Hiya Redart
I see that you're UK based. Doesnt that mean you can spread bet stocks using leverage so the 25k requirement does not really apply? Spread betting stocks and FX seems no different to me in terms of the capital involved. In fact over longer tfs stocks actually offer the ability to have tighter stops relative to the stake/pip (Or am I missing something??) I know you intraday trade, but for me as a 4hr/Daily tf trader my attraction to FX rather than stocks is not capital-related but down to the overnight gap potential - I find that a tad worrysome ..... 🙂
Yes, I wouldn't feel particularly comfortable swing trading stocks (either spreabet or Directaccess) due to the risk of gaps, as you say.
Unfortunately, my experience has been very negative with EVERY spreadbet firm (and ive been with 'em all!) when it comes to daytrading stocks.
The HUGE spreads (some stocks can have a 1c spread on the 'real' market and a 14c spread with a spreadbet firm). Its a huge difference and would greatly affect the results ive been having with a demo Direct access account.
They also tend to be slower in filling trades on stocks than they are on things like fx and indicies. This was worse with CMC. It was as though I was the only person on their books trading a particular stock, and it was like they were checking the price of the stock for 15 seconds to make sure they were upto date and I wasn't trying to pull a fast one, before they'd fill the trade.
There's also the issue of certain stocks not being quoted by spreadbet firms.
Often im wishing to trade stocks that aren't listed by Smartlive (who actually quote more stocks than other spreadbet firms i've been with)
It just isn't really feasable, unfortunately.
If I had 25k I definitely trade stocks with a direct access broker. It's MUCH easier in my experience. But I dont, so im just gonna have to carry on as I am and see if I can make anythingg trading FX.