Question on my options


Haha not my stock options

I'm posting because I just want to get some feedback from everyone around here on my current situation.

I'm 23 years old and I just moved to the United States from Canada to pursue a career in finance. For the last year I was an analyst for a medical device market research firm. I published a lot of material along side another analyst who happened to have a CFA. He turned me on to the world of finance. I've since dabbled in the stock market for the last 6 months using a position trading strategy. I've more than doubled my money and I've realized this is something I'm really passionate about and, at least it would seem, have *some* kind of natural talent for.

I know financial firms place a strong emphasis on education so I'll state where I'm at in those terms:

B.Sc. in Astrophysics from one of the top 7 universities in the field, although a non-'Ivy' by American standards. It is basically an Ivy in Canada as it is #2 there. It's apparently ranked higher than brown and duke..if that matters? My overall GPA was a 3.2, which is above average for the program I was in. It was higher in the beginning when I wasn't working (3.7+) but it dropped because I was busy running 2 businesses, and a radio show. I think the skills I developed in those ventures outweighed the difference between an A and B so I basically got all B's. I figured it showed I was smart enough to grasp it, but I'd rather be a radio personality , work on my people skills and entrepreneurship, etc.

I want to get into prop trading with a reputable firm (i.e. no scams or money deposits). I know my track record in trading is too short to be of any *real* value, but I think at best it should help show I'm at least trainable when in front of the right people. What do you guys think? I haven't started applying yet but I want to know what kind of options I have in the field at least from a hiring perspective. I am a good salesman, stellar at math and I should also add that I'm managing a new 10K fund that is doing just as well as my portfolio.

Be real with me people, tell me my odds, options, etc. Grind me out if you have to, but take it easy on me, I'm new to this field but it is my passion, just wish I knew about it earlier.
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