Regent Markets Pty Ltd

The banks have a duty of care to their customers (i.e. account holders)it is now being accepted by the judiciary that banks have an equal duty of care to third parties (i.e. scammed customers)that are either defrauded or potentially defrauded by a bank's customer.

"Recent judicial has established that a bank owes a duty of care to its customers once it has actual knowledge of, or is willfully blind to, the use of its services for fraudulent purposes. In Australia in particular, the possibility is still open that a bank may owe such a duty even where it does not have actual knowledge (or is not willfully blind or reckless to the existence) of a fraud". Consumer protection.

It is indisputable that boiler rooms could not operate without bank accounts / online payment services and thus it is clear that such fraud could be stopped almost overnight if banks took more care in checking out prospective new account applicants. The bank has failed in its duty of care to these customers and so has to accept some if not all responsibility for their losses.

I would encourage all boiler room victims to at least communicate with the boiler room's bank by writing a " Letter".The paperwork from the boiler room will always do the job as it ties the boiler room to the bank by naming the collecting agent (the beneficiary) who is of course a customer of the bank (i.e. an account holder). There is no way that a bank can dodge this and once it has received such a letter it has to do something. The point to seize on is the bank's vetting procedures for new account applicants. Certainly from what I have seen the typical boiler room's collecting agent should never have passed the first hurdle given today's strict anti-money laundering regulations. Go onto the site below and report to
Most online crimes in Australia are State or Territory crimes so you will need to take all evidence ie: paperwork / contracts, names and telephone number etc to your local police station and report the crime.
Good reading
NEWS FLASH - NEWS FLASH - NEWS FLASH - NEWS FLASH - NEWS FLASH - NEWS FLASH - NEWS FLASH - regent markets on the run. Authorities closing in on crooks.

Regent Markets Pty Ltd have changed there name AGAIN -
iTrade Index Solutions Pty Ltd 2011 | ABN:57 142 058 615 | ACN: 142 058 615.
Ryan Litchfield worked for Prosperity Group International, before moving with Mr Sasonow and Ms Barnard the 2 crooks behind this whole Boiler Room operation based in Main Beach on the Gold Coast in Australia. The advertised address of both of these operations in Brisbane / Sydney are only virtual offices, meaning they dont exist. They are set up to make innocent victums beleive they are better than they really are. The online presence from these companies is ok,also to make you think they are bigger than they really are. BUT people of Australia beware.
good reading
Are they ran by the same people that run The Ariton Group? They seem to do the same thing. One bloke keeps calling me from there doing the hard sell and their prices are even higher.

Anyone else been contacted by them? I was seriously considering it but can't get over the feeling of dodginess when I talk to them. Should I save my money? Thanks.

Ive been quietly following this thread since I found this forum by accident almost 2 months ago and something smells very fishy about the whole thing. For starters, you are going to label a trading company as definitely being a scam because they have a bad run of trades over 2 weeks? If so then boy oh boy do I have some big ASX listed trading scams to tell you about from my personal experiences.

This thread consists of: Lots of very specific hatred + Very specific inside information + No specific/solid proof of wrongdoing= Fishy smell.

Investigator2011 some of your writing mannerisms and use of specific keywords in your postings are remarkably similar to those used by FlatOutNewbie (Thread starter). Perhaps a moderator would satisfy my paranoia by checking a few login IP addresses for any possible correlation?

Thats really just a stab in the dark and Im probably wrong but sometimes if you follow a stink you find a pile of sh--.

The only way I can figure that you would know as much as you do about this company Investigator2011 is if you were a disgruntled ex-employee or a jilted lover of someone there? Unless you really are some sort of Investigator… It seems like an investigator would probably spend more time and effort in actually gathering information rather than ranting and raving about the subject of their investigation anonymously on a forum…

Anyway, I apologise on the off chance you do have a legitimate problem with this Regent markets but I am very sceptical about your motives based on what Ive read so far. Corporate espionage anyone?

@Investigator & Sydneysider,
read my post, I never defended or said a good word about anything so I really don't think I need to provide evidence. I'm only questioning some of the strange claims and behaviour I've read so far. I am none of the above, not even a client. Was contacted by these guys over two months ago and looked at them a bit while I was looking into another bunch that called me about the same time, never did anything except a bit of research out of curiousity. Found this forum / thread + a few others and bookmarked them. And i think you boys should check your time zones, I certainly didn't write anything at 5am, I can't even move at 5am.

@Investigator - thanks, its a nickname my hubby gave me affectionately a few years back. I won't say why though. But thats enough about me.
I certainly have read all 8 pages of this thread. I've read most of them several times to try and make sense of them and work out what your angle is. How do you know how many clients there are? Are you an investigator? You obviously aren't a client of these guys because you were asking Sydneysider to post his results. If you had access to any results yourself then surely you'd just post them yourself, right? Where are the other 199 or so angry clients?
That's why this all still smells fishy to me.

