Random Reboots


Established member
I came across a problem at the weekend that had me stumped. My PC (Win2000 pro) kept rebooting without warning after about 40 mins. The first 2 occasions I lost a piece of work that I was preparing, and I put the problem down to momentary powercuts or fluctuations as there were thunderstorms all over the place. However, the problem persisted.

Eventually my wife wanted a piece of work from her laptop printing, so she gave me a disc which I went to insert in the floppy drive. The disc would not go in, although the eject button was not in. There was already a disc in the drive which was not fully inserted. I removed the disc, inserted the new one to print, and no more random reboots!

So don't assume that it is a power or software problem - I would never have thought of checking the floppy drive, and even less would I have thought that a partially inserted floppy would cause this type of problem.
Well at least you can now trade without the worry of random re-boots just as you are about to close your trade.

Quite. Fortunately all was resolved on Sunday - as the PC would have been completely unusable for trading with the random reboot problem.
Perhaps you haven't got the sort of intelligent dog Roger has. If he doesn't get taken for a walk because his master is trading, he has his ways of b*******g up the computer to get his own way.
Well one of my cats once jumped onto my lap when I was trading, stood on the keyboard and initiated a trade via TWS. Closed out in a panic for break-even (me, that is, not the cat).
The cat may be better than me at trading, though 😀
I think what Mr Charts had in mind with our dog will be similar to the need to chip him off the lamp post on a frosty morning! 😀