Review of Strategic Tips on Milking the Major Currency Pairs

Our 60% sell window(1.5936) triggered the sell limit on the EURUSD,which incidentally was

closest to the top of the retracement.
Remember,guys,picking tops and bottoms is risky so please dont try it at home.

1.5872-0.0095=1.5777(target point)


Approximately 95 pips,$95 minilot,$950 standard lot was made during the New York session.

Traders that took the sell limit tip made close to 159 pips on that run on the new downtrend

Applying sell and buy limits with sell and buy stops in practical live trading would be

discussed in subsequent posts.
Ohh,before I forget, another tip...price might run up to 1.5830 before New York session this


[quote author=Steps link=topic=1115.msg18347#msg18347 date=1216726693]
Pls whats the difference btw SELL LIMIT and SELL STOP/BUY LIMIT and BUY STOP

Could you start a thread for Forex Glossary
We take another 60% sell window on the GBPUSD(my favourite) and make some dough out of it.EURUSD is too slow for my liking.
1.9896+0.01074=2.0003( sell window).

1.9979 should be our first target point.
1.9963 should be oursecond target point
Originally posted by forexgreenland:
[QB] We take another 60% sell window on the GBPUSD(my favourite) and make some dough out of

it.EURUSD is too slow for my liking.
1.9896+0.01074=2.0003( sell window).

1.9979 should be our first target point.
1.9963 should be oursecond target point [/QB]



Originally posted by demons19:
[QB] Can you define "window"?
because while price is falling to your targets, it never did reach 2.0003 after you posted.


Hi demon19,quite an interesting name you got there..hope you can see from the charts that

price actually reached 2.0003 and even made a high of 2.0024 before falling to our target

points netting us a total of 40 pips,$40 minilot, $400 standard lot in less than an hour of

trading.It is already there if you have the eyes to see it and the confidence to take

Yumm Yumm! 😀
Remember in live intraday trading, you must be very fast in making and taking decisions,

like a fighter jet pilot else the opportunity would lose itself.
Windows would be explained in subsequent posts.

Hello Mystikal,

I will have to say that your method of trading is very cool. i have been applying it and it has been working in my demo account with CMSFX.

Is this method of trading only applicable to breakouts? Cant you use this method when there's no breakout in the market.

Please reply

Onwuka Arisa

Thanks Onwuka, breakouts offer more potential for profits than range and consolidation trading. Thats why its more powerful during trend breakouts.Hope you understand.

We have made close to 120pips from the triple bottom that has occured on the GBPUSD!
Is it a fluke that price has respected the 60% window and formed a range between 2.0003 and 1.9963 level, THRICE,AS PREDICTED?
Price levels that were projected before time,really, Random Walk Theory does not work in trading , neither does CHANCE.

1.9952-0.0116=1.9836(target point from sell window)
Originally posted by forexgreenland:
1.9952-0.0116=1.9836(target point from sell window) [/QB]


Price closed down TWICE on our 1.9836 target price, netting us 116 pips from our SELL WINDOW of yesterday,116 pips,$116 minilot,$116 standard lot on the GBPUSD.

Trading is more of an ART than a SCIENCE.
Gbpusd (cable) Is On A 1-2-3 Bottom Formation, So We Buy At 1.9810,
Stop Loss @1.9770,
1st Target Point @ 1.9887,
2nd Target Point @ 1.9915
It triggered early this morning and hit the first target at 13:52 BST.

Nice one forexgreenland - you magician!
It triggered early this morning and hit the first target at 13:52 BST.

Nice one forexgreenland - you magician!

Originally posted by

Originally posted by

[qb] Greetings forexgreenland,

i'm glad to see that you are back

and in good spirits! i hope all

is well for you. i must say

though that i am a bit confused

as to how to came up with the

target point .7354, okay, okay,

the truth is, i don't understand

how you came up with the buy

window either. sorry if i'm being

a pain, but i do hope you will be

kind enough to help me in


please, help unroll what is a

mystery to me.


I know you asked

Stallion but since I'm all

caffeinated and he hasn't

answered yet I will say what I


his numbers:
0.0445*0.6 =0.0267

0.7604-0.0247=0.7354( TARGET


The highs and lows are a few pips

different on Oanda but anyway.

Looking for sell window in

downward trend.

.7891 is the high on June 3
.7446 is the low on June 13
difference is 0.0445.

