Regent Markets Pty Ltd

dont be sorry 🙂

🙂 Thanks for your input though. Now that you mention it you would think that this company would have a facility through a banking institution for credit card payments not paypal. Was given an address on the Gold Coast via private message for Regent Markets which would explain the lack of activity at the mailbox number also shewolf.
🙂 Thanks for your input though. Now that you mention it you would think that this company would have a facility through a banking institution for credit card payments not paypal. Was given an address on the Gold Coast via private message for Regent Markets which would explain the lack of activity at the mailbox number also shewolf.

What was the address on the Gold Coast? I will get my ex to have a look.
And why is their office address on the website only a fake office/letterbox drop?
Just thought I would notify anyone scammed by these con artists Regent Markets, Apex, Ben and Angela. They are now working in a commercial apartment literally on top of each other scamming there way as usual. They dont work from a registered office as two many people are after them. Furthermore I don't think paypal would appreciate there activities considering it's illegal to purchase gambling systems with them. But hey every dog has there day! B
Hi, can anyone confirm that regent markets had 9 losses on Thursday night? Meaning that all of their alerts lost at the end of 3 hours?

Scam, scam scam Regents markets are scammers. Anyone interested in finding them they are all working in a high rise apartment in main beach, gold coast. You wonder why?????? The fact that they have ripped millions of dollars of innocent decent people just looking for a better life. The fact is they don't work from an office they have people crammed in hard selling on the phone....ever seem 'boiler room'?? Well that's what they do. Ben and Angela the directors I have a question for you. What experience have you had on the markets???? How many companies have you opened scammed then closed in the last few years???? Why do you spam google with crap about investors meetings???? How do you guys sleep at night??? I find it also interesting that you pass yourselves of as regent markets pty ltd....very clever or very stupid considering bet on markets wants to shut you down and surprising there owned by regent markets. I would also like to know if pay pal know you are using there services rip off poor innocent people with a cabling system that does not work...who are your analysts??? I bet you flip a coin. Be aware a lot of people are looking for you guys and I will be posting your new boiler room residential address for the public.... Hang on isn't it illegal to sell from a residential apartment with 10 or more sales staff. Sleep with an eye open as you never know what will happen and to the staff grow a conscience you know there history. Leave or your just as bad as them.
Scam, scam scam Regents markets are scammers. Anyone interested in finding them they are all working in a high rise apartment in main beach, gold coast. You wonder why?????? The fact that they have ripped millions of dollars of innocent decent people just looking for a better life. The fact is they don't work from an office they have people crammed in hard selling on the phone....ever seem 'boiler room'?? Well that's what they do. Ben and Angela the directors I have a question for you. What experience have you had on the markets???? How many companies have you opened scammed then closed in the last few years???? Why do you spam google with crap about investors meetings???? How do you guys sleep at night??? I find it also interesting that you pass yourselves of as regent markets pty ltd....very clever or very stupid considering bet on markets wants to shut you down and surprising there owned by regent markets. I would also like to know if pay pal know you are using there services rip off poor innocent people with a cabling system that does not work...who are your analysts??? I bet you flip a coin. Be aware a lot of people are looking for you guys and I will be posting your new boiler room residential address for the public.... Hang on isn't it illegal to sell from a residential apartment with 10 or more sales staff. Sleep with an eye open as you never know what will happen and to the staff grow a conscience you know there history. Leave or your just as bad as them.

There must be some sort of government department to shut these criminals down?
Just need the fraud squad to shut Ben and Angela down, the crooks that run Regent Markets. A little birdie informed me they are currently being investigated along with the staff working for them. So I quess it's just a matter of time before they will be shown on ACA or Today tonight and with any luck behind bars!!
Just need the fraud squad to shut Ben and Angela down, the crooks that run Regent Markets. A little birdie informed me they are currently being investigated along with the staff working for them. So I quess it's just a matter of time before they will be shown on ACA or Today tonight and with any luck behind bars!!

