market sessions. If you meant how you can get the

system, it is not a mechanical system where you send to an email box or something..It is

more of a simple discretionary system that is thoroughly explained from mentor to

student(s)..Seasoned traders, the liberal ones at that, might just go through charts and

'get it'..but the risk is that the edge tend to get faded out in time, if too much details

are written out on public forums.So there must be a balance..
You also have to understand that the miracle you need is inside of YOU..You have to be AWARE

that the FORCE is in you..not outside of you..My mission is not just about forex training,

forex signals and forex managed account services..but it is more of helping others discover

and being AWARE of our inherent possibilities. I'm aware of myself here and trying to let

others know that they can still do better than me if they have the proper mindset and

dedication to getting to the next level in trading or whatever they set their minds to. Rome

wasnt built in a day..

Quote from oraclewizard77:


Do you actually watch the trade all the time until you are out?

Do you put in hard stops and targets? I would think if the broker sees the stop especially

on large account size, they will just spike the market down to take out your stop.

Hi oraclewizard, it is nice to see that Elite trader have at least one positive comment on

this thread..from your question, it seems you are averse to watching trades until you are

out..It all depends on your style of trading and the times we are in..For intraday and

momentum trading, it pays to watch your trades due to incoming high impact news that might

affect market dynamics..
You can still put in your stops and targets, go play golf, and be back to see your equity

increase by some good percentage.But you have to get to a particular SKILL LEVEL in order to

achieve that.Markets tend to be on a range/accumulation phase 80% of the time, while

breakouts are usually seen 20% of the time. This type of market tends to keep newbies out

because they come looking for short term quick buck. By the time the rookie traders come to

the market, the move has probably expired.This type of market is for the PATIENT trader that

knows what is going on and can wait out long periods of boredom like a panther measuring its

Do you think top traders like Dan Zanger, Paul Rotter,etc, get bothered about the time it

takes to haul in substantial profits from the markets? It all comes at a price, in which,

80% of traders are not ready and willing to pay, and thats a major reason they fail.''aww,

cant wake up in the early morning for good trades'',..''need set and forget system while am

in tahiti sipping margaritas and pina coladas'',my blood pressure's too high to be running

around like a chicken without a head'', ''..etc..
Swing trading and position trading is more better for those traders that cant find the

patience to watch their trades for profitable returns.


Depending on your account size, stops are normally fixed at major support and resistance

areas..some traders use the Average True Range(ATR) to determine their stops, which is also

part of good risk management.
There are honest brokers and there are dishonest brokers..the dishonest bucketshops are the

ones giving the trading industry a bad name in which they aggressively advertise to the

public..Its not limited to forex alone though...we got bad eggs in the stock markets too,

where Nightmare On Wall Street is having its estate..toxic bonds in the

Phantom of Solace,..even the few bad eggs in Nigeria,419, tend to spoil the good names of

majority of the hardworking populace who are trying to make a honest living..


So its a worldwide phenomenon..until the bucketshops, Wall Street, fake HYIPs,fraudsters

come to realize that their negative actions tend to affect ALL humanity in one way or the

other, we would still be having all sorts of minor and major recessions..Their get quick

rich materialistic tendencies, at all costs, would also get back to them in the long run

since we are all one..

P.S..You might consider ECNs....they are likely to be more honest and rarely consider

spiking the markets to their 'best interests' since they make their money mainly from


Sell stop on GBPUSD @ 15280..1st target @ 15225..2nd target @ 15182...50 pip sl...also buy EURUSD @ 13700..1st target @ 13725..25 pip stop loss
The Awakening

Helloo Fellow Traders,

Hope you all had a wonderfull weekend...

For some time, I've been on meditative break in order to step back from the picture and look

ahead...What I saw wasnt certain...

Barack Obama thanks Gordon Brown for 'very productive' visit to Washington - Telegraph

Will Barack Obama end Britain's special relationship with America? - Telegraph

How will these events affect the GBPUSD and its continous downward price movement? hOW DOES


We need to understand that going into political history would only dig us into deeper

hole..subtle fencing matches doesnt do humanity any good, especially most in the Balkans,

Isreal, Palestinians, China,Japan, Iran,Iraq,Germany, France,Russia,Sudan,

Somalia,Zimbabwe,and so on..Great statesmen put the interest of humanity in the

forefront...To whose gain if we blow up the world in this generation in spite of love and


When money, as an exchange of value, is allowed to be economic leakages via negative

destructive means, it brings about destructive results...but when it is harnessed for

constructive means and purposes, it brings constructive and positive results.

The global recession can be overcome by improving and improvisation via constructive

means..That might reduce the distortion and inversion of the human race...

For the benefit of readers that might not yet understand the way I trade, I invite you to

log into the 10,000 virtual equity account and see how and why trades are taken.. No more

than 2% risk is taken..

Acc No 100909

Password mn4picn (ALPARI US)...Forex trading with Alpari. Real time foreign exchange trading services. Free forex news, forex charts, analysis.

Please download the mt4 software from the site , then log in to view the forex trades..

Originally posted by Julieviola:
[QB] I really don't much about the psychology of stock trading but one that got me is the

"having" or the noobs quest for more money. As novice in this field I try to take a lot of

advice from many sectors and other forums similar to this one but my problem is information


It's so easy for a novice to get overloaded with information that instead of making a head

way in their quest to make more money, they simply sucks and cannot function as they should.