60% retrace is .6(0.0445) =

add that to low = 0.7713 the 60%

entry point

I'm not sure how he got the

target but when taking .8 times

the difference between high and

low it's close to his.
.8(0.0445) = .0356
.7713 - .0356 = .7357


Originally posted by

Originally posted by

[qb] GBPUSD (CABLE) IS ON A 1-2-3


STOP LOSS @1.9770,
1ST TARGET POINT @ 1.9887,

Call posted Jul 30,

18:59 NY time. GBPUSD bid dropped

to 1.97794 around 0100 Jul 31 NY

time, 9.4 pips above the stoploss

(Oanda min/max chart). Almost

stopped out but profit targets


Seem to be doing pretty well so

far. Let's see you stay

profitable for 6 months,

Many beginners have made

spectacular gains for just a few

months, but if a trader stays

profitable for a lot longer than

that, then it might, possibly, be

something to rightfully hold

one's attention, like you must

know if you've traded very long.

But I enjoy seeing live calls,

the longer period of time they're

done, the better. [/QB]

Hope you guys enjoyed my weekend

gift that netted more than 105

pips,$105 minilot,$1050 standard


24HRS this friday. Price moved

from our initial entry point of

1.9810, then rocketed up to

1.9887, then gave its coup de

grace beyond 1.9915. Yummy

yummy... 😛
Lots of moolah on the table just

begging for some alert trader to

come pick it up! Using the sell

window would've added total pips

to more than 200 in the bank.Too

bad my broker is giving me quit

notice before his platform gets

bankrupt.Is it my fault?All is

fair in love and war,isnt it

😕 ?


Well,jvaustinx,whistler has said

it all..just go over the thread

and check the charts and see how

it goes.Mind you, nothing in

trading is cast in stone and the

''Holy Grail'' is yet to be

found.Understanding market

behaviour would go a long way in

helping to make real money off

the forex markets.

Hi,batangas, I take it you might

be from Indonesia or Malaysia in

South East Asia...Hows it going

over there? Hope you made some

pile of dough from that live

call..Remember,nothing in trading

is 100% perfect. That is why the

main goal of a trader is to

maximize profits and minimize

losses in order to achieve his or

her objective.
Assuming we got stopped out due

to wrong timing,not wrong

strategy, we would have still

gotten gains from that call,by

subtracting our 40 pips from our

net profits of 105 pips,which

would have left us with 65 pips

or more.Professional traders call

it ''testing the waters''..before

scaling in..Thats one of the

reason for 1st and 2nd target

points. Timing is of the essence,

that is why PATIENCE is a virtue

in trading.
I wish everyone a happy weekend

and more pips ahead.
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Sell Gbpusd @ 1.9505
Stop Loss@35 To 40 Pips Away
1st Target Point@ 1.9385
2nd Target Point@ 1.9332.

Waiting For News To Fuel The Downward Drive...remember No 100% Perfection In Trading...
Nice Nice Chiken and Rice,

triggered and going in the right direction 😉

Sell Gbpusd @ 1.9505
Stop Loss@35 To 40 Pips Away
1st Target Point@ 1.9385
2nd Target Point@ 1.9332.

Waiting For News To Fuel The Downward Drive...remember No 100% Perfection In Trading...
Nice Nice Chiken and Rice,

triggered and going in the right direction 😉

Lol....masif, you are one cheerful bloke that I for a pint o' ginger

ale?..some trader just emailed now, saying he's afraid of pulling the trigger coz he feels

the target might be too I redid my calculations and adjusted our first target

point to 1.9436....
hey,forexgump,hope you are now able to take the trade since its adjusted...1st target point

would now be 1.9436... I said...Dont Try This At Home...

Hello Mystikal,

Please do you mind explaining to me the meaning of consolidation or range trading. i have

googled consolidation but couldnt get anything reasonable.

Onwuka arisa

Hi Onwukarisa,
A consolidation is a congestion area that follows a strong trend, either up or down. In a

rising market, a consolidation represents a temporary battle between buyers and sellers

prior to the resumption of the uptrend.
In declining markets, a consolidation is followed by a resumption of falling prices.

A consolidation pattern is a price pattern in which prices trade in a sideways range prior

to resuming the prevailing trend.

Occasionally, reactions within a trend develop as a sideways movement where price

experiences a TRADING RANGE.
In A,it is consolidating gains during the ranging action

In B, it is digesting losses..