Wow, seems things are quite serious. Mind you there seems to be a substantial amount of these types of things out there. There are forums from here to Timbucktwo and back all stating Fraud Squad and Today Tonight yet nothing seems to be done about them.
We have rounded up quite a few clients and a couple of ex staff to take this further. I'm not sure if these guys realize the lives and families they have destroyed and continue destroying. Not that they would care living in their penthouse sipping moe on the clients expense. Ben and Angela give back the millions you owe and stop scamming. What comes up must come down and 90% of things you don't see coming. As a matter of interest how are the trades going of the new Regent Markets pty ltd????? Not suspended due to markets conditions are they???? Market conditions are perfect. New clients please post your results as I know they are shocking.
Hello there
Just wish to follow up with my report on my “extended” trial with the regents markets.

Further to the 22 losses i suffered in 9 days, a few days back,

i started receiving alerts this week

and tonight i had another 5 losses: swiss, French, e150, dutch and Belgian ( the uk and german won = 7 alerts all up.

The interesting, and the sickening, thing is that rm passed these losses as wins in their post trading report. I doubled and tripled my check for the losing trades and found it impossible that these alerts could have won. I love to be corrected with facts and figures, not just “we know what we do” b/s.

Any comments?
That's my point exactly they manipulate, steal, scam and pass on bogas results. They need to be stopped and won't be long now. What I would like to know is when a heavy announcement comes out the market is not generally going to turn around, yet they keep doubling in the same direction. You would have better odds on roulette and they won't charge you 8k to join. Can you post your profit table on here please Sydneysider?
as of 21 march - 20 april = 23 day ( 9 days no alerts)= 14 days

* 27 LOSSES ( i need 216 wins to make up for these losses: 27X8=216)
* 86 WINS: = i still need 130 winning trades to recoup my losses suffered in these 14 days.
as of 21 march - 20 april = 23 day ( 9 days no alerts)= 14 days

* 27 LOSSES ( i need 216 wins to make up for these losses: 27X8=216)
* 86 WINS: = i still need 130 winning trades to recoup my losses suffered in these 14 days.

That absolutely confirms thats Regent Markets Pty Ltd is a scam. Let's work towards getting these crooks shut down now. I have contacted FIDO and the ACCC to see what they have to say about this scam company.
Hi Flatoutnewbie, how did you go with fido and the accc with reporting regent markets pty ltd?
I have registered the information with them and quoted them this link as well as others online. They are currently investigating the information as well as dealing with other complaints about the directors of this company. Apparently they have owned a number of previous scams doing a similar type of thing.
Ive been quietly following this thread since I found this forum by accident almost 2 months ago and something smells very fishy about the whole thing. For starters, you are going to label a trading company as definitely being a scam because they have a bad run of trades over 2 weeks? If so then boy oh boy do I have some big ASX listed trading scams to tell you about from my personal experiences.

This thread consists of: Lots of very specific hatred + Very specific inside information + No specific/solid proof of wrongdoing= Fishy smell.

Investigator2011 some of your writing mannerisms and use of specific keywords in your postings are remarkably similar to those used by FlatOutNewbie (Thread starter). Perhaps a moderator would satisfy my paranoia by checking a few login IP addresses for any possible correlation?

Thats really just a stab in the dark and Im probably wrong but sometimes if you follow a stink you find a pile of sh--.

The only way I can figure that you would know as much as you do about this company Investigator2011 is if you were a disgruntled ex-employee or a jilted lover of someone there? Unless you really are some sort of Investigator… It seems like an investigator would probably spend more time and effort in actually gathering information rather than ranting and raving about the subject of their investigation anonymously on a forum…

Anyway, I apologise on the off chance you do have a legitimate problem with this Regent markets but I am very sceptical about your motives based on what Ive read so far. Corporate espionage anyone?
Hey Brekieshow, nice name by the way. Firstly you odviously work for the company to be writing in defense of regent markets at 5:12am. You must be very bored or let me take a stab in the dark.......are you one of the directors by any chance?
For everyone's else's information just type in regent markets scam and you will see the truth and how this company is run.
As a matter of interest have read all 7 pages of this blog??? I will keep posting as I'm taking a stand for 100's of clients that have been screwed some over 20k by these scammers.
Ive been quietly following this thread since I found this forum by accident almost 2 months ago and something smells very fishy about the whole thing. For starters, you are going to label a trading company as definitely being a scam because they have a bad run of trades over 2 weeks? If so then boy oh boy do I have some big ASX listed trading scams to tell you about from my personal experiences.

