Reliable trading indicators for volatile markets?


Hey, I'd like to ask for some tips on how to figure out which trading indicators are useful for volatile markets (crypto, pennystock etc.).
I stumbled over the "Tulip" library for technical analysis of financial data but just don't know where to start...
Are there any websites where one can compare these indicators or see data of what indactors have been proven worthy in the past (when trading according to a simple scenario that tries to accumulate assets through many small profitable trades during the day, so basically -> short-term/day trading).
I'm aware of website like, but I'd like to look more on the practical/applied side of using such indicators than their theoretical background.
Thanks for your input!
hey there

just my thoughts ............

indicators take a lot of grief from traders who dont know how to use them effectively

the main complaint is :-

" ALL Indicators are Lagging ..........."

well i have news for all traders ..................

everything regarding signals in trading is lagging...........the next bar direction , tick size or whatever you use to identify HISTORIC price activity indicators are part of the same issue.....traders just create an illusion that they have more immediate signals and patterns ..........but thats an illusion im afraid......we are all in the dark on what happens next dont fool yourselves into a delusional confidence that has no right to exist ............,

other thoughts on indicators ..........

1) theres a lot of ineffective ones that dont do waht they are trying to do
2) theres a lot of multi purpose indicators that try to do too much (jack of all trades)
3) theres a lot of Indicators that traders use in the wrong way

I would say identify what you actually want from the indicator

current directional Bias
current Volatility of instrument
current momentum/strength of Instrument

then find an indicator / setting that identifies these SEPERATELY ........please pelase dont do a 1 size fits all .........the swiss army knife indicators outthere that have been paraded for decades are not sometimes as good as they seem

but thats just me guys opinion

good hunting