Real Time Signal for ES E-Mini S&P 500 Futures Contract

I just hopped on here - are you actually trading these yourself? Are you making a +ve return? Sorry to be candid in my questions - looks interesting though.

Thank you for your attention, actually I don't know why are you asking this?
if i don't trade how can i generate the signals?
how the signal's Win Rate are reasonable ?

September 29, 2010 Trades Results

No of Trades:5
Profitable Trades:3
Gross Loss: (4.5) Points
Gross Profit:10 Points
Total P/L: 5.5 Points
Profit Factor: 2.22
Win Rate: %60

Thanks GOD
ES E-MINI S&P Real Time Trading Signal No.1
L : 1136.5 SL:1135 T:1139.75
Time: 1:30 AM ET Date: Sep 30, 2010
ES E-MINI S&P Real Time Trading Signal No.2
L : 1134.5 SL:1133 T:1139.75
Time: 2;12 AM ET Date: Sep 30, 2010
Hello Everyone

As per your Suggestions, finally I have decided to change the format of Signals Alert as below:

ES E-MINI S&P Real Time Trading Signal No.
L= LONG (1st place )
S= SHORT (1st Place )
/SL= STOP LOSS ( 2nd Place )
/T= Target ( 3rd Place )
Time Date:

As I'm sending this alert on twitter & Facebook and there is no live time stamp there, So I can't remove the time and date stamp.

Thanks for your good and useful suggestion.

Winborn Traders
Last edited:
The stamp is on the left hand side of the post, which will be displayed in the readers time zone...

Probably better than what you have now...
ES E-MINI S&P Real Time Trading Signal No.3
L: 1145.25 /SL: 1143.75 /T: 1148.25
Time: 9:17 AM ET Date: Sep 30, 2010
ES E-MINI S&P Real Time Trading Signal No.3
Target Moved to 1149.75
Time: 10:27 AM ET Date: Sep 30, 2010
ES E-MINI S&P Real Time Trading Signal No.4
L: 1145.25 /SL: 1143.75 /T: 1148.25
Time: 10:51 AM ET Date: Sep 30, 2010
ES E-MINI S&P Real Time Trading Signal No.5
L: 1142.25 /SL: 1139.75 /T: 1149.75
Time: 10:58 AM ET Date: Sep 30, 2010
ES E-MINI S&P Real Time Trading Signal No.6
L: 1137.5 /SL: 1135.75 /T: 1139.75
Time: 11:19 AM ET Date: Sep 30, 2010
ES E-MINI S&P Real Time Trading Signal No.6
Target Moved to 1141.75
Time: 11:21 AM ET Date: Sep 30, 2010