These TRADING RANGES are also known as lines or consolidation, as originally termed in Dow

Theory.Whenver the price experiences a breakout from a trading, such as these, it has the

same effect as if the range was a rally (rise) or reaction.This means that it is possible

for a breakout from a trading range to act either as buy or sell signal, as in, B and c

or as a reconfirmation of a prevailing trend...D

Hope you now understand...

Responses to the next questions would be made as soon as possible...
Happy Pipping..

you did it again!

hit the target of 1.9436 and still descending!

I'd definitely be up for a pint of ginger ale - how did you know i don't drink :clap:

keep up the good work.

and forexgump - good call!



Lol....masif, you are one cheerful bloke that I for a pint o' ginger

ale?..some trader just emailed now, saying he's afraid of pulling the trigger coz he feels

the target might be too I redid my calculations and adjusted our first target

point to 1.9436....
hey,forexgump,hope you are now able to take the trade since its adjusted...1st target point

would now be 1.9436... I said...Dont Try This At Home...
Originally posted by forexgreenland:
Nice Nice Chiken and Rice,

triggered and going in the right direction 😉

Lol....masif, you are one cheerful bloke that I for a pint o' ginger

ale?..some trader just emailed now, saying he's afraid of pulling the trigger coz he feels

the target might be too I redid my calculations and adjusted our first target

point to 1.9436....
hey,forexgump,hope you are now able to take the trade since its adjusted...1st target point

would now be 1.9436... I said...Dont Try This At Home...



69 pips,$69 minilot,$690 standard lot made on the GBPUSD at our first target which was hit!in less than 24hrs after posting! If traders in the forum are okay with nicking the 69 pips, they can close for the day and say 'Aloha!'like forexgump..
Hey,masif, I know you dont drink because of your name...but we are all one in the eyes of God
If you still care to continue with our 2nd and third targets,its up to you..To be on the prudent side, use just 1 minilot to take it up.

Originally posted by forexgreenland:
Originally posted by whistler:
Sorry, Rizla, I mean, Whistler,I see you've been using fibonacci retracements...
if you'd use your buy windows, you would have gone with the trend and taken a profit target at 170...instead of having a loss of -81 pips.
At 168.97 as at the time of my writing(5p.m New York Time), I think we still have like 103 pips to go..yumm yumm....
Please remember thats just my personal opinion...Anything can still going back down to 168.38 on the 15 minute chart.. [/QB]


Originally posted by whistler:
[QB] That's a 60% (or 61.8ish%) retrace sell window - I was just trying to go with bigger trend down. Using the fib drag and drop on the Oanda platform is just so much easier than write and calculate, but I'm still trying to do the same thing as ur windows. Nice call up. [/QB]

Our 15 min chart got to 168.38 as mentioned last nite..Please remember prices get fulfilled faster on the 15 minute charts(lower term charts) while charts from the hourly, 3 to 4 hourly,daily and weekly term charts take more time to get fulfilled. Just like life..the MICROCOSM within the MACROCOSM.
Forexgreenland - your brilliant!

well done another great call.

Forexgump - patience my friend, Forexgreenland has done it again!

I'm just paper trading at the moment, and unfortunatly i got out yesterday with the 69 points. i should have had faith and stayed in, how many points is that in 72 hours Forexgreenland?

I'm buying you a whole crate Ginger Ale :clap:

Nice Nice Chiken and Rice,

triggered and going in the right direction 😉
A total of 173 pips haulage was made in the last 72hrs after my intial call. Cable was dropping it like its hot...dropping pips after pips, after pips..


Forexgreenland - your brilliant!

well done another great call.

Forexgump - patience my friend, Forexgreenland has done it again!

I'm just paper trading at the moment, and unfortunatly i got out yesterday with the 69

points. i should have had faith and stayed in, how many points is that in 72 hours


I'm buying you a whole crate Ginger Ale :clap:

Tsk, tsk, tsk...Like Master Jesus said''O Ye of little faith''..We need to believe more in ourselves and have the confidence to go along with our trading decisions. Your 69 pips was okay, masif...dont be too greedy...173 pips in less than 3 days might not sound too high but we can live with it,right?

Originally posted by batangas:
[qb] GBP is just behaving nicely at this time.. there will come a time soon when it defies

these kind of expectations.

I'm from many places in S and SE Asia, fxgl. Kuala Lumpur is a very expensive city u know.

