RE: Competition

I reckon Psion ( PON ) has had enough of a kicking and may rebound somewhat.
Put me down for RED. Thanks

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dabrom:
I reckon Psion ( PON ) has had enough of a kicking and may rebound somewhat.
Sorry, dunno what happened!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hill Farmer:
Put me down for RED. Thanks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Hi Pigsy,

Tomorrow night will be too late I am afraid..just get in before it is too late...

"Okay; I'll run the competition, starts Thursday (opening bell) so entries before then please! Will end 30 Nov (next Thurs.) I'll create a pretty-looking table, upload it to the web-site and link it back here for all to see."
Dont worry Pigsy, i thought it was tonight too.
It gives 'D. ellery' a chance to play the power game though....typical sending someone off whose not even playing.To busy counting his ill gotten gains perhaps.
He he
What chance have we got with you pair - timing is all important in this game. Mind you Steve I'd have thought like Alex Ferguson you would always be looking at your watch. Pigsy can be excused for being busy on site improvements. Where is Uncles selection??

How about a head to head???

If you want to pick a share each and post your selection to this thread by midnight tonight I will monitor your performance against each other running alongside the main comp.

Go for it!!! Any side bets???

Uncle = 1/1 even money
Shelman = 6/4
Pigsy = 3/1

Prices based on past performance.

Shelman: Not sure why, but theres seems to be some sort of caching problem with the Bulletin Board. So when you add a new reply, or sometimes when you check a topic for neew posts, instead of getting the most recent page from the site, it uses a page cached earlier in your browser. If your using Internet Explorer, hold down Control and click the Refresh button on your toolbar. What this does is force the browser to download the page from the server and not your broswer cache.

But fear not, as thsi weekend I will try to iron out these annying little bugs, its probably some option in the admin section of the BB.

Cookie only just read your post re the challenge of head to head. See you got me as favourite..........dont know why, but if you want to select one from opening bell Monday 27th accept. Let me know an am sure Steve and anyone else will accept depending on the odds.

First a Ref now a Bookie.......Oh what talents the man has!!!!!


[This message has been edited by Uncle (edited 24-11-2000).]
David.......Keep your money in your pocket, I am not in the market except for this bit of fun, which is just our Cookie happy or he might just go off to Spain sooner, rather than later, if he thinks we dont want to play.

Cookie I am going with Nycomed Amersham (NAM) see you at first bell Monday.

Good luck to all

I,ll have Misys (MSY) please david.
Sorry i meant Cookie

[This message has been edited by shelman (edited 27-11-2000).]