ADVFN compatability with Quotetracker


First post and apologies if this topic has been covered.

I'm trying to configure QT to import a data feed from my ADVFN subscription - which according to QT is supported.

However, the only live information I can display are the indices (100, techmark, AIM etc) - I can't display equities as per my ADVFN monitor.

I've emailed ADVFN and they say they don't support - yet I can still get the indices - so surely there must be a way! I figure they just don't want to help because it's not their software (BTW why don't they have a standalone platform?).

Has anyone successfully configured QT to show the L2 and live charts using an ADVFN stream recently? If so, could you please let me know how to go about it, as I can't find any tutorials.

Thanks and regards,
did you get this sorted ?

you were looking for support in the wrong place

advfn does not support quotetracker as you correctly found out
but quotetracker supports advfn not via there co-operation though

been using that conbination for years with moneyam for backfill

you can find support for this on our QTusers forum at QTusers Forum - Index
did you get this sorted ?

you were looking for support in the wrong place

advfn does not support quotetracker as you correctly found out
but quotetracker supports advfn not via there co-operation though

been using that conbination for years with moneyam for backfill

you can find support for this on our QTusers forum at QTusers Forum - Index

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction CR, checking it out now! 👍