@Sydneysider - went back through your posts too, they are very hard to understand. The only thing that I'm curious about is why you care so much. From what little I could understand I gathered that you never paid these guys any money, you never actually lost any money and that they gave you multiple free trials and some went quite badly. Is that correct? 😕

But from what I can tell from your posts sydney, you aren't either. All you guys keep doing is answering my questions with more questions. And I'm left still 😕

I have positive confirmation that "brekkieshow" is one of the scumbags involved in this scam. I did a Google search on his user name and found this thread on another forum:

So for all those reading this thread, stay away from the following scam companies:

1. Regent Markets Pty. Ltd.
2. The Ariton Group Pty. Ltd
3. iTrade Index Solutions Pty Ltd.

All run by the same group of scammers. 👎
Is anyone going to this free seminar being held by this itradeindex / regentmarkets company / Apex investment services?

They want me to go there to part with another $8000 for a pile of poo!!! I have already lost of $15000 from these mongrels.

Vibe Hotel Conference room
27 Ferny Rd Avenue: Surfers Paradise - Australia
Tuesday 2nd AUGUST
6:30 - 9:00pm

We are considering going to get back our money lost from this company. - I hope Mr susonow or Mrs Barnyard has there cheque book ready!!!!
Is anyone going to this free seminar being held by this itradeindex / regentmarkets company / Apex investment services?

They want me to go there to part with another $8000 for a pile of poo!!! I have already lost of $15000 from these mongrels.

Vibe Hotel Conference room
27 Ferny Rd Avenue: Surfers Paradise - Australia
Tuesday 2nd AUGUST
6:30 - 9:00pm

We are considering going to get back our money lost from this company. - I hope Mr susonow or Mrs Barnyard has there cheque book ready!!!!

A friend of mine sent me this. (Listen to the audio track to hear what these guys are like).This Harry Omeros is an associate of Mr Sasonow and Ms Barnard of Regents Markets.

Then read this and this to see what these types of people really do to innocent traders
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We are considering going to get back our money lost from this company. - I hope Mr susonow or Mrs Barnyard has there cheque book ready!!!!

At least one of you should definitely go, at the very least you will save others from being scammed. Its not going to cost you anything so why not. I did it once when a famous scammer was doing a presentation at my local hotel, I just asked a few relevant questions and shot down a few of their claims, in the end everyone left without signing up, probably saved my neighbours 20,000 or 30,000 in total. Not that I got any thanks but that wasn't the point.
At least one of you should definitely go, at the very least you will save others from being scammed. Its not going to cost you anything so why not. I did it once when a famous scammer was doing a presentation at my local hotel, I just asked a few relevant questions and shot down a few of their claims, in the end everyone left without signing up, probably saved my neighbours 20,000 or 30,000 in total. Not that I got any thanks but that wasn't the point.


Excellent, I would have loved to have seen that. Actually, sounds like quite a fun way to spend an afternoon. Would you mind letting us know who that was (PM if you prefer)? 🙂
A friend of mine sent me this. (Listen to the audio track to hear what these guys are like).This Harry Omeros is an associate of Mr Sasonow and Ms Barnard of Regents Markets.

Then read this and this to see what these types of people really do to innocent traders

This Harry Omeros is a real chancer. Someone will drop a brick on him sooner or later. When you rip off that many people, sooner or later someone gets the bikies and other heavies in to collect the debt. It wont be pretty. 😢
His girlfriend is a bit of a looker. Wonder how she will like being in the slammer with all those nice girls with short hair and big muscles. :-0 :-0
Is anyone going to this free seminar being held by this itradeindex / regentmarkets company / Apex investment services?

They want me to go there to part with another $8000 for a pile of poo!!! I have already lost of $15000 from these mongrels.

Vibe Hotel Conference room
27 Ferny Rd Avenue: Surfers Paradise - Australia
Tuesday 2nd AUGUST
6:30 - 9:00pm

We are considering going to get back our money lost from this company. - I hope Mr susonow or Mrs Barnyard has there cheque book ready!!!!

If anyone goes to this seminar later today, please report back here with what happened.
Photos of these scoundrels would be a treat.
regent markets / Itradeindexsolutions are the same boiler room scam. operating out of main beach on the gold coast ran by con man ben sasonow and little miss ang barnard. well not really, fat ugly thing.
does anybody have any pictures of these crooks?
A friend of mine has paid over $10,000 for empty promises. they said he would make $1000 a week from the index markets but all they gave him was all losses. She wants to post pictures of all of them all over the world. so watch out fat n skinny Lisa is coming for u scammers
Is anyone going to this free seminar being held by this itradeindex / regentmarkets company / Apex investment services?