Don't get me wrong but the original thread is something for a novice like me to really put

into consideration.

Thanks for the tip [/QB]

Hi Julie...thanks for your are right when you mentioned the ''paralysis by

analysis'' factor that disable the functions of majority of the traders due to information

overload.In pursuit of the quest for profits, most of us tend to disregard the knowledge,

patience and determination required to come out on top in any field of endeavour,instead we

only focus on money..''how much can I make daily?''...I deserve a 100 pips dropping like

clockwork each and every day''... Stay with me here,viola, there's a madness to the method

and method to the madness..Its called the LAW OF DETACHMENT...thanks once again for your

comments, julieviola

Hey forexgreenland, we have missed you at NIGERIA BEST FORUM . NBF.
Since its been a while, we thought we would send you a personal invitation to return.

Hello, forexgreenland!
We've noticed that you've not been active on for quite some time now, and we

miss you!

Could we not tempt you back? need to do that,mon back....just being occupied by lots of projects little or no time to post as much as before...

It seems like one of the most common questions we get, especially

from those new to trading, is something along the lines of "Which is better? Technical

analysis or fundamental analysis?" There's no perfect answer to that question, just like

there is no perfect technical system, nor perfect fundamental criteria. In fact, the best

answer may simply be "It depends on what works for your style of trading".

So if you choose one strategy, then work for it.. But if you want to use the two, then

that's better.. Combination of these two methods could give you too much advantage.

Nice observation, dollarfinder...I concur with your findings...There's no 100% perfect

system, whether technical analysis or fundamental news analysis..What matters most is proper

RISK MANAGEMENT in trading.. How long can your equity last if your system is on a losing

streak? How far can you go when the market goes schizophrenic over a period? 5 trades? 20

trades? 50 or a 100 trades before margin call...Hot situation makes a nice one, whatchu

gonna 911?That is what majority of the professional traders focus on when

trading...Even in cooking, recipes of dishes are added proportionally, instead of putting

the ingredients all at the same time.. That proportional blending eventually brings about a

nice savoury dish....yumm yumm..Anyone hungry?

Frank Says:

Hello, thank you for this Posting. I am reading this Blog very often and i like to read this

blog. I hope you writing alot in this Blog. What you have to doo is to write more in this

Blog about everything.

Hi Mistikal,

You responded to my message on 01/06/09 regarding the two e-books listed below: I have not

received them as-of-yet. Please send them to me at your earliest convience, I am anxious to

learn how to trade in this new year. My PM address [email protected]

1 The Art Of Creativity
2 Fibonacci Trading - How To Master The Time and Price Advantage

Thank You and keep up the good work! You're the best.🙂

I know, I know, jehunter....better to be the hunter than to be the hunted,especially of send it as soon as possible,okay...

Hi Stalion,

I saw some -ve and some +ve comments on your thread. I don't really care about those -ve

comments. It's not fair to judge boobs by its cover 😉. Personally am impressed with the

strategy you are using and I would like to learn it from you. Can you please tell how I can

join you during trading. Thanks.

Darn hayabusat,easy on the boobs fixation,okay...or you want to change the title of ''Sex in

the City'' to Sex in the Trading?not that healthy for clarity of mind..I must say.. Trading

mostly commences during the London Session where you have less range activity and more

stable volatility.

[10:02:58] Stalion : sell gbpusd @ 13920...1st target @ 13840...2nd target @ 13765...50 pip


Hello Stallion,

You have not been posting for some time now. hope all is okay???

Please if you dont mind,i will like to ask you to tell me how you do draw your
trendlines on the price chart and MACD.
what and what do you consider or do before and while drawing them.

Also i want to develop a good entry and exit method while trading so that i will not enter

late or leave too soon on the market. please advise me on how to do this .

Please advise

Onwuka Arisa

Helloo there Onwuka, nice to get your mail... We thank God for everything..We should also

know there are times we shouldnt ignore our personal needs in order to satisfy others

needs..A burnt out Stallion is of no good to himself or to the people..just cant give out

from an empty cup whether you see it half filled or creative silence or quiet time

is essential for each and every human being..Mind you, you dont have to be a hermit

hibernating in a cave or a monk in the Himalayas before you get the centre of balance

within.. seems your questions have been asked before, and the answer was given..most times,

I often had to go back and read through the whole thread so as to get a better perspective

of where we are coming from and where we are

Forex Chart Pattern Recognition technique on the Breakout System - Page 7 - Forex Peace Army Forum


Forex Chart Pattern Recognition technique on the Breakout System - Page 14 - Forex Peace Army Forum

To summarize, trendlines are connected from the current resistance/support high or low to

the previous resistance/support high or low of the candlebars.

It is also connected, if using MACD,between the current peak(highs) to the previous peak or

between the current trough(lows) and previous troughs of the MACD line. When the price

trendline is ascending in an uptrend and MACD trendline is descending in a downtrend, it is

called NEGATIVE DIVERGENCE.. When price trendline is downward and MACD trendline is upward,


Good entries and exits are also strategies that depends mainly on risk management principles

like risk to reward ratios.Most newbie traders/sportsmen wants to know the tricks...instant

gratification without expenditure of responsibilty..Your entries might be good but whatabout

whipsaws?what if you had perfect entry but the timing of the move sucks?How much are you

prepared to risk if the ''perfect entry'' does not manifest? Those are questions we should

ask ourselves before and during trading..

