Renko Charts

I believe that "Beyond Candlesticks" by Steve Nison is the standard.

Didn't he develop this charting method?

Renko is on my (long) list of things to look at sometime so let us know how you get on.
They are basically PNF charts, but rather than stack each box in columns, when a new box is filled it goes in the next column. This gives the affect of a time frame.
...along with renko, there are kagi and '3 line break' these are covered very well in Steve Nisons volume 2..all these work slightly different way than p & f..all these can be used instead of p & f..

Kagi, I understand can be used in real time...

I would recommend anyone using p & f to seriously read about these three...

by the way they are avilable as standard in Metastock...
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....and they are also included in E-Signals Advanced charting package.

Although Renko displays the same data as PnF, it looks easier to identify charting patterns, but that's probably because I haven't used PnF for long enough 😉
Point and figure charts deal only with price - supply and demand - support and resistance. Therefore any indicators involving the time element are meaningless. Renko and Kagi seem to be variations on P+F but imho time based indicators cannot be used with them either
Here is one

spreadbet said:
Hi all

Can anybody recommend a good book or website dealing with Renko Charts



Beyond Candlesticks was very very basic discussion of Renko. I was disappointed. 🙁 There is a new book call The Reversal Charts that deals exclusively with Renko, Kagi and 3 Line Break. I ordered it but haven't received yet. If interested go here:

* I don't have any connect with them, except as a customer.
any progress ?

jtimpson said:
Beyond Candlesticks was very very basic discussion of Renko. I was disappointed. 🙁 There is a new book call The Reversal Charts that deals exclusively with Renko, Kagi and 3 Line Break. I ordered it but haven't received yet. If interested go here:

* I don't have any connect with them, except as a customer.

Hi jtimpson, any progress on the book ?
I have been using these for some time now, but they are only basically a variation on P & F but I find easier to read. I have read up considerably on P&F but really never felt the need to read up on Renko because the principles are very much the same.
However having read up on P&F I feel (IMHO) that they go too far in technicalities as they are all basically a way of viewing the charts without the noise element. The art seems to be in what values to use for the box and to a lesser extent the reversal.
Sharescope does allow you to use renko charts on a normal timescale with other indicators, which again does not seem to do a lot for me.
