Remote prop

N Rothschild

Legendary member
What prop shops offer remote access as well as backing? interested in getting some backing but would prefer to do it remotely
Genics, have u got any firm ???? if yes plzz sent me IM, i am also interested in knowing about it.
Genics, did you make any progress on this?

As far as I can work out, the only firms that offer this want you to pay some form of fee upfront for a training program.

I am looking for a firm that will give me some backing to trade. Not interested in salary, training, hand holding, or any of that stuff. Seems a fairly simple request, but I haven't found anywhere that does it. Now obviously they need to be sure I am not a risk to them, in case someone was going to reply with that comment, but I can't even find a firm that does that.
I wouldn't have thought any firm would offer remote access and backing unless they had had you trading in their offices first and were satisfied. Could be wrong though...
Thanks for responses...

Candles - Not heard of Bear and google didn't show much expect their website, but will look into it. They use Laser, think this is Stocks only. I trade futures but ETFs would also work. Thanks.

Arabiannights - Sounds fine if it was short term i.e. prove yourself or show us an audited track record.

Silverroad5 - Not heard anything good about tca. They're another one which charge about £4-5K.

choc13 - Looking on the Alaron website it seems they are just a futures broker? Have I missed something. Thanks
I was pretty sure they had a prop firm...I must be confusing them with someone else, my bad.
tca con artists-just found this on another site

The company trading as TCA MARKETS has entered into Formal Insolvency Proceedings.

Premier Asset Ltd, formerly TCA FUTURES LTD, currently trading as TCA MARKETS is under administration with liquidators CMB Partners LLP.

Contact Mr Rimes of CMB Partners LLP, 25 Ely Place, London.

Search company number: 03228573 at the Companies House website for information.

You have been warned!

If you would like a copy of the Statement of Administration under the Insolvency Act I will happily email you it. Send me a message or email me at d.hillenbrand

Best wishes,
It depends on your experience, if you have any trading capital to put up and your risk profile.
Very few prop trading outfits will entertain 100% backed deals anymore, many of those that do offer backing will not entertain remote, at least in the early days until they have a good understanding of your risk profile.
Guys, Try AMPLIFY TRADING, based in canary wharf, i'm currently on there remote trading program but they also look for proven traders to trade remotely who they will back. check it out

How much it cost you to get on their remote program....

Guys, Try AMPLIFY TRADING, based in canary wharf, i'm currently on there remote trading program but they also look for proven traders to trade remotely who they will back. check it out
