guys please calm down, the origin of the thread and its meaning is sharing and caring so please don't be rough on each other, let's just get back to business, I'll like to get know more of the indicator and all the rest of the indicators that are posted with it even if they are great or a scam... that's all!

Let's hope someone else who really is using this method is obliging enough to give an unbiased appraisal Jeywhistle ... so far we have had the hot air, but no balloon!


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I don't know about you but its amazing to me that someone with 7 post is on here calling everyone hypocrites, and I didn't know we had to be invited to a public thread! LOL! Maybe after being in this business for 8 years and being scammed a couple hundred times most of us are critical, but we are also fair. The proof is in the pudding, all any good trader wants to see is the numbers. Otherwise you fall in among the other 10 million people that have the next holy grail of trading that has not made any money....aside from the sales of course! It seems to me after a fews years of doing this that its best to let your trading record speak for you, its the only thing that is real, everything else is just hype! If you don't like to let your record speak for itself, you should ask yourself why. Have a great weekend everyone. 🙂