This thread consists of: Lots of very specific hatred + Very specific inside information + No specific/solid proof of wrongdoing= Fishy smell.

Investigator2011 some of your writing mannerisms and use of specific keywords in your postings are remarkably similar to those used by FlatOutNewbie (Thread starter). Perhaps a moderator would satisfy my paranoia by checking a few login IP addresses for any possible correlation?

Thats really just a stab in the dark and Im probably wrong but sometimes if you follow a stink you find a pile of sh--.

The only way I can figure that you would know as much as you do about this company Investigator2011 is if you were a disgruntled ex-employee or a jilted lover of someone there? Unless you really are some sort of Investigator… It seems like an investigator would probably spend more time and effort in actually gathering information rather than ranting and raving about the subject of their investigation anonymously on a forum…

Anyway, I apologise on the off chance you do have a legitimate problem with this Regent markets but I am very sceptical about your motives based on what Ive read so far. Corporate espionage anyone?

hey brekkie,
as someone who is too fair, senstive and impartial i expected you to back up your emotionla defence with evidence, with figures to prove that "This thread consists of: Lots of very specific hatred". without any facts and figures such assertion is nothing but a desperate, emotional defence of a company that is heading down the same hole pgi went in before. also let me ask you these quick questions: are a late-night defender doing it for the pure sake of justice and fairness? or are you an employee paid to this? or are you a happy and profit-making client? if you're the first then keep your b/s for yourself, if you're the second then we would like to know, if you're the third, which i doubt very much, then where are your figures? check mine and try to prove me wrong.

your must be very worried bird writing your defence at 5 am!!!!!!
Well said Sydneysider....oh Brekieshow I also have a question. I find it interesting that you accidentally stumble upon this blog and then decide to follow it if you have apparently no active interest in the company. You comments reflect that regent markets is a scam and accuse me of being an exemployee of the company or had a relaionship issue or breakdown with a exemployee. That proves your trying the deflect the real issue and protect the scammers. Attention everybody google regent markets scammmmmm and apex and see what comes up then serve it pm a platter on this site addressed to Breckieshow so he can eat his words again at 5am.

Also for your information I odviuosly know and have done investigations to know what I have posted. I would swear in court to back up everything I have said. You talk about company espionage???????? I smell damage control. We will not go away and for your information the scamming pricks ripped me off 20k with apex and promised a refund that I didn't receive.

Hope your reading this Ben sutherlad- regent markets director. Or is this Breckieshow hahaha what a joke. Regent markets is a scam scam scam scam con job!!!!
I have an old boyfriend who lives and works in Brisbane which is where Regent Markets Pty Ltd is located. Their website gives their address as Suite 226 192 Ann St Brisbane. I asked my ex boyfriend to visit the office for me and get some details.
He has told me that the address 'Suite 226 192 Ann St Brisbane' is just a letter box drop address. It is the address of MBE business services which is a letter box place that allows people to refer to each of the letter boxes as Suites.
So Suite 226 is really just letter box 226 with NO office.
My ex said that it is very suspect for a legitimate business to work that way and said that it would be very difficult to have any real contact with them if I ever paid them any money. And the costs of the system are outrageously expensive at $8800 and more. It looks like a scam to me.

It seems that their real address is LEVEL 26 / UNIT 46 (PENTHOUSE) / 20 CRONIN AVE. MAIN BEACH / QUEENSLAND / AUSTRALIA

Their real names are Ben Yuri Sasonow , Luke Mc Donald and Angela-Marie Barnard. This complaint is worth reading, especially the notes at the bottom of the complaint

Anyone got any photos of them? We could all have a look.