Real time tick data for *all* NASDAQ, NYSE, and AMEX stocks

As promised, just a quick update to let you know that our public beta will start in the coming weeks. We have uploaded a few videos which demonstrate one of three functional views of our software, the "Market" view, which provides real-time intraday market-breadth indicators such as money flows and advance/decline lines for the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX. You can watch the videos from here:

Any comments/criticism is welcome.
Here's a few suggestions:

1. Make the API open. Publish both the API source and the protocol specification, as do OpenTick : Free Streaming Network

2. No local servers - and especially no local Windows servers that do caching etc. API should connect direct to the remote tick servers.

3. Platform independent. C, Java and whatever other languages you want to support.

Our Data API is now cross-platform, available on Windows, Linux, and OS X.

Having used many different API's over the years, I truly believe that ours is by far the quickest (and simplest) to use. You can get up to speed with market-wide streaming feeds (offering quotes & trades for all ~8,000 shares listed on NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX) in 10 minutes or less (try it!).

We are needing feedback on this, particularly from Linux/Mac users, so any comments or constructive critisism would be appreciated.

You can find more info on our website: FuturePrice
If you want to get a whole range of financial data API in real-time, you need to check out this site. This site will give you the most up-to-date information on a financial data feed.