Can anyone recommend a good platform for trading CFDs?

Hi Natalie, to paraphrase annacoulli..

annacoull said:
Brokers fall into 3 broad categories: ECN, non dealing and market maker

and from experience I have found there are at least 16 questions you should ask before

opening a forex account and these are as follows:

1. What is the net capital of the company
2. Is the company regulated
3. Is the company a dealer or a broker
4. What are the leverage and margin rules
5. What are the costs of trading
6. Does the company offer telephone support
7. How easy is the platform to use
8. Is the trading platform reliable
9. What is the charting like
10. How long has the company been in business
11. What reputation does it have in the forums
12. Trading style and order types
13. Micro, mini and regular account spreads
14. Interest on the account
15. Hedge trades allowed
16. Rollover

Once you have your answers it is so important to select a broker which matches your trading

style - it is pointless opening an account with a broker which is classified as a market

maker and then expect to be able to scalp - you will not be able to do so because spreads

widen alarmingly when the markets are volatile.

So CFDs(Contracts for Difference), are cash settled derivatives that reflect their

underlying markets like stocks, futures or forex contracts.CFDs can easily be traded short,

transaction speeds are usually fast, and they have low margin specifications, like 10% for

shares, 5% for share indices,5% for futures and 2% for currencies.They are also generally

open ended, as in, they have no expiration dates like options, commodities or warrants.

Another thing that makes CFDs stand out is they are available for diverse underlying markets

like the US, UK AND European shares CFDs, sector CFDs like Banks, Real Estate,Oil and Gas,

as well as forex and futures pairs.

hello whats your setting for MACD indicater . Thanks.

Helloo nasir.khan...any relation with genghis or kublai khan? anyways, you can just use the

standard settings on your platform, which is usually 12,26,9.. You could still tweak the

settings and compare the changes on the MACD indicator to price above...whichever one fits

your style is okay...

yeah i know forexgreenland your work speaks for itself.........but can you

tell me why you always summit chats on your maximum post. don't you have anything to


Hmmm, this sounds like a counterattack from one of the feminine species,not just a welcome

party....Somebody stop me!You want to know why, mami? It is because those chats and charts

mainly represents a reflection of operations in the trading trenches..reflects trading minds

at different levels in which enlightening market themes and principles can be glimpsed and

learnt from..
At the risk of getting my eyes scratched out by our female folks, there are some

observations on the gender aspect to trading.females are less willing to take risk but more

willing to stick to their rules..Alpha male stereotypes tend to do the opposite..too much

machismo, too much ego on the line...brings about stumbling blocks to our trading

if good traders are consistent at abiding to their rules and not taking unnecessary risks,

the ladies should do better in their pyschological makeup to trading. So guys, we got a lot

to learn from our womenfolk..thanks for your constructive criticism, Anne

How to set the graph become like this ?

Hi khairu, the red and blue lines you see on the chart is brought about through putting up a

buy or sell order, which reflects on the ''graph''...To write out a text, just click the

''Insert'' tab above, next to ''View'' tab on your MT4 platform.. There, you can also

experiment with trendlines, shapes, arrows, fib, gann..etc...just play around with it first

and see how it translates on your chart.

So for today, Teusday, we could see a head and shoulder pattern on the GBPUSD 15 min

chart,so we are looking for a bearish move down
Sell stop on cable @ 14614...1st target @ 14565..2nd target @ 14535..50 pips stop

loss...Take half profits when +20 pips ahead, then shift stop loss to sell entry level.

Hmmm the chart is showing breakout for short sell

Cool..Fxcool...if it breaks our triangle to the downside, we are looking at a short sell,

like you said..but if price breaches the ''HEAD''(1.4775) level of the Head and shoulder

pattern, then we might be seeing the continuation of a new buy stop at

14775..1st target @ 14825, 2nd target @14865..50 pip stop loss

Marike says, "Hi Sylvester,

I am a south african girl and very interested in learning how to trade forex. Is there

anyone in Johannesburg or website that can teach me the basics in trading because I have NO



Hi Marike, sorry I'm in Lagos,Nigeria and am not yet familiar with anyone in

johannesbourg,SA that could teach you the basics...You can try Forex Trading: Online Currency Trading in the Foreign Exchange Market, and

Forex Factory, where some forex basics are posted.
Thanks once again.

Maximum wrote
Hi Sylvester, I was watching your alpari account that you provide on your site and I was

like very surprise when I saw that the account when from 9500$ to less then 7000$, what

happen, there was a big loss of 1000$ for one trade, could you explain to me please.... thx


Helloo Max,
Thanks for your mail...The drawdowns were brought about by my divided focus lately, for I'm

about completing my new forex book which has a deadline of a couple of weeks. This new

project, which had been postponed so many times earlier,has taken up my time for dedicated a tradeoff, I might have to suspend market action for a short period in

order to fully concetrate on the task at hand...which is writing and publishing this

expository manuscript, without much external distractions.
So max, dont worry,once my new project is completed, I;ll pick up from where I left off,

presumably in a month's as to give my usual undivided focus back on real time

Thanks for your concern, my friend....please ask any questions or comments you might feel

like communicating in the meantime..