They want me to go there to part with another $8000 for a pile of poo!!! I have already lost of $15000 from these mongrels.

Vibe Hotel Conference room
27 Ferny Rd Avenue: Surfers Paradise - Australia
Tuesday 2nd AUGUST
6:30 - 9:00pm

We are considering going to get back our money lost from this company. - I hope Mr susonow or Mrs Barnyard has there cheque book ready!!!!

regent markets / Itradeindexsolutions are the same boiler room scam. operating out of main beach on the gold coast ran by con man ben sasonow and little miss ang barnard. well not really, fat ugly thing.
does anybody have any pictures of these crooks?
A friend of mine has paid over $10,000 for empty promises. they said he would make $1000 a week from the index markets but all they gave him was all losses. She wants to post pictures of all of them all over the world. so watch out fat n skinny Lisa is coming for u scammers

Ruckman first you say you lost $15K and then it was your friend "fat n skinny Lisa" and the figure turned into $10K.

Which one is it?....
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If called by this company, hang up the phone and call police.............

Unfortunately you are now unlilely to be called as they have gone msiing since November, not anwering phones nor e mails, alerts not being sent.
I am a paid sunscriber $8,800 for a 5 year sunscription), joining December 2010. There past hsitory of seven years success and provided betting details convinced me.
However, results never lived up to expectation. I kept meticulous records of every Alert, and the returns were never going to make anybody any money. They changed strategies throughout the year, particularly droppiing the 3rd hour bet whenI proved to them their numbers could never work.
I don`t know about a scam, but definitely provided misleading information about returns (their web site still says 80% of alerts are successful) and this is a serious offence.
For the record, I received over 900 alerts over 12 months with only a 50% success rate the first hour, doubling up the second and third compounded the losses if you did that. It could never make money, and I doubt it ever did over the 7 year purported history, that is where the directors are culpable and should be bought to account.

Hi Everyone who has posted on this.
I have just joined this site and been looking into Index trading. Yes I was one one the "bunny's" whom got caught out by pgi, I did alot of practice and trial trading with them first off (totally about a months worth) and it was sucessful. So I paid them, a week later they closed up shop, lost some serious coin, ok it was a bad choice......but!!! I like the concept and for me it did work, by the way I have nothing to do with any trading houses. Am now looking again at getting "into doing this" . Obviously sceptical at what company to join but keen.
Some may think I'm an idiot for going back but as I said, when I did trade "as they instructed" it did work for me.

Gary, I use to be with PGI and then moved over to Wagner and Wright. They did quite well till recently with trades going past the 3rd hour. I am trialling Simplicity Traders. They only do the 1st hour with less financial risk. Call Greg and tell him I referred you. He will give you a 2 week free trail which I am currently on. They do not guarantee a 100% but so far their wins have been more than loss.
SCAM,SCAM,SCAM,SCAM,SCAM.SCAM,SCAM,SCAM,SCAM,SCAM,SCAM,SCAM,SCAM,SCAM,SCAM,SCAM, another scam company just been set up by Mr Greg Greenway, Ben Sasonow & Angela Barnard the crooks that ripped off thousands off many of Australians. My friend purchased a package from Mr greenway when he did the alerts for Regent Markets and she lost $15000 and much more too poor trades. Simplicity Traders, Regent Markets, Apex Investment Services, Itrade index Solutions and PGI all boiler room businesses,all crooks. So Now its Mr Greg Greenway's turn to head the company and try and ripp you off for thousands. Greg my freind wants her money back - $15000 for the package and the $8000 for the crap alerts. Will be in touch you scum bag.
The earlier post GDG is greenway. Do you think people are stupid !
People BEWARE - another scam gold coast company trying to ripp you off
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Simplicity Trading Associates - Trading Dollars with Sense another scam company just been set up by Mr Greg Greenway, Ben Sasonow & Angela Barnard the crooks that ripped off thousands off many of Australians. My friend purchased a package from Mr greenway when he did the alerts for Regent Markets and she lost $15000 and much more too poor trades. Simplicity Traders, Regent Markets, Apex Investment Services, Itrade index Solutions and PGI all boiler room businesses,all crooks. So Now its Mr Greg Greenway's turn to head the company and try and ripp you off for thousands. Greg my freind wants her money back - $15000 for the package and the $8000 for the crap alerts. Will be in touch you scum bag.
The earlier post GDG is greenway. Do you think people are stupid !
People BEWARE - another scam gold coast company trying to ripp you off

This would be the company called SIMPLICITY TRADING ASSOCIATES ??

Are they at 7/20 Scarborough St Southport, QLD 4215 AUSTRALIA ??

At least you know where to go to collect your money. :clap: