Red hot penny shares


Junior member
does anyone subscribe to the red hot penny shares magazine and is prepared to list the tips that they give? Also let the forum know how successful they were using the magazine
Personally why buy penny shares? maybe 2% will turn out to be a good bet and with peny shares you are betting rather then investing. My experience is that systems are poor, if they offer you proof that it works be cautious, for every winning investment they will not show you the 10 loses.
does anyone subscribe to the red hot penny shares magazine and is prepared to list the tips that they give? Also let the forum know how successful they were using the magazine

I remember looking at their sales-pitch once a few years back. When you read the fine print, they will tell you that the average profit on their trades is 13%, but that applies to the mid-price before bid-ask spread is applied. Look at the spreads on most AIM penny stocks and I think you have your answer 😎
I did subscribe to one of the main newsletters for a year. Overall made a loss. Funny that.
lol, tim sykes is such a retard, i am sure there is a video of him on youtube trying to advertise his book whilst drunk...but seriously if you see wall street warriors you can see he doesn't have a clue.
yeh he is a cocky little pri*k in WSW , hence why i approached him with a 'lol' attitude. but his picks speak for themselves, although his account hasn't totally kaboomed like it did in the bubble i still think he has found a method to approach penny stocks- not many people can actually profit from them.
how has he found a method? he lost all his money. and it doesn't matter cos he can't trade.
the guy made huge losses and now hes runnning a blog advising trades which bring him $80,000/month from adverts.
yeh he lost 700k of his hedge fund because he got trapped in an investment in an IPO pretty much. He had loads of restricted shares, at one point if he sold he would have made 300k ish. the ticket company lost its clients and the share price tanked, he couldnt sell and when he could his selling caused price to head lower. It's a shame cos prior to that f*** up his fund was doing very well.
does anyone subscribe to the red hot penny shares magazine and is prepared to list the tips that they give? Also let the forum know how successful they were using the magazine

There's a reason they are called penny shares you know...i'll let you figure it out.

Does anyone have any data that shows failure rates of these errrrrr speculative co's ?
the only person i would trust in penny stocks is tim sykes- cool guy. Short Selling Penny Stocks

lol, invest in a penny stock??? tim focuses on shorting the pieces of crap when they run up

You must be kidding me? That internet troll and marketing pro???

Timothy Sykes is a total conn artist. I got a marketing campaign claiming this charlatan made over $30 million from trading, signed by his "accountant". Total crock and bull. This joker is not only making smaller and smaller profits every year, but in ten years he has only made $2.4 million. And that includes his lucky gambling profits during the bull market when he didn't have a clue what he was doing and made his $1.6 million from sheer beginners luck. Any novice could make money during the bull market.

Sykes is a total sham.