When you specify limits or stops, does it always work.

Honest Injun, no padner...nothing always work all the time...remember we are living in an

imperfect world...the only method to mitigate against unnecessary losses from trade entries

and exits, is proper risk/money management and discipline.

Consumer prices dip unexpectedly in March

[09 15/04/09] Learning_pips : hello...hi stallion are u there

[12 15/04/09] Stalion : helloo paul,Learningpips

[12 15/04/09] Stalion : we put a sell stop on gbpusd @ 14950

[12 15/04/09] Stalion : 1st target @ 14928....2nd target @ 14902...50 pips sl

[12 15/04/09] Paulfx : hello stallion

[13 15/04/09] Paulfx : 1st target reached - closed out 1/3 of positions moved sl to BE


[13 15/04/09] Stalion : cool

[13 15/04/09] Stalion : how many minilots are you using,paul?

[13 15/04/09] Paulfx : stallion how did you come up with the 1.4950 as entry?

[13 15/04/09] Paulfx : im only doing .3 right now until i get familiar with system

then will move to 3 standard

[13 15/04/09] Stalion : on how much equity?

[13 15/04/09] Paulfx : $3k right now with the minis

[13 15/04/09] Stalion : see, in trading, we know that risk mgt is very

important, if your risk or potential oss does not exceed 2 to 5% of your total

equity while trading, you might use standard lot...

[13 15/04/09] Stalion : the entry points are also important as the risk mgt much can I stand to lose if my entry is not accurate or if my timing is not


[13 15/04/09] Paulfx : i will have to review those figures looks like my $3k would not

be enough right now

[13 15/04/09] Stalion : yes....thats prudent....we missed some early morining moves

earlier....but how I came up with the entry point of 1.4950 was a trendline break around

that region on the 15 minute chart

[13 15/04/09] Paulfx : i would be interested in reading your book when do we get a


[13 15/04/09] Stalion : lol....the book has been postponed times without

number,paul...its only in my free time that I get to put the finishing touches and review

it...dats why ur questions and comments pertaining to forex, would be a nice addition to the

book...for now, trading, amongst other activities,tend to slow the Muse

[13 15/04/09] Stalion : some time would be necessary before we get the chance for


[13 15/04/09] Paulfx : its not liking the 4925 mark should be a nice move when it

breaks thru

[13 15/04/09] Stalion : hmmmm, there is a harami cross at the previous 15 min candle,

while the 4925 mark is around the 50% level,paul

[13 15/04/09] Stalion : just a period of indecision before price makes its next move

[13 15/04/09] Paulfx : ok i have the same on my charts

[13 15/04/09] Stalion : you can still close out 1 more minilot,while adjusting your

stop loss to our sell entry level

[13 15/04/09] Paulfx : i was waiting for 2nd target to hit before i close out a mini

[13 15/04/09] Paulfx : i got stopped out

[13 15/04/09] Stalion : on breakeven?

[13 15/04/09] Paulfx : yes i broke even on the other 2 minis

[13 15/04/09] Stalion : cool....

[13 15/04/09] Stalion : I was stopped out on breakeven too....though 2 minilots were

closed out before price got advancing upwards...the remaining 1 minilot was a sacrifice

[13 15/04/09] Paulfx : i try to stick religiously to trade management taking profit

and sl

[13 15/04/09] Paulfx : on the 1h chart we are still in a downtrend

[13 15/04/09] Stalion : yes....the current trend on the hourly chart is down....usdchf

is moving up

[14 15/04/09] Paulfx : anything on the horizon to look out for?

[14 15/04/09] Learning_pips : hi paul

[14 15/04/09] Paulfx : hey there

[14 15/04/09] Stalion : price went back to our 1st target again

[15 15/04/09] Paulfx : are we going to re-enter?

[15 15/04/09] Stalion : to be on a safe side, we put a buy stop at 14970

[15 15/04/09] Stalion : 1st target @ 14990...2nd target @ 15035

[15 15/04/09] Paulfx : bah i missed the entry

[15 15/04/09] Stalion : 40 pips sl

[15 15/04/09] Stalion : can still enter at current market price of 14970

[15 15/04/09] Paulfx : i got in close to entry price

[15 15/04/09] Stalion : cool

[15 15/04/09] Paulfx : not much activity today on the markets it seems like

[16 15/04/09] Stalion : helloo paul

[16 15/04/09] Paulfx : hello stallion - looks like gbpusd is catching a downward trend

[16 15/04/09] Paulfx : 1h chart still bullish

[16 15/04/09] Stalion : yes....we jus have to sit on our hands and wait for price...

[16 15/04/09] Stalion : 1st target hit

[09:36:40 17/04/09] Stalion : helloo there, LP....

[09:39:32 17/04/09] Stalion : We put a sell stop on GBPUSD @ 14795...1ST TARGET @

14735...2ND TARGET @ 14665.. STOP LOSS @ 14850...

