Quotes Thread!

Don't just judge a person by the size of their wallet but by the size of their heart.

yours truly
Enjoy change! Savor the adventure and enjoy the taste of new
" They came on in the same old way and we beat them in the same old way ".

Duke of Wellington
Veni, Vidi, Vici

Julius Caesar

( I came, I rolled off, I slept )

Be ready to change quickly and enjoy it again and again. Keep
moving with the cheese.

Spencer Johnson, M.D.
To all traders:

You guys need to learn to use your own initiative and apply situational differentiation to similar situations.

Religion creates lunatic fanaticism.

From Kingdom of Heaven (film) (crap)(got a good quote in though)
Interesting stuff.

Some people see the world through a filter of optimism: They always make lemonade from the lemons, no matter what happens. Others see the world through a filter of pessimism; they always find the cloud in the silver lining.

It's a truism of life that the optimists are always more successful than the pessimists, but that raises a crucial questions: how can you change your attitude to be more optimistic? The answer? Change the words that you use every day to describe your experience.

Here are some quick language tricks that can change your attitude.

1. Stop using negative phrases ... such as "I can't," "It's impossible," or "This won't work." Such statements program your mind to look for negative results.

2. When asked "How are you?" ... respond with "Terrific!" or "Fabulous!" or "I've never felt better!" rather than a depressing "OK" or "Getting by."

3. Stop complaining ... about things over which you have no control—such as the economy, your company, or your customers.

4. Stop griping ... about your personal problems and illnesses. What good does it do, other than to depress you and everyone else?

5. Substitute neutral words ... for emotionally loaded ones. For example, rather than saying “I'm enraged!” say “I'm a bit annoyed”—or, better yet, “I've got a real challenge.”

6. Expunge profanity and obscenity ... from your vocabulary. Such words are always signs of a lazy mind that can't think of something really witty to say.

Rules 1 through 4 came from Jeff Keller, author of the bestseller Attitude Is Everything. Rule 5 come from Tony Robbins. Rule 6, as it happens, comes from my mother.

Geoffrey James

Nice ones, Atilla.

"Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything, or creating anything. Period. If you ain't desperate at some point, you ain't interesting."

- Jim Carrey
Interesting stuff.

Some people see the world through a filter of optimism: They always make lemonade from the lemons, no matter what happens. Others see the world through a filter of pessimism; they always find the cloud in the silver lining.

It's a truism of life that the optimists are always more successful than the pessimists, but that raises a crucial questions: how can you change your attitude to be more optimistic? The answer? Change the words that you use every day to describe your experience.

Here are some quick language tricks that can change your attitude.

1. Stop using negative phrases ... such as "I can't," "It's impossible," or "This won't work." Such statements program your mind to look for negative results.

2. When asked "How are you?" ... respond with "Terrific!" or "Fabulous!" or "I've never felt better!" rather than a depressing "OK" or "Getting by."

3. Stop complaining ... about things over which you have no control—such as the economy, your company, or your customers.

4. Stop griping ... about your personal problems and illnesses. What good does it do, other than to depress you and everyone else?

5. Substitute neutral words ... for emotionally loaded ones. For example, rather than saying “I'm enraged!” say “I'm a bit annoyed”—or, better yet, “I've got a real challenge.”

6. Expunge profanity and obscenity ... from your vocabulary. Such words are always signs of a lazy mind that can't think of something really witty to say.

Surely it depends on to whom you are talking ?
Always depress the opposition on every opportunity imho
"I ain't got no quarrel with them Viet Cong... No Viet Cong ever called me nigger"

Muhammad Ali

The West could do with memorizing that and it's context. Might save us all much hassel and grief.
"All right, then nobody can complain if we ask pregnant women to make parachute jumps."

Colonel Gadaffi defending his belief that women's "defects" meant that their place was in the home. 1975