Pavlec - consider that what you are looking for cannot be found. If you are looking for a mechanical set of rules with a positive expectency, then your search will be long and fruitless.
Note that my presumption here is you are day trading - adjust as necessary if not.
What you never get with searching is experience and this is the holy grail. You are in a catch 22 situation. You can't have a journal because you don't have a strategy but you wont get a strategy if you don't have a journal.
The journal builds experience, it doesn't have to be here but it does have to be somewhere.
If you want something to start on - pick a US index futures market and fade the overnight highs and lows. If you do this every day, you will learn a lot about that market and how it moves. With experience you will begin to get a feel for when those highs and lows will hold and when they wont.
If you want to trade Europe hours - pick a market on the Eurex and trade breakouts. Same deal with the journal.
Do this with no indicators on your screen - just the price. Add in a DOM/Time and Sales if it's not too distracting. Don't bother with any market internals like TRIN, TICK, PREM etc. etc.
At the end of the day, the market you choose will tell you what to concentrate on more. How does that market behave ? Don't focus in individual candles - look at how the whole day develops. The more days you watch, the more you get a feel for it. This is what you are missing, not some entry technique.
I think this is very good advice and should be followed. My question is how does the DOM/Time and Sales help? What should you be looking? Do you know anywhere i can find some information on how to use it in my trading.