[09:40:58 17/04/09] Learning_pips : hmm

[09:42:30 17/04/09] Stalion : looks like the CHF report got the swiss pair in an uptrend


[09:43:35 17/04/09] Learning_pips : ok. I am only lookin at gbpusd for now.just one pair is

enough for me to begin with lol

[09:45:26 17/04/09] Stalion : of course, gbpusd might still have some strength for a rally

when the CAD report comes out in a few minutes

[10:06:47 17/04/09] Learning_pips : sell stop got triggered

[10:36:06 17/04/09] Learning_pips : made 35 pips before I did something while putting a

trailing stop and my position got closed by mistae🙁

Paulfx said:
Stallion, I didnt enter the market on this play however it seems like it was

stopped out. After entry, I have a candle with high tick of 1.4850 which was also the SL.

From the chat log, it seems like learning pips picked up this play and made money. What am

I missing? Thank you,

Hi Paul...hope you are enjoying your weekend?what you might have missed was proper risk

management.. Our sell entry on the cable,last friday, @ 14795 was on the mark at the first

foray, which went to a low of approximately 43 pips downward before reversing back beyond

our initial entry, up to a high of 14850..
Assuming you had entered, you would utilize the risk mgt tool of ''closing out half minilots

when +20 pips ahead, then shifting stop loss to initial entry level'' this case,

SL=14795=initial sell entry...


By applying that rule, you would have been stopped out at breakeven profit, since you've

already closed out half your position at +20 pips...Remember price made a freefall down to

43 pips or so, to reach a low of 14752, 17 pips shy of our 1st target of 14735..
So its more of a case of good entry but less spectacular finishing/exit, if proper risk

management is not adhered you observed on the log, Learning pips took out 35 pips

or so from the trade, which was enough for him for that day.. also we had like 3

opportunities to go in and out of the trade for 30 or more pips that it is still

valid till Monday..Hope you understand...

Hello Mystikal,

Please i will like to ask: if a country's interest rate is held ,will it depreciate or

appreciate against other currencies?

Am sorry if ur annoyed with the last question i asked the other time,dont mean any harm.just

trying to learn ok. stay cool.

Onwuka Arisa

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop

- Albert Einstein

Helloo onwuka, how is it going? No offence taken, mon ami...we all learn at each of our

different levels in life...not just in trading...
To answer your question, we might take a little look at what interest rates mean.. They are

more or less payment for the use of a given sum of money, or its equivalent over a period of

time. Implied in this defination are demand and supply as determinants of market price, in

which price is the rate of interest. Interest is a COST to demanders of funds and an item of

INCOME to suppliers of funds, and the rate of interest influences their entry into a given

market in varying ways and degrees. The rate is stated on the basis of one year(per

annum),even though loans can be made for shorter or longer periods.

You see, the market referred to, is a credit market, in which debt is seen as an obligation

to pay money and credit is the right to recieve money. Such markets bring together borrowers

and lenders(investors), and in them are established and communicated the prices at which

they are willing to make transactions.

The price of credit is an interest rate, and that which is demanded and supplied are credit

or debt instruments, whose primary function is to allow control over money to be

transferred. Suppliers of debt instruments are demanders of funds, and demanders of such

instruments are suppliers of funds, so that in essence, it is the price of these instruments

at a given time which gives the market yield, or rate of interest. Interest rations the

supply of savings, serves as compensation to lenders, helps cover the costs of risks, and

can be used to help stabilize an economy or promote growth.

So onwuka, if a country's interest rate is held, under normal market conditions, it tends to

appreciate against other currencies with relatively lower interest rates. Short term

interest rates are the important factor in currency valuation - traders look at most other

indicators merely to predict how rates will change in the future;thats where we get to the

inflation/unemployment tradeoff.. If a country's Central bank feels inflation is high, they

usually increases interest rates in order to mop up excess liquidity..but that constricts

credit flow for growth and productivity which increases the unemployment rate..
But wait..
if unemployment is the top priority of the government, then interest rates are lowered in

order to increase credit expansion flows in the system so as to enhance employment through

wider growth and productivity...but that tends to increase inflation due to excess

liquidity...a TRADEOFF in the country's kitty..

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Katipunero said:
Hi, FxGreenLand

I have read some of your posts dating last October of 2008 and I must say that I'm impressed

with the way you analyze the markets. I would like to request from you, if its possible that

you could share with me your next trading plans on the markets. Since I live in a different

timezone, I don't think I can spot you online so is there a way that I can receive on my

email or on my inbox here in this forum your trading advices on the prevailing market

movements? I would appreciate any help you could extend 😀

By the way, I've been trading for over a year now and my trading is fine but I still haven't

find the right system for me.. maybe you could help since I've found your trading system to

be really good

Kind regards,

Katipunero 😎

Hi katipunero, thanks for your mail...the right trading system is essential for the right

individual...not all size fits all...if you want to take up my services, then you are

free...just send a mail specifying which of them you are interested in, and I'll get back to


The Arabs have an ancient proverb that affirms:
He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not,
is a fool—shun him.
He who knows not, and knows that he knows not,
is a student—teach him.
He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep—wake him.
He who knows, and knows that he knows is wise—follow him.
Mystikal said:
[09 17/04/09] Stalion : helloo there, LP....

