Reborn Clean & Green

Looks like they had a great time.

I used to bartend at weddings at the country club & it is a lot of fun to attend. Everyone is in such a great mood & so happy.

Wish I was there with them, but happy they all had a good time.
I do have a really nice family. Even if I'm unable to start a family of my own, i can still enjoy life as an uncle. Kids are so cool & watching them grow up is priceless. I was able to enjoy Mabel's first Thanksgiving, Maxwell's first trip to the golf course & bowling alley.

Hope we have a nice day on the market today.

I'll message you all later today.
Good Morning All.

A new week is upon us.

I am doing well.

Green Graphs for Green Companies.

Don't quit or give up until we achieve that great Success.
I got to go to the local park with Maxwell & Mabel yesterday. We played some cornhole, swung on the swings, slid down the slides & had a very nice afternoon.
Glad I'm free to spend time with family.

Mabel really warmed up to me yesterday as well.

She was so happy to see me.

Kids are so cool & precious.

I'm not sure what the market is doing but I really hope we all enjoy a nice week.
Hi guys & gals.

I was able to get some help with my mental health and feel well enough to post again.

Positive music helps me to stay happy healthy & stable. Really enjoy this track hope you all do as well.