And many refugees from Burma flowing in there. [/qb]
Yeah,batangas...cable and other currency pairs are behaving nicely this time, IF you know

where to look and HOW to take advantage of it. Like a Panther, each single move is an accumulation of years of trading experience in which the movement of the 'herd' is already known, to a considerable extent.Timing is everything when you strike.
This is the time for anyone to enter trading, AFTER the proper training. The time when it defies most usual expectations is during NOVEMBER and DECEMBER periods(end-of-year trading), where the big dogs(banks/institutional traders) are jostling for positions. That is when its prudent to take a break from trading.Lots of whipsaws and tearing of stops.

Kuala Lumpur is a very expensive city, just like Lagos, Nigeria.But no refugees here nor
earthquakes. We thank God for everything.

Originally posted by jvaustintx:
Originally posted by forexgreenland:
[qb] SELL GBPUSD @ 1.9505

STALLION If you still care to continue with our 2nd and third targets,its up to you..To be on the prudent side, use just 1 minilot to take it up.
salutations stallion,

way to go, you have been making great calls. a quick question, are you using the original T1 & T2 for T2 & T3... respectively that is?
btw, how was egypt? i would love to go there some day. Zahi Hawass is one of my favorites, i really like watching him on TV he is sooo cool!

Have a happy day, JV

Hi JV,sorry gbpusd has already hit before I could reply...Yes, I used the original T1 and T2 for T2 and T3, SINCE 1.9436 became our first target point.
Cairo, Egypt was okay...quite hot and exotic like the Meditterenean...but since I went there for a traders' exposition, I wasnt really able to soak up the sights and sounds of the Land of the Pharoahs.Maybe next time,I will....

Do you have your indicators and settings available for us to download

somewhere so we can trade in this method as well?



Alas, Brian,no indicators or settings available like mechanical trading. The CHART PATTERN

PROJECTION STRATEGY is a DISCRETIONARY system in which you trade direct from the charts.Actually,most times, MACD is just for fancy.
Like Jesse Livermore, in Reminisces of a Stock Operator,he and other top traders dont use

settings or indicators for they take trading decisions directly from the board ''tick''.Computers, settings or indicators dont even exist during the 1920's but they still made from from the stock markets.
If anyone wants a copy of the cutting edge ebook ,along with ''Trading in the Zone'', please

send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

Have a happy weekend.
Last edited:
Your right Mr Greenland - shouldn't be greedy!

what no new alerts? Oh there i go again being greedy 😱

A total of 173 pips haulage was made in the last 72hrs after my intial call. Cable was dropping it like its hot...dropping pips after pips, after pips..


Tsk, tsk, tsk...Like Master Jesus said''O Ye of little faith''..We need to believe more in ourselves and have the confidence to go along with our trading decisions. Your 69 pips was okay, masif...dont be too greedy...173 pips in less than 3 days might not sound too high but we can live with it,right?
i have sold G/U @ 1.9272 with stop 2.0152 and target 1.8518.


1.9510-0.0625=1.8885(target point)

Hi Hina, nice call on the cable... There's a Head and Shoulders pattern on the GBPUSD Weekly

chart, which is giving us a minimum target of 1.8885. We can call it the ''Surgical Dissection Of the Left Shoulder''.

Price might still get way down to your target of 1.8518 since it is a lil below the 60% BUY

WINDOW,technical analysiswise. Remember, since this trade is being taken off the weekly(higher term chart), it is logical that it would take more time to get fulfilled. Next week would unfold the mystery...Lets keep our fingers

crossed,shall we?


This is an excerpt from Trading in the Zone by top trading pyschologist, Mark Schwager, who's one of the best in the business. Most traders might be skeptical about market pyschologists by I still believe they have lots to contribute in the trading pyschology realm. Here are his views:





The market can do virtually anything at any time. This seems obvious

enough, especially for anybody who has experienced a market that

has displayed erratic and volatile price swings. The problem is that all

of us have the tendency to take this characteristic for granted, in ways

that cause us to make the most fundamental trading errors over and

over again. The fact is that if traders really believed that anything

could happen at any time, there would be considerably fewer losers

and more consistent winners.

How do we know that virtually anything can happen? This fact

is easy to establish. All we have to do is dissect the market into its

component parts and look at how the parts operate. The most fundamental

component of any market is its traders. Individual traders act

as a force on prices, making them move by either bidding a price up

or offering it lower.