[09 17/04/09] Stalion : We put a sell stop on GBPUSD @ 14795...1ST TARGET @

14735...2ND TARGET @ 14665.. STOP LOSS @ 14850...


"Peripheral care should be the central concern"

By George Soros

The Group of 20 meeting is a make-or-break event. Unless it comes up with practical measures

to support the less developed countries, which are even more vulnerable than the developed

ones, markets are going to suffer another sinking spell just as they did last month when Tim

Geithner, Treasury secretary, failed to produce practical measures to recapitalise the US

banking system.

This crisis is different from all the others since the end of the second world war.

Previously, the authorities got their act together and prevented the financial system from

collapsing. This time, after the failure of Lehman Brothers last September, the system broke

down and was put on artificial life support. Among other measures, both Europe and the US in

effect guaranteed that no other important financial institution would be allowed to fail.

This necessary step had unintended adverse consequences: many other countries, from eastern

Europe to Latin America, Africa and south-east Asia, could not offer similar guarantees. As

a result, capital fled from the periphery to the centre. The flight was abetted by national

financial authorities at the centre who encouraged banks to repatriate their capital. In the

periphery countries, currencies fell, interest rates rose and credit default swap rates

soared. When history is written, it will be recorded that - in contrast to the Great

Depression - protectionism first prevailed in finance rather than trade.

Institutions such as the International Monetary Fund face a novel task: to protect the

periphery countries from a storm created in the developed world. Global institutions are

used to dealing with governments; now they must deal with the collapse of the private

sector. If they fail to do so, the periphery economies will suffer even more than those at

the centre, because they are poorer and more dependent on commodities than the developed

world. They also face $1,440bn (€1,060bn, £994bn) of bank loans coming due in 2009. These

loans cannot be rolled over without international aid.

Gordon Brown, the UK prime minister, recognised the problem and designated the G20 meeting

to address it. Yet profound attitudinal differences have surfaced, particularly between the

US and Germany. The US has recognised that the collapse of credit in the private sector can

be reversed only by using the credit of the state to the full. Germany, traumatised by the

memory of hyperinflation in the 1920s, is reluctant to sow the seeds of future inflation by

incurring too much debt. Both positions are firmly held. The controversy threatens to

disrupt the meeting.

Yet it should be possible to find common ground. Instead of setting a universal target of 2

per cent of gross domestic product for stimulus packages, it is enough to agree that the

periphery countries need aid to protect their financial systems. This is in the common

interest. If the periphery economies are allowed to collapse, the developed countries will

also be hurt.

As things stand, the G20 meeting will produce some concrete results: the resources of the

IMF are likely to be doubled, mainly by using the mechanism of the "new arrangements to

borrow", which can be activated without resolving the vexed question of reapportioning

voting rights.

This will be sufficient to enable the IMF to help specific countries at risk but it will not

provide a systemic solution for the less developed countries. Such a solution is readily

available in the form of special drawing rights. SDRs are complex but they boil down to the

international creation of money. Countries that can create their own money do not need them

but periphery countries do. The rich countries should therefore lend their allocations to

the nations in need.

Recipient countries would pay the IMF interest at a very low rate, equivalent to the

composite average treasury bill rate of all convertible currencies. They would have free use

of their own allocations but would be supervised in how the borrowed allocations were used

to ensure they were well spent.

In addition to the one-time increase in the IMF's resources, there ought to be a big annual

issue of SDRs, of say $250bn, as long as the recession lasts. It is too late to use the

April 2 G20 meeting to agree this, but if it were raised by President Barack Obama and

endorsed by others, this would be sufficient to give heart to the markets and turn the

meeting into a resounding success.


[08:47:01 21/04/09] Stalion : helloo there

[08:51:02 21/04/09] Stalion : we are seeing a 123 bottom on the GBPUSD 15 minute chart, so

standing by for a bullish move

[08:53:20 21/04/09] Learning_pips : cool

[08:54:49 21/04/09] Learning_pips : news also coming out today

[09:02:51 21/04/09] Stalion : we put a buy stop on GBPUSD @ 1.4574...1st target @

1.4613...2nd target @ 1.4645...stop loss @ 1.4510..

[09:03:08 21/04/09] fxjedi : hi stal

[09:05:15 21/04/09] Learning_pips : ok

[09:35:58 21/04/09] Learning_pips : stal the news came out a little better than expected

[09:36:54 21/04/09] Learning_pips : ok buy stop triggered

[09:36:56 21/04/09] Learning_pips : we are in

[09:48:42 21/04/09] Learning_pips : price is hesitating

[09:59:21 21/04/09] Stalion : cool

[10:04:11 21/04/09] Learning_pips : looks like we r on our way

[10:07:16 21/04/09] Learning_pips : closed 1 lot with 25pips and moved SL to breakeven


[10:15:54 21/04/09] Learning_pips : ok second lot stopped out

[10:21:47 21/04/09] Learning_pips : hey paul..did u pick up the last trade

[10:29:00 21/04/09] Learning_pips : stal I have a question around this call, did u pick it

up off the 15min chart or the 4hr chart?

[10:32:10 21/04/09] Stalion : good work, LP

[10:34:08 21/04/09] Learning_pips : thnx

[10:34:59 21/04/09] Stalion : but how come u were stopped out on ur 2nd lot wen SL is

supposed to be around 14510...

