Reported post action

Best we don't mention the fact that nobody wants to do anything.

Perhaps t2w could impliment a "suggestion box" where members suggest something, and suggestions are democratically voted on.

I think even 10 downing street engage in such lulz these days 😆

I'll even start you off with one: bring back pboyles.
ok guys

then lets make this a productive outcome

we flag up what we believe are blatant Advertising posts and try to help the Mod's again

otherwise this is all going south fast as we are all seeing in the last month or so.....sure we are all joking with some of the new threads that are appearing but its getting silly and the Forum is losing out

perhaps we can also request immediate thread bans and eventually the reoffenders get bored and go elsewhere

OR - perhaps we have a NEWTHREAD area where any newbies under x posts (and still not banned !)
can start a thread that is eventually sponsored by the mods (or more seasoned members) and placed in the proper area it should be once the thread looks ok and probation is over ?

at lease it would stop the real new thread cr*p appearing as it would have to remain in the probation thread area and be deleted for the rubbish it is quickly

I think these debates are always sterile and end up going round in circles because few people seem willing to acknowledge the fundamental problem.

Does it really need spelling out? Half-crooked bucket shop brokers, phoney educators and scam system sellers are tolerated and sometimes encouraged and protected because they bring in revenue. Forget the oft-repeated "legal action" excuse, which in 99% of cases is laughable (just imagine how many of these clowns would want their affairs and claims scrutinised in court!).

It is a waste of time advertising to competent traders, unless you have a genuinely useful product, such as a superb platform or a brokerage that can do everything they want for a dollar less per RT. If so, they need very little marketing, which is hardly good for forum revenue.

It must be very difficult to run a serious trading forum that makes anything like a reasonable profit. I just can't see how it would work. Nobody will pay subs to be a member of a forum, and advertisers will depart in droves if the forum becomes too serious and takes a hard line against the con artists.

The only way I could see it working is to remove the need to make money. For example, if the forum was run by a successful trader or ex-trader who only needed it to cover its own running expenses.
Perhaps t2w could impliment a "suggestion box" where members suggest something, and suggestions are democratically voted on.

I think even 10 downing street engage in such lulz these days 😆

I'll even start you off with one: bring back pboyles.

yes, boylesy does seem to be on a rather lengthy not so short term temp ban?. it can only be assumed that he returned, reoffended and posted another new thread on the now unmentionable vendor services :-0

not forgetting Barramundi (mia rip lis) still banned too.
ok guys

then lets make this a productive outcome

we flag up what we believe are blatant Advertising posts and try to help the Mod's again

otherwise this is all going south fast as we are all seeing in the last month or so.....sure we are all joking with some of the new threads that are appearing but its getting silly and the Forum is losing out

perhaps we can also request immediate thread bans and eventually the reoffenders get bored and go elsewhere

OR - perhaps we have a NEWTHREAD area where any newbies under x posts (and still not banned !)
can start a thread that is eventually sponsored by the mods (or more seasoned members) and placed in the proper area it should be once the thread looks ok and probation is over ?

at lease it would stop the real new thread cr*p appearing as it would have to remain in the probation thread area and be deleted for the rubbish it is quickly


with regard to arsing around in spammers threads. there's no harm at all, as it all supposed to go when the mods catch up with it and it all gets deleted.

theres no loss to anyone, forum or otherwise, actually it helps highlight the idiots who spam and/or how silly the vendor services are that get targeted for their advertising. if admin don't like it, then they'll have to get the spam off the boards quicker than we can ambush and rip into it. simples 👍

when you get a response like this in an ambush, you know your work is done 😎

Woman, I'm getting tired of you, why don't you mind your own business instead of giving lessons here? I will discuss the spam theme with the forum administration and not with you.

😆 his thread was deleted, eventually. but the bit i don't get is why after at least 3, maybe 4? sets of ad waves binned, is that this advertiser is still a member? he's left loose to spam the boards again! wtf!
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yes, boylesy does seem to be on a rather lengthy not so short term temp ban?

This is really a terrible one. Quite apart from all the good he has done, go to the website of the vendor in question, and look at the video on the homepage.

In fact, I urge all mods and admin to do so. Watch the video, which contains interviews with a number of employees of the company.

Now answer these questions honestly:

Would you trust these people?
Would you advise a relative or other loved one to trust them?
Would you be happy for a child or other relative of yours to work for these people in a sales capacity?

The common expression "You can't judge a book by it's cover" is one of the stupidest things a person can say. In the vast majority of cases one can of course judge perfectly accurately. And anyone with half a brain, even if they knew nothing about trading, would take one look at that crew and run a mile. It is written all over them - almost comically so. Of course, if one did have even the slightest trading experience, one wouldn't countenance them for a second on that basis also.

Pboyles's banning is not part of the normal rough and tumble where japesters eventually have to get canned. It is a stain and unless the people responsible genuinely had no choice (or unless they are genuinely too stupid to watch that video without disgust) they should feel very uneasy about it.

One has to hope that there was a genuine and very pressing reason for banning Pboyles.
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One has to hope that there was a genuine and very pressing reason for banning Pboyles.

I doubt we'll never know the truth. One thing is for sure unless its addressed properly and to everyone's satisfaction, this is going to have long term repercussions.

Sadly I doubt it will be handled correctly, and we can expect Tim to be along shortly trying to pour oil on troubled waters. It would be nice if one of my usually accurate predictions was wrong for a change.
Why is Pboyles still banned? That's a absolute disgrace especially when you consider that people like the guy running those stupid lessons thread is allowed to clog up server space.
No offence guys but PBoyles does a lot of your jobs better than yourselves or at least provides a service that a site like this should be running if it were responsible. You think ebay just lets scammers get away with ripping people off?

Not an attack on you guys btw, I understand that you're busy etc but still... except barjon. He sucks a55.
silly me, of course I'm forgetting that pboyles banned himself, therefore he'll know exactly why he decided to do that

🙂 if the cap fits, hare, dear chap. I dare say pb will have a good idea since I expect he will have received prior warnings.
I dare say pb will have a good idea since I expect he will have received prior warnings.

It would probably be better if we heard the official t2w version straight from the horses mouth, no room for misunderstandings etc.

But I'm sure pboyles wont pull any punches and he'll tell it exactly as it is :clap:
It would probably be better if we heard the official t2w version straight from the horses mouth, no room for misunderstandings etc.

But I'm sure pboyles wont pull any punches and he'll tell it exactly as it is :clap
He won't be allowed back in, then.
oh i'm sure hes with us already at T2Win fact annoying so it would seem from lesson 4
I doubt that pboyles is the sort of chap who'll stand by and allow an injustice to go unnoticed !

I did say that t2w themselves would become the target soon enough.

"would become",😆 , and I thought you'd had T2W pinned up on your walls to fire at whenever you could find some flimsy excuse for years. Silly me this time 🙂
"would become",😆 , and I thought you'd had T2W pinned up on your walls to fire at whenever you could find some flimsy excuse for years. Silly me this time 🙂

I think he was referring to it becoming a target for others.
As for the reason behind the ban, someone ( a new member) suggested that Pboyles was banned because his incessant exposure of scams was costing this site money.

The same poster also stated that Pboyles was actually told this by an employee of the site.

This is extraordinary. I refer of course only to the admission 😆.