Why do traders bid a price up or offer it lower? To answer this

question we have to establish the reasons why people trade. There

are many reasons and purposes behind a person s motivation to trade

in any given market. However, for the purposes of this illustration, we

don't have to know all the underlying reasons that compel any individual

trader to act because ultimately they all boil down to one reason

and one purpose: to make money.

We know this because there are only two things a trader can do (buy and sell) and there are only two possible outcomes for every trade (profit or loss).

Therefore, I think we can safely assume that regardless of one's

reasons for trading, the bottom line is that everyone is looking for the

same outcome: Profits. And there are only two ways to create those

profits: Either buy low and sell high, or sell high and buy low.

If we

assume that everyone wants to make money, then there's only one

reason why any trader would bid a price up to the next highest level:

because he believes he can sell whatever he's buying at a higher price

at some point in the future. The same is true for the trader who's willing

to sell something at a price that is less than the last posted price

(offer a market lower). He does it because he believes he can buy

back whatever he's selling at a lower price at some point in the future.

The underlying dynamics of market behavior are quite simple.

Only three primary forces exist in any market: traders who believe

the price is low, traders who believe the price is high, and traders who

are watching and waiting to make up their minds about whether the

price is low or high.

Technically, the third group constitutes a potential

force. The reasons that support any given traders belief that

something is high or low are usually irrelevant, because most people

who trade act in an undisciplined, unorganized, haphazard, and ran-dom manner. So, their reasons wouldn't necessarily help anyone gain

a better understanding of what is going on.

But, understanding what's going on isn't that difficult, if you

remember that all price movement or lack of movement is a function

of the relative balance or imbalance between two primary forces:

traders who believe the price is going up, and traders who believe the

price is going down. If there's balance between the two groups, prices

will stagnate, because each side will absorb the force of the other

side's actions. If there is an imbalance, prices will move in the direction

of the greater force, or the traders who have the stronger convictions

in their beliefs about in what direction the price is going.

Now, I want you to ask yourself, what's going to stop virtually

anything from happening at any time, other than exchange-imposed

limits on price movement. There's nothing to stop the price of an

issue from going as high or low as whatever some trader in the world

believes is possible—if, of course, the trader is willing to act on that

belief. So the range of the market's behavior in its collective form is

limited only by the most extreme beliefs about what is high and what

is low held by any given individual participating in that market. I

think the implications are self-evident: There can be an extreme

diversity of beliefs present in any given market in any given moment,

making virtually anything possible.

When we look at the market from this perspective, it's easy to

see that every potential trader who is willing to express his belief

about the future becomes a market variable. On a more personal

level, this means that it only takes one other trader, anywhere in the

world, to negate the positive potential of your trade. Put another way,

it takes only one other trader to negate what you believe about what

is high or what is low. That's all, only one!

The point is that from our own individual perspective as

observers of the market, anything can happen, and it takes only one

trader to do it. This is the hard, cold reality of trading that only the very

best traders have embraced and accepted with no internal conflict.

How do I know this? Because only the best traders consistently predefine

their risks before entering a trade. Only the best traders cut

their losses without reservation or hesitation when the market tells

them the trade isn't working. And only the best traders have an organized,

systematic, money-management regimen for taking profits when

the market goes in the direction of their trade.

Not predefining your risk, not cutting your losses, or not systematically

taking profits are three of the most common—and usually the

most costly—trading errors you can make. Only the best traders have

eliminated these errors from their trading. At some point in their

careers, they learned to believe without a shred of doubt that anything

can happen, and to always account for what they don't know, for the



typical trader doesn't predefine his risk, cut his losses, or systematically

take profits because the typical trader doesn't believe it's necessary.

The only reason why he would believe it isn't necessary is that

he believes he already knows what's going to happen next, based on

what he perceives is happening in any given "now moment." If he

already knows, then there's really no reason to adhere to these principles.

Believing, assuming, or thinking that "he knows" will be the

cause of virtually eveiy trading error he has the potential to make

(with the exception of those errors that are the result of not believing

that he deserves the money).

What the typical trader doesn't realize is that he needs an inner

mechanism, in the form of some powerful beliefs, that virtually compels

him to perceive the market from a perspective that is always

expanding with greater and greater degrees of clarity, and also compels

him always act appropriately, given the psychological conditions

and the nature of price movement. The most effective and functional

trading belief that he can acquire is "anything can happen."
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As we await the weeklies to kick in, lets go to the 15min charts(intraday trading) and see what we can make of it...

Buy GBPUSD @1.9206


1st Target point @ 1.9275