[10:35:59 21/04/09] Learning_pips : no actually I moved second lot to entry point

[10:36:56 21/04/09] Learning_pips : but then after that candle with the long upper shadow I

entered again on the next candle

[10:37:53 21/04/09] fxjedi : am up 30 pips,stal

[10:38:24 21/04/09] Stalion : cool...your learning well...

[10:38:40 21/04/09] Stalion : the call was taken off the 15 min chart..
[10:58:11 21/04/09] fxjedi : ok

[09:02:51 21/04/09] Stalion : we put a buy stop on GBPUSD @ 1.4574...1st target @

1.4613...2nd target @ 1.4645...stop loss @ 1.4510..
[09:03:08 21/04/09] fxjedi : hi stal

[20:59:09 21/04/09] Stalion : hi paul

[20:59:50 21/04/09] Stalion : do we trade da retracement?

[21:00:56 21/04/09] Stalion : sell 1.4662..1st target @ 1.4615...2nd target @ 1.4560

[21:01:31 21/04/09] Stalion : stop loss @ 1.4710

[22:57:24 21/04/09] Paulfx : hi stallion, did you get my email?

[23:31:44 21/04/09] Paulfx : my question was regarding how you are calculating retracement

[23:32:02 21/04/09] Paulfx : on the call you posted not too long ago

[10:07:47 22/04/09] Stalion : helloo Paul...

[10:09:56 22/04/09] Stalion : total of about 102 pips made to 2nd target around the early

hours of this morning


[10:11:38 22/04/09] Learning_pips : hi stal

[10:19:46 22/04/09] Stalion : helloo LP....

[10:24:11 22/04/09] Learning_pips : I see so if the price moves the opp direction and then

moves agian in the direction of the call we are supposed to re-enter??

[10:27:00 22/04/09] Stalion : more often than not, depends...if the charts show its

a high probability thing, we reenter..

[10:28:36 22/04/09] Stalion : there are also times where you reenter but get stopped out

again and again..most times, it coz price is trying to shake off the weak hands with as few
traders to its target...

[10:28:39 22/04/09] Learning_pips : cool

[10:29:22 22/04/09] Stalion : while most times, we are just simply wrong..maybe due to range


[10:29:41 22/04/09] Learning_pips : hmm

[10:29:44 22/04/09] Stalion : or some other technical/fundamental reason

[10:30:23 22/04/09] Learning_pips : because I have often seen the calls are absolutely spot

on targets but sometimes its the timing thats different

[10:30:41 22/04/09] Learning_pips : I am talking about my own calls

[10:31:06 22/04/09] Learning_pips : sometimes even urs too

[10:32:07 22/04/09] Stalion : wrong timing....wrong entries....

[10:32:45 22/04/09] Stalion : right timing, right entries

[10:32:53 22/04/09] Learning_pips : hmm

[10:34:44 22/04/09] Learning_pips : i still have some understanding on levels and price but

timing wise not that good

[10:35:44 22/04/09] Learning_pips : hammer on 15min gbpusd around last support area

[10:44:20 22/04/09] Learning_pips : stal i hv entered buy with a stop on the hammers low

[10:44:45 22/04/09] Stalion : buy stop on GBPUSD @ 1.4575..1st target @ 14595..2nd target @


[10:46:49 22/04/09] Stalion : sl @ 1.4521

[10:55:54 22/04/09] Paulfx : stal great call i was in it but didnt get alll the pips...

still ok took profit and no sl

[10:56:03 22/04/09] Paulfx : morning lp

[10:58:27 22/04/09] Learning_pips : hw s it goin

[10:59:39 22/04/09] Stalion : helloo Paul...

[10:59:44 22/04/09] Paulfx : its always great in the land of profits

[11:00:10 22/04/09] Stalion : am preparing a response to your question for general


[11:00:37 22/04/09] Paulfx : ok thank you! young grasshopper eager to learn!

[11:01:05 22/04/09] Stalion : Greenland...the Land of Profits...nice connotation, Paul...

[11:01:53 22/04/09] Stalion : the time of profits or success is when ur most can fall if no proper risk mgt

[11:02:18 22/04/09] Stalion : and overconfidence

[11:02:36 22/04/09] Paulfx : yes it is- fear and greed

[11:03:07 22/04/09] Stalion : hmmmm...

[11:09:13 22/04/09] Paulfx : i was asleep to reenter for that gbp call last night, would

have been another good play but like you and LP were talking about earlier could have been

stopped out

[11:15:03 22/04/09] Paulfx : would it be wise to make a play on the retracement?

[11:15:04 22/04/09] Stalion : maybe you could trying pulling the trigger, then ask some

incisive questions ur question thru pm less than an hour after sending the

gbpusd call last night...the opportunity lay waiting for hrs before finally going down

around 0300 had time ,Paul...but you hesistated

[11:16:03 22/04/09] Learning_pips : second target reached

[11:16:09 22/04/09] Paulfx : ok... wow... obviously not!

[11:16:31 22/04/09] Paulfx : now that is what i call momentum!

[11:16:43 22/04/09] Stalion : 1st target hit....@ 14595....current price now 1.4610


[11:16:47 22/04/09] Learning_pips : wow it was so quick

[11:17:15 22/04/09] Stalion : dats intraday trading for you, Paul

[11:17:25 22/04/09] Stalion : did you enter?

[11:17:28 22/04/09] Learning_pips : i closed out with 33pips

[11:18:40 22/04/09] Paulfx : yes

[11:19:28 22/04/09] Stalion : cool

Paulfx said:
How are you basing the retracement? I am looking on the hour chart and

seeing a low of 1.4466 04/21 00:00h and a high of 1.4707 04/21 16:00h. Are those figures

correct? Also, are we looking to retrace to what level? 60% 1.4614 about? Thank


Helloo Paul, I assume you are taking about the GBPSD call made in the early hours of the

morning..Those first set of figures are correct, in a way...but you need to go back a step

further...Since you seem like more of a system trader,I'll try and make some exposition

using fibonnacci retracements on the charts..back a step further,around 17/4/09, to a low at

21/4...That is the 1st step...


The 2nd step is down below, where am replying fahd..

Hi everybody,
According to the signal today, GBP/USD had to go up 40 pips in case of a UK's claimant count

change of 99k or lower. However, the very opposit just occured as GBP/USD went down by more

than 50 pips at the count of 73.7k
Can anybody explain to me what i am missing here!

Helloo fahd, maybe we might make a prognosis of what you are missing here..Hi Felix, hope

you dont mind if I answer him...just a symphony of events that flows like an epiphany..

UK Claimants count report that came out around 4.30 a.m this Wednesday morning,is the change

in the number of people claiming unemployment-related benefits during the previous

month..Although it's generally viewed as a lagging indicator, the number of unemployed

people is an important signal of overall economic health because consumer spending is highly

correlated with labor conditions..So it's the first indication of the employment situation,

released a month earlier than the Unemployment Rate...

The previous change was 136.6k (revised), while economists are forecasting 118k ...but the

actual result turned about to be 73.3k..

To cut long story short, the market has already discount that piece of

information..Normally, if the ACTUAL was less than the EXPECTED,it is good for the

currency...In this case, technical wise, price had to fulfill the 60% window before rocketed

upwards, according to fundamentals..That downward retracement was observed from,''on da


[21:00:56 21/04/09] Stalion : sell 1.4662..1st target @ 1.4615...2nd target @ 1.4560

[21:01:31 21/04/09] Stalion : stop loss @ 1.4710

Now GBPUSD ressurrects...figuratively..


That, mon ze 2nd step..

[12 22/04/09] Stalion : sell stop on GBPUSD @ 14600...1st target @ 14565..2nd target@


[12 22/04/09] Stalion : sl @ 14650

[12 22/04/09] Paulfx : so we just looking for retracement down to 60% on this play?

[12 22/04/09] Stalion : dis is not a game

[12 22/04/09] Stalion : yes...

[12 22/04/09] Stalion : along with other patterns to confirm it....

[12 22/04/09] Stalion : no indicator is shud be merged in confluence

for optimal effect

[12 22/04/09] Paulfx : perhaps wrong choice of words for me stal, no games here.

[12 22/04/09] Stalion : is a business and shud be treated as such...

[12 22/04/09] Paulfx : i agree, have to be careful how we say things as the mind will

soon start believing

[13 22/04/09] Paulfx : WOW!

[13 22/04/09] Stalion : WOW!!


[13 22/04/09] Paulfx : stalion you truely are a master of forex

[13 22/04/09] Stalion : I didnt get ANY chance to put a trailing stop

[13 22/04/09] Stalion : did u see dat, LP?

[13 22/04/09] Learning_pips : WOW!!!

[13 22/04/09] Paulfx : when the price went above previous high I wast sure if there

was still a play, took me a second to pull the trigger at 1.4600

[13 22/04/09] Stalion : NO CHANCE AT ALL?????

[13 22/04/09] Learning_pips : i saw and missed

[13 22/04/09] Paulfx : I was in

[13 22/04/09] Learning_pips : i just logged in after a meeting

[13 22/04/09] Learning_pips : but frankly speaking stal no regrets

[13 22/04/09] Learning_pips : I am extremely content today after how close I was on

both my calls to stals

[13 22/04/09] Learning_pips : thats like the biggest reward for me..

[13 22/04/09] Stalion : 105 pips on 3 minilots were made....I didnt get any chance to

fix a trailing stop...price just went EL DROPPO...EL PLUNKO...

[13 22/04/09] Paulfx : we like EL PLUNKO

[13 22/04/09] Learning_pips : guys i just

[13 22/04/09] Stalion : brb

[13 22/04/09] Paulfx : from what I see on the charts I would say it will going

[13 22/04/09] Learning_pips : its till going

[13 22/04/09] Paulfx : this is probably one of the craziest drops i've seen and traded

[13 22/04/09] Learning_pips : haha im 25 pips up

[13 22/04/09] Paulfx : down it goes

[13 22/04/09] Learning_pips : 40
13 22/04/09] Paulfx : next stop 1.4435?

[13 22/04/09] Learning_pips : ok made 50pips on the last candle

[21 23/04/09] Stalion :For thursday evening,We can put a sell stop on GBPUSD@ 14720..

1st target @ 14670..2nd target @ 14605...3rd target @ 14555...50 pips sl..
